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24 Hour sim??

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24 Hour sim?? 12/06/2011 at 16:09 #3193
167 posts
Ok i have been saying for a long time now i would do a another 24 Hour session after the last 1 was a success. How does next saturday nite/sunday sound to people, the aim would be to open for connections at 23:30 BST on saturday 18/06/2011, with the game starting at 00:00 BST on Sunday 19/06/2011. The TT would just at about 1 and a half game minute to 1 real life minute to compensate for a 10 min PNB and panel swap every 2 hours. which would have the game ending between 00:00 and 02:00 on monday 20/06/2011 depending on if a 24 or 26 hour TT is run.

Can people post below over the next few days 1.) if they would be around at any full 2 hour period during this 24 hours 2.) which sim and TT they would like to see run 3.) any paticular senario or closures they would like to see.

If you would like to see a random sim, TT and senario run, the just place random for 2 and 3 above. lets hope we have the interest.

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24 Hour sim?? 12/06/2011 at 16:09 #16493
167 posts
Ok i have been saying for a long time now i would do a another 24 Hour session after the last 1 was a success. How does next saturday nite/sunday sound to people, the aim would be to open for connections at 23:30 BST on saturday 18/06/2011, with the game starting at 00:00 BST on Sunday 19/06/2011. The TT would just at about 1 and a half game minute to 1 real life minute to compensate for a 10 min PNB and panel swap every 2 hours. which would have the game ending between 00:00 and 02:00 on monday 20/06/2011 depending on if a 24 or 26 hour TT is run.

Can people post below over the next few days 1.) if they would be around at any full 2 hour period during this 24 hours 2.) which sim and TT they would like to see run 3.) any paticular senario or closures they would like to see.

If you would like to see a random sim, TT and senario run, the just place random for 2 and 3 above. lets hope we have the interest.

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24 Hour sim?? 12/06/2011 at 17:04 #16496
4869 posts
I would be available from 00:00 Sunday - around 09:00, but I wouldn't be doing all that as I'm in work Sunday day time. Also available from around 17:00 - 02:00 Monday. Again wouldn't do it all in one stint.

In order of preference:

1)Exeter with the Exeter: A Summer Weekend at in Devon 1980 TT
2) Edinburgh - No preference to TT (No ARS)

I wouldn't think Trent would be appropriate for a 24 hour TT as if you end up short of people it can get overwhelming.

"Passengers for New Lane, should be seated in the rear coach of the train " - Opinions are my own and not those of my employer
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24 Hour sim?? 12/06/2011 at 17:21 #16497
10 posts
i would be around most of sunday daytime
preffered sims
2.south humberside
dont mind what tt

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24 Hour sim?? 12/06/2011 at 17:39 #16499
1803 posts
Deffo up for this, and as with last time should be able to stay for the full time to help out where needed. Not sure if any closures are a good idea, but certainly run the simulations with failures on to 'spice things up' a bit.

In terms of simulation used, I'd like to see Edinburgh (with no ARS, as said above) or Trent used this time around. No preference over timetable or scenarios, but in-line with above running, turn failures on!

Looking forward to it.

Any views and / or opinions expressed by myself are from me personally and do not represent those of any company I either work for or am a consultant for.
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24 Hour sim?? 12/06/2011 at 20:35 #16507
151 posts
I will take part not bothered what sim
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24 Hour sim?? 13/06/2011 at 02:26 #16516
167 posts
ok getting some very good feed back, so far it is looking like a toss up between the following..................
1. edinburgh as it has ars if we run low on numbers at any stage.
2. sheffield with meld's 1983 weekday TT has it has plenty of movement in the early hours
3. KX chained with Royston to give an extra pannel on the KX sim.

so a the min its about, how low will the numbers get and how high will they get, and how many trains a required in the wee small hours. At the min i'm swaying towards the KX - royston chain as i had 13 connected to KX tonight with 5 more trying to connect so this option offers the most pannels, and can be worked by as little as 3 in the wee hours, plus has plety of trains all around the clock. let me know what you think.

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24 Hour sim?? 13/06/2011 at 06:10 #16518
884 posts
I'll be available from 05.00 Sunday till the end of the timetable.

