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Simsig Host Notification System (SHEN) is now...

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Simsig Host Notification System (SHEN) is now... 02/12/2011 at 01:19 #24268
315 posts


I have suspended the Simsig Email Notification system account effective immediately - there will be no more emails. I hope that you find of use the new 'subscribe' feature of the forums.

Please PM myself on the forums if you wish this service to remain, and I shall (temporarily) suspend this account until 90 days have passed, after which all user emails (including my database) will be deleted completely. and a final notice placed on the forums.

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Re: Simsig Host Notification System (SHEN) is now... 02/12/2011 at 01:21 #24269
707 posts
For forum users who are unaware - you can 'Subscribe' (ie: ask to receive email notifications of posts) to individual threads, and also to entire forum areas. By using the 'Subscribe' link in the 'Session Details' area of the forum, you can receive emails telling you of sessions without the need for Welshdragon's (now defunct) mailing list.
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