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I'm having difficulties understanding Lime St

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I'm having difficulties understanding Lime St 04/02/2012 at 14:05 #28802
5208 posts
" said:
This is a really daft question, but at what speed is the sim running (F3, General tab)?
Not a daft question at all. Thanks for asking.

When I began playing it it was at normal speed (till I got on top of it), then I found about 1.5 seemed about right. Mind you, there are a couple of flat spots where nothing much seems to be happening, such as about 5 PM (17:00). This surprised me as I would have expected peak hour (rush hour) at this time. I tried 2x speed but it was a little too fast for comfort. However, in the last hour and a half when traffic slowed down and trains were being put to bed, 2x worked OK for me. By that time, too, I was feeling tired and a bit discouraged by the problems I'd faced earlier, so was only too happy to see the sim end as fast as possible.

I didn't make use of the Simplifier at all, but lots of sticky notes, including platform lengths for each platform, saved time, (as did macros I've mentioned elsewhere).

What's your comfortable playing speed for this sim?
I have got to the stage now where I very rarely run anything except at 1:1. The reason is that my brain picks up the natural rhythm of the sim and I soon subconsciously start absorbing the lengths of time it takes for various things to happen. So for example on the Saltley sim, if a train enters at Wichnor Jn I get a little mental nudge when it is about time to set the route past Kingsbury Jn. It isn't infallible and I still get calls from drivers waiting at red signals from time to time on the bigger sims but my brain does seem to get an instinct for the flow of the sim. If I run at varying speeds, that rhythm is destroyed and I start losing the plot. That could well be due to age rather than anything else but it is comfortable for me. I will speed up last thing in the sim when the number of trains is running down (or in the wee small hours in CScot when there are about 2 hours without a train) but not as a general rule.

But that is personal preference. Every one will find their own way and what suits me will probably not suit many other users.

PS On the platforming question most significant stations in the UK will have departure displays which leave the platform number blank until not long before the due departure. I haven't been on Lime Street since 1996 but I would guess that there wouldn't be a mad stampede from one platform to another if a train is re-platformed. If it runs like most other main terminals, there will be a crowd on the concourse, with the regulars hanging around the gate to the usual platform waiting for the display and Tannoy announcement to give details of their train. If the train is re-platformed the departure display (and announcer) won't advertise things as a re-platforming but will just announce that the 12:34 to Anywhere will depart from Platform wherever. The only people who will notice anything out of the ordinary will be the regulars hanging around the wrong gate. It is a similar situation with arrivals although that will affect far less people on the concourse and it doesn't really affect the people of the incoming train bar causing creatures of habit a twinge or two.

PPS Where there is only a single train in a platform, I interpose the departure time in the buffer end berth so that I don't have many stickies or simplifiers taking up real estate.

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
Last edited: 04/02/2012 at 14:16 by postal
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The following user said thank you: maxand
I'm having difficulties understanding Lime St 04/02/2012 at 14:32 #28806
476 posts
I tend to run sims at 'real time' apart from very quiet periods when, rightly or wrongly, I speed things up a bit. I suppose that the 'real world' signallers among us will be used to these quiet spells as there are probably other things to do whilst waiting for traffic. Would be interested in their comments on this.
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I'm having difficulties understanding Lime St 04/02/2012 at 15:05 #28808
480 posts
" said:

All this replatforming that others say they need to do bothers me greatly in Lime Street. Here we have 9 platforms, presumably packed with passengers whose last wish is to be told that train xxx will be terminating at a different platform than the one they are waiting at. Is it possible to complete this sim without any re-platforming at all? (I'm about to find out by replaying it.)

If the sim is being run with no delays, no failures, etc then the chances are you can run the sim without re-platforming at all. However, with failures on a track circuit failure or points failure at the most awkward place can back things up. Those passengers you talk about would, I suspect, rather walk from platform 2 to platform 9 if it meant they were on their way home in 10 minutes rather than 2 hours.

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I'm having difficulties understanding Lime St 04/02/2012 at 15:41 #28810
258 posts
[quote="maxand" post=28801]
I find that a very condescending statement to make to newcomers. To me, common sense is directly related to one's confidence, based as it is on cumulative experience. One can only apply common sense if one already has a firm grasp of the basics. From then on, it's a matter of experimentation. As an example, I applied plenty of common sense in my Royston tutorial to get a train from A to B, even if I had to break several rules to do it. Rules and common sense do not often go together, at least not until one has acquired considerable experience to know why rules are there.

It was meant to be condescending, and I dont consider you a newcomer, you have after all spent a considerable time editing the wiki to now claim to not have a "firm grasp of the basics"

"I had to break several rules" does not mean that you had a successful game then, and Royston is relatively basic, you should not need to break the rules.