KX sounds good!

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24 Hour sim?? 13/06/2011 at 07:46 #16522
2158 posts
I am imterested Afro.
Barry (BAZZ)

Barry, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
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24 Hour sim?? 13/06/2011 at 15:11 #16529
456 posts
Sounds interesting. Only problem here in the UK is that it would go into 2 nights sleep, where as an earlier start (and thus earlier finish) would only affect 1. That said, I may pop in and out during the event, as my parents are away. Or I may run my South Humberside timetable test. Having said that, once my timetable is tested, that would make a goodd 24 hour sim, as there aren't really any dead spots like some sims/timetables!
God bless, Daniel Wilson
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24 Hour sim?? 13/06/2011 at 16:06 #16535
167 posts
onlydjw, this my second 24 hour host and the previous one was very succesful, the sim starts at 00:00 BST as most TT's start at 00:00 and i run the sim in sync with real time, I'm only across the pond in Ireland so the same time zone affects me too, but the last time i ran the 24 hour sim i found that UK signallers sigged between 00:00 and 04:00 then agian from 08:00 to sim finish, our austrailian and ammerican friends make up the slack between 04:00 and 08:00 then usually return again at 16:00 to finish. The current set up I have described above does not really eat into any one's sleep as we have a number of signallers who sim untill 03:00 or 04:00 most nights anyway so anyone worried about sleep can join in the day light hours. if things go as with the last time onlydjw i unfortuneatly wont be able to allow poping in and out as it caused a great amount of lag and disruption on the sim. that said i will have a facillity for signallers to stated each full 2 hour period in which they wish to sig and connections and pannel swaps will only be accepted at PNB's. and approching each PNB i will post a list of players who are too join at that stage and which pannel each player will be on, while players in the game may be asked to leave the sim at the end of their period to rejoin the end of the que so that all siggnallers get a fair crack of the whip, only siggnallers who will be doing the full 24 hour period with me will be allowed view while not on a pannel, with the excception of Geoff M (SimSig owner), and moderators such as peter B and postal (JG) who i'm sure will pop in and out as they did last time and we all learned alot from their advice each time they visited.
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24 Hour sim?? 13/06/2011 at 17:24 #16539
5208 posts

I'm afraid you are confusing me with someone else as I am far too intemperate to be a moderator!


“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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24 Hour sim?? 14/06/2011 at 13:56 #16576
167 posts
my appologies JG, I think I someone had said to me you were a moderator hence the post lol.

aaron i fully understand you concerns regarding connections and having to ask people to dissconect, but as i mentioned in the above post your referreing to, in the last 24 hour session we had so many connected at one stage that it put so much strain on my internet connection, causeing the sim to lag violently and signallers and me as the host were missing important messages regardings trains because of the high volume of chatting in the in game message box, at present I am looking into ways to allow viewing with out ruining the sim, as you were aware i had quite a number connected the other night to KX with still more trying to connect which i unfortuneatley had to reject connections from, so it may be the case that viewing may have to worked on a rota basis like the panels, with viewer changing hourly in stead of every 2 hours, I know that 5 or 6 if we split the hertford loop are required to sig KX with royston being connected to make 6 or 7 pannels, so in goin with 7 i can only have a maximum of 5 viewers connected, now i'm still looking for someone to host royston for the period so maybe some people could view royston too, but all suggestions will be taken into account.

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24 Hour sim?? 14/06/2011 at 17:22 #16582
258 posts
I would be happy to join at some point during the host. Any sim is fine with me but I prefer Edinburgh. I heard so much about the last 24 hour session this should be good.

I understand the point about viewers and the lag, but I think I would be put off waiting for a panel if I could not at least lurk beforehand, to simply stand "outside in the rain" to coin a phrase, until the door was opened doesn't sound appealing, I can only hope a compromise is reached.

Blessed are the true believers, for only they shall walk the Path, and they shall be welcomed unto the realm of the Ori and made as one with Them.
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24 Hour sim?? 14/06/2011 at 17:48 #16583
4869 posts
If it's the chatter in F10 that is causing the issue, why not use TeamSpeak for the entire duration of the host? People can drop in and out easily (unlike Skype) You don't need a mic to be able to hear what others are saying, and you can text chat as well.

