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2233 Again

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2233 Again 08/01/2025 at 16:11 #159859
107 posts
The old thread is locked...


But still an issue on my current playthrough. Shunt forward sets the train going back bang road along the Down Main as it already thinks it has reversed despite straddling the points to access Tahmoor. Had to hurriedly issue a Reverse direction command which eventually brought the train back to stand clear of the points, at which point I cleared the route and GPL BJ84 and issued another Reverse direction which (hopefully) now has the train heading to the correct location.

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2233 Again 09/01/2025 at 03:43 #159864
674 posts
Just had a read through of the old thread and I think I know what is happening.

Are you able to please drop a snapshot/savegame from just before it starts going wrong?

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2233 Again 23/01/2025 at 12:29 #160010
107 posts
flabberdacks in post 159864 said:
Just had a read through of the old thread and I think I know what is happening.

Are you able to please drop a snapshot/savegame from just before it starts going wrong?

Not currently as I just purged most of my save games to tidy up the folder!

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2233 Again 23/01/2025 at 13:33 #160014
674 posts
That's alright, I'll sort it out once I'm able to
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