You can't claim on the one hand to know nothing then claim to tell us all how it should be done (as this is the impression you give from your posts).
Someone with no experience would ask for help running the sim, not start with having a pop at the testing and robustness of this sim.

I assume you are aware that this sim has some noted bugs and we are awaiting the new release of it, these issue may not assist you in your quest to have perfection.

In my opinion Exeter although slightly bigger, has virtually no issues and a number of timetables, this one is quite a favourite when its hosted as it tends to run with no problems or issues, just dont load project X timetable for it.

Blessed are the true believers, for only they shall walk the Path, and they shall be welcomed unto the realm of the Ori and made as one with Them.
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The following users said thank you: Meld, jc92, Noisynoel, delticfan, Javelin395
I'm having difficulties understanding Lime St 04/02/2012 at 15:47 #28811
3946 posts
" said:
agilchrist said:
As you seem to be the Wiki guru; might I suggest you add to the documentation that "Players should expect to use some common sense when playing the sims" I think this might cover the lack of documentation you mentioned.

I find that a very condescending statement to make to newcomers. To me, common sense is directly related to one's confidence, based as it is on cumulative experience. One can only apply common sense if one already has a firm grasp of the basics. From then on, it's a matter of experimentation. As an example, I applied plenty of common sense in my Royston tutorial to get a train from A to B, even if I had to break several rules to do it. Rules and common sense do not often go together, at least not until one has acquired considerable experience to know why rules are there.
Let's try and clear this up. Max, in what areas do you think the manual is lacking? Please bear in mind, unlike Royston, this could be the second or twentieth Sim a user has encountered, so there are some things (like the white arrows you talked about), which won't necessarilly be encountered for the first time here, and as such have their own section elsewhere on the Wiki.

maxand said:
(added) By the way, for anyone else trying Lime Street for the first time, I notice that the grey arrowheads pointing right at the end of each terminating line have berths associated with them, at which you can interpose new descriptions. As discussed in another thread, this does not apply to the grey arrowhead pointing left at the end of the neck siding.
As I said above, this is one of those things that is standard to practically every other Sim. Grey route arrows into platforms and some sidings have berths associated with them. The reason the Neck siding doesn't have one is the same reason why only some shunt signals have berths.

EDIT: Added the info in the paragraph above to the TD berth section on the Wiki.

"Don't stress/ relax/ let life roll off your backs./ Except for death and paying taxes/ everything in life.../ is only for now." (Avenue Q)
Last edited: 04/02/2012 at 15:55 by Steamer
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I'm having difficulties understanding Lime St 04/02/2012 at 15:48 #28812
166 posts
" said:

All this replatforming that others say they need to do bothers me greatly in Lime Street. Here we have 9 platforms, presumably packed with passengers whose last wish is to be told that train xxx will be terminating at a different platform than the one they are waiting at.
As the trains are terminating, it doesn't matter 100% which platform it turns up in? I doubt there would be that many people waiting for the arriving train. As said above for departures, the platform is displayed very near departure time, in my experience 10-15 minutes before (but I can only speak really of Kings Cross) when the train is definitely in the platform and ready to go. I should think it's very similar for arrivals.

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I'm having difficulties understanding Lime St 04/02/2012 at 16:46 #28814
609 posts
" said:
I get the impression it is, so this heartening news has convinced me it's worthwhile to go back again and replay the whole standard timetable, this time with a pencil and paper handy in case problems recur. Either way I will post the results here, accurately and honestly. Then other newbies will know what to expect if they haven't tried it before.

Why not try to approach the playing of the game in a different way?

At the start of any day, each signalbox which has a station under their control has a list of all the trains due to pass through their section, along with platform allocations. There is NO way that the end of the day will be reached without some kind of trouble, or without a train or several being put into different platforms to those allocated.

As a train driver I can attest to this when it comes to Reading station. I've been platformed all over the place in the last few weeks, usually due to delays to other trains ahead. So instead of trying to play the game rigidly to the timetable, why not just go with the flow and platform trains wherever they can be accommodated?

Who really gives a crap about losing "points"? Real life signallers don't lose points for re-platforming. I completely ignore the F5 option when playing - there are more important things to worry about. I prefer it when there's a bit of chaos, which is why I often play sims with platforms closed AND delays up high just to give myself a challenge. In those circumstances, points become irrelevant, and it's all about getting the trains through as efficiently as possible.

If you're striving for 100% perfection, you may as well ask for the moon on a stick.

