Reason of Freight Train stop at Lo Wu Yard discovered---in a court case...

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Reason of Freight Train stop at Lo Wu Yard discovered---in a court case... 13/07/2024 at 03:03 #157823
40 posts
If anyone wonder why the hell KCR arranged freight train stop at Lo Wu Yard instead of going straight through Lo Wu to ShenZhen (after interrupting 4 stopper and caused chaos), heres why...

In case [香港特別行政區 訴 徐盛 (XU SHENG)] (HKSAR v XU SHENG), CACC 355/2012 in HKSAR, PRC, the judge for some reason decided to spend a few paragraph just to discuss how cross-border freight operated, at time of 1999.

(Translated in english first, original below)

The Operation of Rail Freight Service to Mainland

[7] It will be easier to understand the case if I *(Judge)* brief the rail freight system from Hong Kong to ShenZhen.

[8] If one intended to send goods to Mainland, owner must, via the service of a number of selected carrier, namely [中國鐵路服務香港有限公司] *[China Railway Service HK Ltd, CRSHK]*, OR [香港中旅貨運有限公司] *[China Travel Service Freight Ltd, CTSF]*, OR [捷勝貨運有限公司] *[JS]*, to contact the Kowloon Canton Railway (KCR). CRSHK, CTSF, and JS will be responsible for submitting the documents to Mainland Customs for Cargo Declaration and Clearance.

[9] Once the goods were delivered to KCR's yards in intermodal containers, KCR will load the container on train via the outsourced [培記] *[PK]*. The yard master at loading point will then inform yard master of Lo Wu on the freight wagons.

[10] The wagons and containers shall be sealed with different number sequences, BUT the empty containers will merely warped in place by iron wire. Hong Kong Custom's inspector will verify documents of Declaration and may inspect the containers.

[11] The said Lo Wu Yard's purpose was to shunt the wagons around as they came from different yards. The loaded wagons will be shunt to the front and empty at rear. After shunting the KCR staff will record the wagon number on a Daily Dispatch List and record which wagon was from which carrier (who should be responsible to contact the customs). IF a wagon number has NO carrier code, then it was empty.

[12] The said Daily Dispatch List was for the KCR sales retrieve the costs from owners, and the same list will be faxed from Lo Wu Yard Master to Signaller of ShenZhen---GuangZhou Railway and Station Master at ShenZhen North, as the freight wagons will be pulled to Shen Zhen North station for further shunting and formation.


7. 簡單地認識一下香港至深圳的鐵路貨運系統,會更容易掌握本案的案情。

8. 如有貨物經鐵路輸往內地,貨主必須經指定的承運商即中國鐵路服務香港有限公司(「中服」)、香港中旅貨運有限公司(「中旅」)或捷勝貨運有限公司(「捷勝」)委託「九鐵」承運。「中服」、「中旅」和「捷勝」也負責向內地海關提交進口報關及清關文件。

9. 當貨物送到「九鐵」的貨場後,「九鐵」會安排它們的專用外判商(「培記」)進行拆櫃裝卡的工作。完成後,貨場的當值主任會將運載貨物的貨卡的資料通知羅湖調車場的當值主任。

10. 貨卡在上貨後會被不同序號的封條封上。空的貨卡則只會被鐵線扣好。另外,香港海關的當值督察會查閱批核從貨主收到的出口報關文件,甚或對貨卡作出抽查。

11. 剛提到的羅湖調車場,它的作用其實是要把在不同貨場上貨的「九鐵」貨卡,重新調車。有載貨的貨卡(稱「庄車」、「重車」)會調到車頭,空的貨卡(「吉斗」)會調到車尾。此外,「九鐵」職員會按調車後的貨卡排序,順序將貨卡車號填報在一張內部文件「每日調度表」(又稱「送車紙」)上。貨卡車號旁邊還會註明負責向內地報關及清關的代辦公司 –「中庄」代表「中旅」、「捷庄」代表「捷勝」、「中服」代表「中服」。如果貨卡車號旁邊沒有任何文字或註明,即代表該貨卡為吉斗。

12. 送車紙的主要作用,是讓「九鐵」的銷售部按著向貨主收運費。此外,羅湖調車場的當值主任,也會以傳真方式,把送車紙傳送至深廣鐵路調度部和深圳北站作跟進及分組

Last edited: 13/07/2024 at 03:03 by KCRCRailway
Reason: None given

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