1V07 Wat - Pzed May 2000

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1V07 Wat - Pzed May 2000 14/09/2024 at 10:54 #158522
14 posts
Hi all, just a query about a W&W service which appears in the May 2000 WTT -- 1V07 05.05 London Waterloo - Penzance (1C07 06:02 from Reading on Mondays). Does anyone know what the return working of this was from Penzance? I can’t find anything obviously offering itself up in the May 2000 PC WTT. Thanks in advance
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1V07 Wat - Pzed May 2000 14/09/2024 at 13:52 #158525
officer dibble
410 posts
If my memory serves me correctly, it formed 1M03 1234 Birmingham New Street.
When in doubt - Contingency plan 2A. Someone didn't buy the milk - 2A. Someone sneezed at Swansea - 2A. A driver complains the cab is too cold - 2A. Unable to operate a HEx service 4 vice 8 - 2A. Points failure at Ipswich - 2A. Landslip at Pitlochry - 2A
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1V07 Wat - Pzed May 2000 14/09/2024 at 15:14 #158526
3715 posts
officer dibble in post 158525 said:
If my memory serves me correctly, it formed 1M03 1234 Birmingham New Street.
In the 1999 WTT I'm writing, it forms 1M02 12:35 Penzance - New Street. the headcode might have changed during the following timetable periods.

"We don't stop camborne wednesdays"
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1V07 Wat - Pzed May 2000 14/09/2024 at 16:00 #158527
officer dibble
410 posts
Yes, it did. I cannot remember if it was the working that was paired with a 150/153 unit as it was timed as DMU(S) but it definitely was worked by a Cl.158 as I used it a couple of times to get from Bristol to Birmingham back in the day on various jaunts.
When in doubt - Contingency plan 2A. Someone didn't buy the milk - 2A. Someone sneezed at Swansea - 2A. A driver complains the cab is too cold - 2A. Unable to operate a HEx service 4 vice 8 - 2A. Points failure at Ipswich - 2A. Landslip at Pitlochry - 2A
Last edited: 14/09/2024 at 16:01 by officer dibble
Reason: None given

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The following user said thank you: Future
1V07 Wat - Pzed May 2000 15/09/2024 at 21:08 #158548
14 posts
Thanks all for the replies thus far - in the 2000 WTT I’m writing for Cornwall the service up to Brum forms off something else (I’d have to have it up in front of me to check; I’ll do so tomorrow) — could it be possible it coupled with a 150/153 as mentioned above?
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1V07 Wat - Pzed May 2000 16/09/2024 at 19:26 #158566
officer dibble
410 posts
So curiosity got the best of me and I downloaded and studied the WTT for workings in & out of PNZ for a weekday during the Summer 2000 TT period.

PSA a rudimentary arrival and departure guide, based on info I have in my possession. I'm not saying it is 100% correct but hopefully it will go a way to helping you to your end goal.

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When in doubt - Contingency plan 2A. Someone didn't buy the milk - 2A. Someone sneezed at Swansea - 2A. A driver complains the cab is too cold - 2A. Unable to operate a HEx service 4 vice 8 - 2A. Points failure at Ipswich - 2A. Landslip at Pitlochry - 2A
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The following user said thank you: Future
1V07 Wat - Pzed May 2000 17/09/2024 at 09:20 #158570
14 posts
Thanks muchly for that -- I shall have a peruse and see what's what
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1V07 Wat - Pzed May 2000 17/09/2024 at 10:46 #158571
3715 posts
I've had a look at my May 2000 New Street Working book and 1M03 is CF619 - a 2 car 158. it does at least confirm it leaves PZ as with at least a 158, but of course doesn't confirm if it drops a unit en route.
"We don't stop camborne wednesdays"
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1V07 Wat - Pzed May 2000 17/09/2024 at 20:28 #158575
14 posts
I have 5C02 down just to propel out to Slopers and set back in before heading off as below -- do you have any information to the contrary?

Penzance dep 08PR24
Slopers arr 08RR26
Slopers dep 08RRPR58
Penzance arr 09RMPR00
Penzance arr 09RM02

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1V07 Wat - Pzed May 2000 18/09/2024 at 04:25 #158576
180 posts
I have 5C02 doing something similar in my May 2004 timetable for Cornwall, though in 2004 it was listed as departing at 0800 an 0856.
I have the long rock shunter to come out to take those TPO empty coaches off to Slopers, let the loco escape into the sea sidings, replace the coaches and then put the loco back on the new front.

The train now standing on platform 2, should be on the rails
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1V07 Wat - Pzed May 2000 18/09/2024 at 10:11 #158577
3715 posts
Future in post 158575 said:
I have 5C02 down just to propel out to Slopers and set back in before heading off as below -- do you have any information to the contrary?

Penzance dep 08PR24
Slopers arr 08RR26
Slopers dep 08RRPR58
Penzance arr 09RMPR00
Penzance arr 09RM02
The timings will vary each year doubtless (its 0821 out of penzance in 1999) but propelling will be correct. The pilot at Ponsandane was a FGW loco which EWS wouldn't have hired for a short propelling movement into slopers and back.

"We don't stop camborne wednesdays"
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The following users said thank you: rfw, Future
1V07 Wat - Pzed May 2000 19/09/2024 at 17:26 #158586
14 posts
Does anyone have any details of platforming arrangements or any sort of local working notice for Penzance for this era?
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1V07 Wat - Pzed May 2000 19/09/2024 at 20:47 #158588
3715 posts
nothing specific, however a few broad rules/preferences.

London bound HSTs normally used P1, P2 2nd preference.

the TPO normally used platform 4

Night Riviera used 3 or 4 (to facilitate motorail unloading. I don't think this could be done on 1/2.)

Everything else normally in 2 or 3 with 4 used if required but lowest preference due to no roof.

By 2000 there weren't any local trip notices issued. Most work was covered by Y or Q paths in the WTT with additional engineering traffic covered in the ballast notices and additional freight in freight advisory notices.

China Clay runs to a weekly plan based on production and demand at Imerys, utilising Y paths as required, somewhat similar to MGR traffic.

"We don't stop camborne wednesdays"
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1V07 Wat - Pzed May 2000 20/09/2024 at 10:42 #158591
officer dibble
410 posts
With regards to loco-hauled trains using Penzance during this early period of privatisation (late 90s/early 00s), my undertsanding is that FGW workings were bought into/taken out of Penzance by the (FGW) Cl.08 that was based an Ponsandane Depot, with VXC workings propelling to/from the station.

Although I have seen images of FGW workings clearly having propelled ex-Ponsandane onto the blocks at Penzance, so I guess it could be an "as required" operation.

When in doubt - Contingency plan 2A. Someone didn't buy the milk - 2A. Someone sneezed at Swansea - 2A. A driver complains the cab is too cold - 2A. Unable to operate a HEx service 4 vice 8 - 2A. Points failure at Ipswich - 2A. Landslip at Pitlochry - 2A
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