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The following users said thank you: Hooverman, delticfan, officer dibble, Temple Meads
I'm having difficulties understanding Lime St 04/02/2012 at 17:50 #28818
3635 posts
" said:
" said:

All this replatforming that others say they need to do bothers me greatly in Lime Street. Here we have 9 platforms, presumably packed with passengers whose last wish is to be told that train xxx will be terminating at a different platform than the one they are waiting at.
As the trains are terminating, it doesn't matter 100% which platform it turns up in? I doubt there would be that many people waiting for the arriving train. As said above for departures, the platform is displayed very near departure time, in my experience 10-15 minutes before (but I can only speak really of Kings Cross) when the train is definitely in the platform and ready to go. I should think it's very similar for arrivals.
when waiting to catch my train from edinburgh waverley (for the record an east coast service from aberdeen to KX) i was told by station staff, its platform would not be decided, let alone displayed until about 20mins before arrival/departure, so certainly things arent always rigid

"We don't stop camborne wednesdays"
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Re: I'm having difficulties understanding Lime St 04/02/2012 at 21:39 #28828
177 posts
" said:
Upon consultation with numerous people I have changed the thread title to something somewhat more diplomatic.
That'll be why I got confused, then. :blush: I'd read the first two pages, under the original title, and thought that THIS was a new topic. DOH!!! :blush:

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Re: I'm having difficulties understanding Lime St 04/02/2012 at 21:59 #28831
Sidestick Priority
39 posts
Upon consultation with numerous people I have changed the thread title to something somewhat more diplomatic.
Thankyou. I found myself actually getting upset reading it and that is just as an end user - I cannot begin to imagine how the people that dedicated hundreds of hours of work on the simulation and Timetable would feel...

BTW I'm coming up to 15:00 on the supplied TT and have not had to replatform a single service yet. I am thoroughly enjoying it though and I can only join the others commenting on what a brilliant sim this really is.


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The following user said thank you: AndyG
Re: I'm having difficulties understanding Lime St 05/02/2012 at 06:43 #28849
1637 posts
I wrote:
agilchrist wrote:
As you seem to be the Wiki guru; might I suggest you add to the documentation that "Players should expect to use some common sense when playing the sims" I think this might cover the lack of documentation you mentioned.

I find that a very condescending statement to make to newcomers. To me, common sense is directly related to one's confidence, based as it is on cumulative experience. One can only apply common sense if one already has a firm grasp of the basics.
agilchrist replied:
It was meant to be condescending, and I dont consider you a newcomer, you have after all spent a considerable time editing the wiki to now claim to not have a "firm grasp of the basics"
It now seems your comment was actually directed towards me, rather than something I should put into a guide for the benefit of newbies. No, I'm not a newbie any more but still remember well enough what it was like to be one. Newbies don't need anyone to tell them to use their common sense; they try harder than the rest of us to make things work. This is a totally unhelpful statement.

Steamer wrote:
Let's try and clear this up. Max, in what areas do you think the manual is lacking? Please bear in mind, unlike Royston, this could be the second or twentieth Sim a user has encountered, so there are some things (like the white arrows you talked about), which won't necessarily be encountered for the first time here, and as such have their own section elsewhere on the Wiki.
I'm glad you raised this question, as it is really about "where does one draw the line?" when writing a manual. Should manuals cater for everyone, for relatively experienced players or for those who enjoy the challenge of not being told everything they might encounter, requiring them to go off and read up on them?

I've taken a look at some of your latest manual rewrites; you've done a marvellous job with them. There is another factor at work here, namely that when one person sits down to write a story, a book or a manual, he sits down with a vision, as a result of which the final work has a cohesive structure which should not be tinkered with if possible. Added to which, some manuals are kept offline to prevent editing.

All I ask to see in a manual is:
- Clear and adequately detailed explanations of "unusual behaviour", with small screen pics if possible.
- Some overall advice as to what the user should be capable of accomplishing when playing the sim.
- Maybe some hints as to how best to keep it running smoothly.

Okay, I've just re-read the manual, pretending I'm a newbie and this is my first time playing Lime Street after leaving Royston (which should remain the starting point for beginners IMO.)

This simulation covers the immediate area around Liverpool Lime Street station, as covered by the existing miniature lever frame in the signal box.

The first time I read this I looked at the sim panel for a lever frame icon (as in some other sims) but found none. Then it dawned on me that the manual was referring to real life. Here a link to an actual picture would have resolved this. (I got this link from one of the Lime Street forum posts. A link to it would not only help the reader understand that we're not talking about the sim panel here, but give some real atmosphere to the manual.

...and the neck siding between the two pairs of lines on approach to the station.

I can see the label NECK SIDING on the panel, but what is it and what use is it? Does it go underground? After all, the manual talks about "Station Throat Closure" (gasp!)

