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6o47 at haywards heath

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6o47 at haywards heath 05/09/2011 at 08:20 #20607
4 posts
everytime i try to run engine around the loco carries on
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Re: 6o47 at haywards heath 05/09/2011 at 17:40 #20615
480 posts
Not 100% sure what you mean by "loco carries on" but if you mean it sets off towards Brighton without stopping to reverse then it means you aren't routing 0O47 correctly. It should be routed into the Spur (where there isn't anywhere for it to "carry on" to) then back through the Down Siding.

You may have to signal 6O47 itself into the spur (as per instructions for Haywards Heath Platform 1 in the manual) to allow the rear of the train to clear the siding points.

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