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Chaining Help Required Please

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Chaining Help Required Please 27/08/2011 at 18:17 #20221
141 posts
Help much appreciated. I'm trying to chain Exeter, Westbury and Bristol on the same computer.

This is my first attempt at chaining three sims. I have previously successfully chained two sims: Bristol and the previous version of Exeter. I now have the latest versions of Exeter and Westbury and the existing version of Bristol.

I follow the same procedure I would normally when setting up the chain. Then I connect Westbury to Exeter. Then I connect Bristol to Exeter.

The result is that Exeter and Westbury are chained. Exeter accepts the request from Bristol and when unpausing Exeter, all 3 sims start. However, it is clear as time progresses that Bristol and Westbury are not chained.

I'd be grateful for any wise words that will achieve this 3-way chain so I can fill the rest of my Saturday evening.


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Re: Chaining Help Required Please 27/08/2011 at 18:51 #20224
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
You need to chain Bristol and Westbury (or vv) Just go to the external box menu of one and add the missing link.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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Re: Chaining Help Required Please 27/08/2011 at 18:57 #20225
1107 posts
Nick - we are currently running Bristol SwinDid GLoucester & Westbury in one chain and earlier today had a succesful test of all 5 sims chained.

We start by opening Bristol then chaining all the other sims into that, then we join the others together,

Passed the age to be doing 'Spoon Feeding' !!!
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Re: Chaining Help Required Please 27/08/2011 at 20:27 #20226
141 posts
Thanks for your answers and of course as you point out I was missing the Bristol/Westbury link which I have now successfully made.

The addition of the slower than normal speed setting that comes with the refreshed sims makes this chain just about possible with one person. I may attempt to include Gloucester at some stage too.

Thanks again and donations towards all the new sims released will be forthcoming after payday!


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