NB: Edge Hill station is not included in the simulation Panel Overview

I can't see it in the main panel either, so why am I being told this?

To the left is the fringe to Edge Hill signal box

I know what a signal box is, but what's a fringe? Never heard that one before.

TORR: Nicely explained. A link to the Wiki page not really necessary but might help.

Permissive Working (available in all platforms and sidings)

I think here a glossary link is desirable. As a broad statement, one can't have too many glossary links in a manual!

One thing a newcomer doesn't need is to feel "Why do I have to look all this stuff up myself? I don't know where to start. Seems I've got to understand this before I can even start playing. The least they could have done was include a link."

If you get it wrong, you could trap something at the buffer-stops end of the platform, or you might end up having to re-platform the entire service to cope with one tiny failure.

Probably intended to make the sim sound exciting challenging, but also forbidding to a newcomer. "One small slip and I might have to restart the whole sim. Does re-platform the entire service mean I might have to move every train to a different platform?" (honest, that's how I first read it).

I probably would have balanced the negative with the positive. "Lime Street will give you plenty of practice in dividing and detaching trains when they terminate. Most of its platforms can accommodate more than one train. However, you need to check each train's departure time to make sure the last one in is the first one out, otherwise you may end up blocking a train that needs to depart earlier than the one that just moved in next to it." (or something like that). Also:

"If you still find yourself unable to fit an arriving train into its assigned platform, you may need to move it to a vacant one or even a siding. Using a different platform than the one intended is termed re-platforming. Although some passenger inconvenience is to be expected, changes will be announced ahead of time, so you should expect them to be able to cope with it if required. Note: Playing the Perfect (or whatever it's called) scenario, as long as you manage to stay on top of this sim you should be able to move all trains into their assigned platforms with no need to re-platform at all." (That gives them hope.)

Unusual Indications: Adequately explained, though a small screen pic showing the track circuits affected would make it so much clearer.

Known bugs: Again, a small screen pic of each would save having to read each three times.

Omissions from the manual
- No explanation of the unusual objects I alluded to here.
- White exit triangles - the link you posted ought to be in the manual itself, since I bet many users wouldn't know their "official" term (official to SimSig), so wouldn't even know where to start looking them up.
- The fact that all the grey exit triangles at the ends of the platforms can be used to interpose new working descriptions, yet the one at the distant end of the neck siding can't. Also explain that simply because they're grey "exit" triangles doesn't mean they're exit points, since trains can't go any further!
- Explanation that not all the black sim background is available for creating sticky notes, as discussed here.

Advice to make playing easier
Rather than load down the manual, it might be best to create a separate Hints & Tips page for this, allowing others to add to it without disturbing the flow of the main manual.
- Add sticky notes with departure times to each platform, also to the distant end of neck siding to help remember to which platform a train will go when it returns.
- Use grey exit triangles for interposing if train lacks a berth.
- Mention how invaluable the Simplifier can be in this particular sim.
- 5F541 has to be shunted through 3 shunt signals to reach P2
-"non-described train sent to fringe signalbox!" Warn users what this message means and what to do about it.
- Don't forget to set route each time from 47 to LE54, also 82A/82B to LE58, for trains departing FL or SL respectively. Also explain FL and SL as seen in timetable.
- When creating a sticky note position cursor where you would like its top LH corner to be, not its centre.

Both Show Timetable and Simplifier windows are useful in Lime Street; the first for arriving trains that only need to change their description, the second for displaying the departure times of each component of a train that divides/detaches after arriving. Note that one overlaps the other to save screen real estate, but each is available by clicking its frame, or in the case of the Show Timetable window, by clicking a train's berth in the View window.

Note also that the bottom border of the Simplifier window has been dragged up to reduce its visual height without sacrificing any of the platforms it displays.

(added) I now feel Lime Street deserves a place on a short list of sims for the newcomer progressing beyond Royston:
- It still fits comfortably on one page without scrolling;
- It provides good practice for Detaching and Dividing trains; the current standard Royston TT omits these important manoeuvres.

I must admit that before people suggested using the Simplifier, I found these two manoeuvres unnecessary difficult and error-prone, simply because there seemed no quick way to find out which end of a red stripe went in which direction. Thanks to the Simplifier and you guys for incorporating it, this is no longer a problem.

Last edited: 05/02/2012 at 07:40 by maxand
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Re: I'm having difficulties understanding Lime St 05/02/2012 at 11:43 #28858
3946 posts
" said:
Added to which, some manuals are kept offline to prevent editing.

Only Euston, to my knowledge.
maxand said:

- Clear and adequately detailed explanations of "unusual behaviour", with small screen pics if possible.
- Some overall advice as to what the user should be capable of accomplishing when playing the sim.
- Maybe some hints as to how best to keep it running smoothly.

