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License 28/05/2024 at 02:40 #156385
5 posts
I purchased Sydney a couple of hours ago via Paypal. I accepted the license, when I attempted to run it it prompted me to purchase the sim. This I already did. The option to allocate the license to my machine was not available (shaded out). Can someone please advise.

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License 28/05/2024 at 03:42 #156386
1620 posts
And just to confirm, you are logged in to the loader software with the same credentials as you use to log in to the website?
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The following user said thank you: Coolah55
License 28/05/2024 at 04:36 #156387
5 posts
Yes, I am
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License 28/05/2024 at 14:49 #156392
6391 posts
Can you post a screenshot of the Loader, on the sim selection screen with Sydney selected please?
SimSig Boss
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License 29/05/2024 at 00:17 #156402
5 posts
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Sydney Box
You do not own a licence, or you're not logged in, or it is allocated to a different device, but you can preview it for a short time.
Buy Now!
Sydney Signal Box - Redfern, NSW, Australia
Version: 2.8
C:lUEEns\FubLictDocuments Sirsio 5imuLotions 15yaneysw.sim

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License 29/05/2024 at 00:22 #156403
6391 posts
Thanks, but I was looking for an actual screen grab, not the text.
SimSig Boss
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License 29/05/2024 at 00:27 #156404
5 posts
Hi Geoff, I had my machine upgraded to Windows 10 a few weeks ago. When I picked up my computer from the shop the first thing I did was try to access Simsig using my old name of Coolah. This was unsuccessful. I changed my name to Coolah55, and after some corresponding with Simsig was able to lock my sims to this machine. Now, when I log onto the loader I still use the name "Coolah". I'm guessing this is where the problem lies. I tried "Coolah55" with no success.
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License 29/05/2024 at 00:30 #156405
1050 posts
Coolah55 in post 156404 said:
Hi Geoff, I had my machine upgraded to Windows 10 a few weeks ago. When I picked up my computer from the shop the first thing I did was try to access Simsig using my old name of Coolah. This was unsuccessful. I changed my name to Coolah55, and after some corresponding with Simsig was able to lock my sims to this machine. Now, when I log onto the loader I still use the name "Coolah". I'm guessing this is where the problem lies. I tried "Coolah55" with no success.
Heya Coolah55

Could you present a screengrab of the loader homescreen, the same as I have provided here.


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License 29/05/2024 at 00:46 #156406
6391 posts
Coolah55 in post 156404 said:
Hi Geoff, I had my machine upgraded to Windows 10 a few weeks ago. When I picked up my computer from the shop the first thing I did was try to access Simsig using my old name of Coolah. This was unsuccessful. I changed my name to Coolah55, and after some corresponding with Simsig was able to lock my sims to this machine. Now, when I log onto the loader I still use the name "Coolah". I'm guessing this is where the problem lies. I tried "Coolah55" with no success.
Ah, ok. I can see the my PayPal notifications come from the same email address so I've put Sydney Box onto your coolah account (with your other purchases). Hope this sorts things. If you can log into this website with that username instead of coolah55 that would be good please.

SimSig Boss
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License 29/05/2024 at 03:38 #156407
5 posts
All issues resolved. Thanks Damien.
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