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Train Delay - System Problem?

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Train Delay - System Problem? 15/08/2011 at 00:38 #19417
276 posts
Have played various sims in the past week, NLL, Cambridge, Stafford, KX and the 'Train Delay Probability' when set to a certain point (whatever that is because there is no index) after a saved game it always reverts back to zero?
Is it just me or have others expienced this? Has this happened since the new System Files came in?

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Re: Train Delay - System Problem? 15/08/2011 at 04:27 #19418
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
Are you referring to the reloading of a saved game where the settings are not saved, or the relaunch of a new game where the past settings are not remembered. If the latter then that's because the delay/failure settings are coded into each scenario set-up and launching a Sim will override whatever was set before. If the former then that looks like a bug but then these are old Sims so we would need to test against a new Sim.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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Re: Train Delay - System Problem? 15/08/2011 at 06:41 #19419
2756 posts
I believe there was a bug in the save/restore logic in this area that got fixed some time ago. Easiest thing is to check on a current sim.
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Re: Train Delay - System Problem? 15/08/2011 at 12:30 #19424
222 posts
It does indeed happen (or I suppose strictly speaking, not happen) on older sims. The simplest way to work around it is to first start a new game with the same scenario as the saved game (e.g. "one of those days", etc.) so that the sliders get set correctly, then load the saved game.
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Re: Train Delay - System Problem? 15/08/2011 at 12:56 #19425
476 posts
Hi all, just a query related to the subject of train delay etc, sliders. I'm currently engrossed in Pboro and when I selected the scenario the sliders were in pre-set positions. I subsequently moved them to slightly different positions (in some cases zeroed them) and set the max failure rate to zero. Does this make any difference to the subsequent train problems/delays or will the sim give me a set number of problems anyway, irrespectiveof what I set them at. A bit late down the line (!) to mention this as I've been hooked on Simsig for months, but I saw this thread and thought I'd ask. Cheers, Mal.
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Re: Train Delay - System Problem? 15/08/2011 at 16:15 #19437
276 posts
" said:
Are you referring to the reloading of a saved game where the settings are not saved, or the relaunch of a new game where the past settings are not remembered. If the latter then that's because the delay/failure settings are coded into each scenario set-up and launching a Sim will override whatever was set before. If the former then that looks like a bug but then these are old Sims so we would need to test against a new Sim.

Peter, the former it was.
Peter/Clive - tested on Edinburgh and works fine so your assumptions are correct.

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