Train incapable to stop on own at DNUP Main?

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Train incapable to stop on own at DNUP Main? 08/09/2024 at 08:43 #158458
40 posts
See attached.
Issue: 5D50, when routed through DNUP Main,miscalled "Need to stop at Chester", after cancelled route 83-89 and F2-Shunt, despite at same location 5D50 recognized it was indeed stopping at Chester and then proceed as usual.
Method: 5D50 at this save should stop at UP Warrington for reverse back to station, set route clear through DNUP Main, then route 5D50 to DNUP Main.
Routing: 89-101, 83-89, 532-83, 528-532

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Train incapable to stop on own at DNUP Main? 08/09/2024 at 18:35 #158462
6391 posts
It's booked into platform 3, which, I am told, is to pick up a guard. So the train querying the route is correct here.
SimSig Boss
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The following user said thank you: KCRCRailway
Train incapable to stop on own at DNUP Main? 10/09/2024 at 05:14 #158476
40 posts
GeoffM in post 158462 said:
It's booked into platform 3, which, I am told, is to pick up a guard. So the train querying the route is correct here.
Well, guess the poor guard decided he will just climb up the train at DNUP Line while driver talking to me!

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