The manual does go into detail about the unusual signalling indications on some platforms, which is the only none-standard feature that I can see on the Sim.

" said:
As the signaler at Liverpool Lime Street, you have to get trains into and out of the station as on time as possible to keep the service running. The regualtion of outbound vs inbound trains is where you have to shine. If you get it wrong, you could trap something at the buffer-stops end of the platform, or you might end up having to re-platform the entire service to cope with one tiny failure. Concentration and accurate timetable reading is the key to success

This covers your second two points: the 'objective' if you will, of the Sim, and it also emphasises regulation.

maxand said:

I can see the label NECK SIDING on the panel, but what is it and what use is it? Does it go underground? After all, the manual talks about "Station Throat Closure" (gasp!)

Ermm, it's called a siding that's called 'NECK SIDING? I'm sorry, but it should be clear that the Neck Siding is just a normal siding.

maxand said:
NB: Edge Hill station is not included in the simulation Panel Overview
I can't see it in the main panel either, so why am I being told this?

It emphasises that the simulation extends to Edge Hill exclusive, as opposed to Edge Hill inclusive.

maxand said:
To the left is the fringe to Edge Hill signal box
I know what a signal box is, but what's a fringe? Never heard that one before.

This is where the user should put a little bit of effort in, and search the Wiki for the word 'Fringe'. I did it just then, and the first result was the glossary page. Yes, a direct link might be helpful, but remember that this isn't necesarilly the first time they've seen it.

maxand said:
Probably intended to make the sim sound exciting challenging, but also forbidding to a newcomer. "One small slip and I might have to restart the whole sim. Does re-platform the entire service mean I might have to move every train to a different platform?" (honest, that's how I first read it).

If you re-platform 1 train, it becomes necessary fairly often to re-platform another, and another, hence 'the whole service'. Other, more optimistic, responses to that statement is 'Right, better not mess this up then' or 'Snaphot every 10 minutes' or even 'Bring it on!' Remember, a small slip in an action game, e.g. being shot, or losing the car race by a whisker, requires a re-start. SimSig is different in that you have an option: Re-start from a save and do it right, or try and get yourself out of a mess (which is possible).

maxand said:
Known bugs: Again, a small screen pic of each would save having to read each three times.

How on earth are you meant to illustrate an overlap dropping just after a train enters, without putting a video in?

manxand said:
- No explanation of the unusual objects I alluded to here.

TRTS indicators are quite frequently not embedded in platforms, and their purpose should become clear during play. Agreed, it might be an idea to add the signalbox object to the symbols page.

maxand said:
White exit triangles - the link you posted ought to be in the manual itself, since I bet many users wouldn't know their "official" term (official to SimSig), so wouldn't even know where to start looking them up.

Yes, a link might be in order, although I just searched a description of them "White Triangle" into the search bar and the 'types of routesetting page' was the first result.

maxand said:
- The fact that all the grey exit triangles at the ends of the platforms can be used to interpose new working descriptions, yet the one at the distant end of the neck siding can't. Also explain that simply because they're grey "exit" triangles doesn't mean they're exit points, since trains can't go any further!

Again, standard feature. I've added the fact that grey triangles can have berths to the TD Berth page.

maxand said:
Explanation that not all the black sim background is available for creating sticky notes, as discussed here.

Maybe add it to the 'Display types' or 'Sticky Notes' page on the Wiki? Again, not a Lime St. limited occurance.

maxand said:
Hints and Tips etc.

Maybe we should just leave the user to work these things out? The 'none described train' message is self-explanatory, and in any case those are all personal preference things. If I worked them out, and you worked them out, surley other people can? Users have more inteligence than you sometimes give them credit for.

maxand said:
(added) I now feel Lime Street deserves a place on a short list of sims for the newcomer progressing beyond Royston:
- It still fits comfortably on one page without scrolling;
- It provides good practice for Detaching and Dividing trains; the current standard Royston TT omits these important manoeuvres.
Let's not have a massive bicker about Sim order, there's about 10 Sims I can think of, leave people to figure it out for themselves.

maxand said:
I must admit that before people suggested using the Simplifier, I found these two manoeuvres unnecessary difficult and error-prone, simply because there seemed no quick way to find out which end of a red stripe went in which direction. Thanks to the Simplifier and you guys for incorporating it, this is no longer a problem.

If the divide is DF (Divide Front), then the train stated will be at the buffers (i.e. the Front end of the incoming train). If the divide is DR (Divide Rear), then the train stated will be at the far end of the platform (i.e. at the Rear end of the incoming train).

