Train traverses a point keyed in reverse as it would be in normal position

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Train traverses a point keyed in reverse as it would be in normal position 28/06/2024 at 07:50 #157698
21 posts
I had a track section failure at Crewe that locked points PCE719 in reverse (towards Gresty lane).
1F48 was approaching from Madeley on the Down Slow and booked to call at platform 11 at Crewe. Signalled route is not available because of the failure. I keyed the points manually to circumnavigate the failure via the Down Fast, then authorized the driver to pass signal at danger. When the train traverses point PCE741B (keyed in reverse towards platform 11), it continues towards platform 6 (which requires the point to be in the normal position) instead of 11.

The attached save is before the train gets permission to pass the signal.

Technical info:
OS: Windows 10 Home 64bit
Loader: SimSig Loader version 5.29; Sim: Simulation Crewe; data version 1.3
License: Dynamic license in use
TT: Crewe Friday 21st July 2023 v1.1.0
TT filename: Crewe Friday 21st July 2023.WTT
TT merged: False
Sim upgrade: False
Loader upgrade: False
Save reloaded: True
NERA2015 active at start
NERA_DCI_OOU active at start
NERA_DED_OOU active at start
NTORR_DISABLED active at start
NLX_ON active at start
NCROSSINGS active at start
NEXTRA_AUTOS_OFF active at start
NABON_FRINGE_ON active at start
NBLOCK_FRINGE active at start
NABON_INTERNAL_ON active at start
NBLOCK_INTERNAL active at start
NPROBLEMS active at start
NLOW active at start
NNORMAL active at start
NSALOP choice 1

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Train traverses a point keyed in reverse as it would be in normal position 28/06/2024 at 08:32 #157699
1050 posts
Good morning

What a great catch. PCE741B end are not behaving at all.

Mantis 41053 for attention.


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