Link to guide here http://www.SimSig.co.uk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=2392&Itemid=54

"Passengers for New Lane, should be seated in the rear coach of the train " - Opinions are my own and not those of my employer
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24 Hour sim?? 14/06/2011 at 19:43 #16589
167 posts
guys i think everyone is getting the wrong end of the stick here,

The problem with me allowing everyone connect really appears from 19:00 to finish. as with an event like the 24 hour game everyone will be online looking for a piece of the action, if i remember correctly last time we had over 30 people looking to connect at 19:00 last time. to take the phrase "standing in the rain waiting for the door to open" this is not the case at the times of overcrowding and huge numbers as last time there where 3 or 4 other sims running for people waiting to access the main sim, so its not a case that people will just be sitting around doing nothing.

Regarding team speak, i will definately look into that but even at that there will still be restrictions on the amount of people i can have connected at once to avoid causing lag.

guys i will do my best to make the event as good as possible for everyone, but as in evrything unfortuneately I will not be able to make everyone happy and there will be some dissapointed people, that is just a fact of life.

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24 Hour sim?? 14/06/2011 at 20:16 #16591
3635 posts
one potential idea would be to put a cap on viewer numbers eg 15 inc players. then post on forum there are no spaces.? a fair compromise?
"We don't stop camborne wednesdays"
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24 Hour sim?? 14/06/2011 at 20:19 #16593
6 posts
Maybe chain PBO onto KX? It's a bit more interesting than Royston but can still be run by one person if necessary. (Turn some/all of the ARS on.) Whatever the sim is, I should have time to look in at some point.
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24 Hour sim?? 14/06/2011 at 20:53 #16597
167 posts
Francis the sim will be running either the 1985 TT or the 1977 TT if andy g can get a royston TT finished in time, unfortueately there is no chainable PBO TT for these era's.

Joe i am considering that a present,

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24 Hour sim?? 14/06/2011 at 22:53 #16599
3635 posts
apart from the 85 and 77 pbro chainable tts?
"We don't stop camborne wednesdays"
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24 Hour sim?? 15/06/2011 at 08:22 #16600
151 posts
Good idea that, should be the case on all sims, only have so many people connected should make things run a bit smoother
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24 Hour sim?? 16/06/2011 at 16:58 #16649
167 posts
Ok an update for you all,

So the sim has been chosen, its a KX - Royston chain, making 7 pannels as follows................
cross - fins pk - palace - welwyn - hitchin - hertford loop - royston

the TT has also been selected, the 1985 TT with a number of add-ons creating 1900 trains thourgh KX and 175 trains through royston over the 24 hour period, one of the add-ons adds more traffic to the loop, and another is a gordon hill - stevenage shutle service. so hertford loop will be just as busy as main panels.

Teamspeak will be used throughout the duration of the sim, so anyone with teamspeak and a mic can voice chat here i will also try to use voice as much as possible to disscuss turn backs and timetable changes. I must offer a huge thank you to Headshot for providing this facility to the SimSig community.

now for some possabilities still being looked into......

i am looking at a suggestion from Andy G to host another sim, say pbo or bristol as a place for viewers to chat keeping the KX message box for sim related messages only. This 2nd sim could then also be used for rostering purposes for an upcoming panel swap. if this is a runner i would hope to have some members of the SimSig community to help me out in doing some announcements and rostering on the 2nd sim.

another possability could maybe use free webchat service for chatting while viewing.

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24 Hour sim?? 16/06/2011 at 21:17 #16655
4869 posts
Alan if there is any specific requirements for channel set ups on teamspeak just drop me a PM. I will also make sure I reboot the server the day before the session so it's perfectly stable.
"Passengers for New Lane, should be seated in the rear coach of the train " - Opinions are my own and not those of my employer
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24 Hour sim?? 17/06/2011 at 01:36 #16660
167 posts
its cool Headshot i will use the KX channel but thanks for the offer.
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24 Hour sim?? 18/06/2011 at 03:04 #16682
167 posts
the post regarding all the informatin for the sim is now up in the hosting section for all to view.
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