Something that has struck me with this is that there appear to be two ways to write a manual. One is, take the user through every step, with minimal effort on their part. The other is, give the user the information they need and the tools to find it, and let them use their own wit to work it out. I know the Wiki could be more detailed in places, however what has been referred to as "Jack and Jill SimSig" isn't really what this is about.

"Don't stress/ relax/ let life roll off your backs./ Except for death and paying taxes/ everything in life.../ is only for now." (Avenue Q)
Last edited: 05/02/2012 at 12:11 by Steamer
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The following users said thank you: andyb0607, maxand
Re: I'm having difficulties understanding Lime St 05/02/2012 at 12:22 #28860
480 posts
As a now fairly experienced Simsig user who was once a complete novice, I 'd find it very difficult to write the perfect "newbies manual" without it appearing condescending in the extreme. In my experience there have been a fair few users who have struggled at first with the complexities of Simsig but some pick it up quickly, some more slowly but get there eventually and others decide it's not for them and you never see them again. I suspect even a "newbies manual" like the one you strive for would not have helped many from this last group as they were maybe looking for something from the Simsig "game" that was never going to be provided.

I think it's admirable that you want to pass on your own learning experience to other new users, but everyone has a different learning curve. Not everyone needs to be spoon-fed.

Perhaps the best approach on this is for you to continue to ask questions (they've certainly provoked a lot of debate) and then continue to produce your own "Newbie Guide" for each sim as you get round to it.

One final thought. We wouldn't have SimSig without TreSim, produced by Geoff's company to allow real signalmen/women to learn from their mistakes but in a safe environment. Most of my knowledge of SimSig is from making mistakes and learning from them next time round.

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The following users said thank you: postal, Aurora, maxand
Re: I'm having difficulties understanding Lime St 05/02/2012 at 13:23 #28866
1637 posts
Thanks Steamer and sloppyjag.

Well, I've got as far as 09:03 in replaying this sim to see if simply staying on top of the tight schedule gets me through the day without any alterations needed. Smooth sailing until 2F631 raised its ugly head here. Never mind, necessity proved yet again to be the mother of invention. Still, pity those poor stranded commuters...

Steamer, if you don't mind, some brief replies to your comments:

Ermm, it's called a siding that's called 'NECK SIDING? I'm sorry, but it should be clear that the Neck Siding is just a normal siding.

I must say it had me fooled. I thought a neck siding was a special type of siding. It certainly doesn't look normal, what with its strange wide to gauge points (that should be explained in the manual, too). I'd like to see an explicit description, if not on the main manual page, then on a separate Hints and Tips page for raw newbies who feel flummoxed by it.

It emphasises that the simulation extends to Edge Hill exclusive, as opposed to Edge Hill inclusive.

Sorry, I still don't understand the distinction.

This is where the user should put a little bit of effort in, and search the Wiki for the word 'Fringe'. I did it just then, and the first result was the glossary page. Yes, a direct link might be helpful, but remember that this isn't necesarilly the first time they've seen it.

Maybe one difference between an experienced player like you and a relative beginner like me is that once one encounters more than one sim using the same term, one becomes a little more blasé. It didn't occur to me that this might be in the Glossary, but you're right.

Sprinkling plenty of Wiki links around a manual has several advantages:
- It is helpful to the Newbie without appearing condescending.
- It avoids duplicating what is already elsewhere in the Wiki.
- It informs the newbie that the term used actually has an official meaning, something he/she may not be aware of.
- It immediately takes the newbie to the answer page without making him search first one glossary (railway terms) then the other (SimSig-specific terms).
- If the term is not in a glossary, the action of inserting a link helps add missing terms to it and also encourages correction and expansion of existing entries.

I'm not suggesting every jargon term should be linked to the glossary, but to keep an eye out for the possibly unfamiliar.

If you re-platform 1 train, it becomes necessary fairly often to re-platform another, and another, hence 'the whole service'. Other, more optimistic, responses to that statement is 'Right, better not mess this up then' or 'Snaphot every 10 minutes' or even 'Bring it on!' Remember, a small slip in an action game, e.g. being shot, or losing the car race by a whisker, requires a re-start. SimSig is different in that you have an option: Re-start from a save and do it right, or try and get yourself out of a mess (which is possible).
That seems to call for a separate entry in a linked Hints & Tips page on how to cope with disaster. In that case, a few words on how to reverse blocking trains out, edit timetables, etc., might be opportune. Lime Street is a bit like a partially blocked coronary artery.

How on earth are you meant to illustrate an overlap dropping just after a train enters, without putting a video in?

For all their popularity, IMO videos seem to be too jerky in mouse cursor movement and never as sharp as a well chosen, well cropped series of screen captures with reference arrows, etc., accompanied by step-by-step description.

Maybe add it to the 'Display types' or 'Sticky Notes' page on the Wiki? Again, not a Lime St. limited occurance.

Agreed. I've just expanded the Sticky Notes entry in the Glossary with this in mind.

Something that has struck me with this is that there appear to be two ways to write a manual. One is, take the user through every step, with minimal effort on their part. The other is, give the user the information they need and the tools to find it, and let them use their own wit to work it out. I know the Wiki could be more detailed in places, however what has been referred to as "Jack and Jill SimSig" isn't really what this is about.
Well, that's how most manuals here seem to be written, requiring considerable extra research unless one is already fairly experienced. As I suggested before, one solution that should settle this is to leave the manual writing and editing to one person except to point out the occasional error and glaring omission, and to have a separate Hints & Tips page, more condensed than trawling through all the forum posts for that particular sim. That way, anyone who just wants a straight basic manual doesn't have to waste time reading fine detail, and anyone with less experience who would really like to see what tips others have added is also able to pick and choose from them without disturbing the neat layout of the original manual.

There will always be at least two or three ways that users find best to accomplish the same goal.

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Re: I'm having difficulties understanding Lime St 05/02/2012 at 13:35 #28867
609 posts
" said:
It emphasises that the simulation extends to Edge Hill exclusive, as opposed to Edge Hill inclusive.

Sorry, I still don't understand the distinction.

"Edge Hill inclusive" means that the sim would INCLUDE Edge Hill. "Edge Hill exclusive" means that the sim would not include Edge Hill.

I would have thought that was obvious.

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Re: I'm having difficulties understanding Lime St 05/02/2012 at 13:38 #28868
480 posts
" said:

Well, that's how most manuals here seem to be written, requiring considerable extra research unless one is already fairly experienced. As I suggested before, one solution that should settle this is to leave the manual writing and editing to one person except to point out the occasional error and glaring omission, and to have a separate Hints & Tips page, more condensed than trawling through all the forum posts for that particular sim. That way, anyone who just wants a straight basic manual doesn't have to waste time reading fine detail, and anyone with less experience who would really like to see what tips others have added is also able to pick and choose from them without disturbing the neat layout of the original manual.

There will always be at least two or three ways that users find best to accomplish the same goal.

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Re: I'm having difficulties understanding Lime St 05/02/2012 at 13:45 #28870
3946 posts
I've edited the Lime St. manual a bit, on the basis of issues raised above.

" said:
I must say it had me fooled. I thought a neck siding was a special type of siding. It certainly doesn't look normal, what with its strange wide to gauge points (that should be explained in the manual, too). I'd like to see an explicit description, if not on the main manual page, then on a separate Hints and Tips page for raw newbies who feel flummoxed by it.

What about 'Sherriff's Sding', or 'City Basin Siding'? This is how sidings are named! I'll add a link to wide to gauge points.

Maybe one difference between an experienced player like you and a relative beginner like me is that once one encounters more than one sim using the same term, one becomes a little more blasé. It didn't occur to me that this might be in the Glossary, but you're right.

I've added a link, but this proves that sometimes just a little search is all you need to do.

maxand said:
That seems to call for a separate entry in a linked Hints & Tips page on how to cope with disaster. In that case, a few words on how to reverse blocking trains out, edit timetables, etc., might be opportune. Lime Street is a bit like a partially blocked coronary artery.

The problem is, there are an infinite number of ways to get stuck, which means that documenting each and every way is very difficult. I'd let them find thier own way.

maxand said:
For all their popularity, IMO videos seem to be too jerky in mouse cursor movement and never as sharp as a well chosen, well cropped series of screen captures with reference arrows, etc., accompanied by step-by-step description.

I wasn't suggesting videos, I was pointing out the obvious problem with illustrating such a bug. Also, for the amount of effort it takes, and the fact that the bug won't cause any gameplay problem per se, I don't see the point in illustrating it.

You mention a hints and tips page. Could I suggest that, if you want to create one, you make it a global page, as opposed to Lime St. specific? Lots of hints that apply to Lime St. apply to other simulations, and it would save duplicating masses of information. The only things I'd watch out for are trying to cover every eventuality, which as I've said above, is very difficult, and re-writing information that appears elsewhere.

"Don't stress/ relax/ let life roll off your backs./ Except for death and paying taxes/ everything in life.../ is only for now." (Avenue Q)
Last edited: 05/02/2012 at 16:09 by Steamer
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The following user said thank you: maxand
Re: I'm having difficulties understanding Lime St 05/02/2012 at 13:55 #28872
480 posts
The "Known Bugs" section is included so that when issues are identified they don't have to be reported over, and over, and over again. The fact that bugs are often reported over, and over, and over again even after being published in the manual only goes to show that many people don't bother reading manuals.
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The following users said thank you: AndyG, Meld, postal
Re: I'm having difficulties understanding Lime St 05/02/2012 at 18:44 #28890
1719 posts
" said:
I suppose that the 'real world' signallers among us will be used to these quiet spells as there are probably other things to do whilst waiting for traffic. Would be interested in their comments on this.

In my experience, put the kettle on or glance at the evening paper

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Re: I'm having difficulties understanding Lime St 05/02/2012 at 21:12 #28905
3946 posts
I've edited the Lime Street manual to include some of Max's suggestions, and I've also updated this page, and provided a direct link to it from the Usertrack page, which should clear up the Neck siding issue and issues raised here, as well as drawing more attention to the page.
"Don't stress/ relax/ let life roll off your backs./ Except for death and paying taxes/ everything in life.../ is only for now." (Avenue Q)
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The following user said thank you: maxand
Re: I'm having difficulties understanding Lime St 06/02/2012 at 01:13 #28914
1637 posts
Steamer wrote:
You mention a hints and tips page. Could I suggest that, if you want to create one, you make it a global page, as opposed to Lime St. specific? Lots of hints that apply to Lime St. apply to other simulations, and it would save duplicating masses of information. The only things I'd watch out for are trying to cover every eventuality, which as I've said above, is very difficult, and re-writing information that appears elsewhere.
Good idea, I'll think it over and see how best to implement it to avoid duplicating tips, as you say, and in a way that anyone can add their own.

You did a great job on updating the manual and also the Signalling Display Symbols page.

Last edited: 06/02/2012 at 01:14 by maxand
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The following user said thank you: Steamer
Re: I'm having difficulties understanding Lime St 09/02/2012 at 14:57 #29206
5208 posts
To go back to the original post that started this thread and to confirm the details, I found I was unable to complete a number of moves after 20:00 as written in the TT. Of course this may be due to errors in the source material rather than the SimSig TT. Also I think I was trying to do everything as per TT but may have dropped a clanger or two. I had problems with the timetabled workings of:


No show-stoppers but the signaller does have to make some decisions for him/herself or incur delays. I have reported the details of the minor difficulties to the TT writer.

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
Last edited: 09/02/2012 at 14:58 by postal
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The following user said thank you: maxand
Re: I'm having difficulties understanding Lime St 13/02/2012 at 11:48 #29353
1637 posts
I confirm postal's comments. Just finished playing Lime Street for the second time, No scenario, Beginner level, and noticed the following:

2F615 arr 23:13 P2, DR:5F61 N:5S61
5F61 dep 23:26, 5S61 dep 23:20

2F995 arr 24:39 P8, DR:5S99 N5F99
5S99 dep 24:50, 5F99 dep 24:45

These can be fixed by changing DR to DF or by editing or swapping their TTs.

I haven't checked the other trains he mentioned.

There was also considerable uncertainty in wondering how to fit 4 trains into one platform:

2F694 arr 19:57 P2, dep 24:05 J:2F234
2F234 arr 23:42 P2, dep 24:05 J:2F694 N:5F231

2F214 arr 22:41 P2, dep 23:16 J:1F952
1F952 arr 22:46 P2, dep 23:16 J:2F214 N:2J623

However, P2 is 145m long and is occupied by no more than 3 of these trains at any time with a combined length of 135m, so they do fit in. However, tired as I was by this time, I wasn't going to waste time checking platform and train lengths, so re-platformed the second pair of trains.

All this adds up to a superficially simple sim at first which escalates in its last few hours to become unreasonably tricky to a beginner without more guidance than was provided in its documentation available to me at the time, so in retrospect I feel justified in questioning the degree of testing it underwent before being released. I think even a relatively straightforward sim like this should play out without requiring any timetable editing by a beginner, at the Beginner level, unless he/she is explicitly warned that some editing may be required to fix problems, which takes it out of the beginner league. At least it does not become so congested that even re-platforming becomes difficult, though if the beginner does not know how to manage trains that don't seem to fit, platform lengths or no platform lengths, the temptation to remove trains towards the end just to complete the sim becomes very strong.

You can take my comments any way you like. I hope that the next beginners who try out this sim find the manual improved and timetable corrected.

Last edited: 13/02/2012 at 11:49 by maxand
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Re: I'm having difficulties understanding Lime St 13/02/2012 at 11:57 #29354
3635 posts
all beginner mode means is that some functions of the sim - eg. interposing a description at a entrance siding, is done for the user, rather than having to it yourself. if you want to edit the timetable, and upload it as lime street 2009, revised for beginners, do it, but its nice to have problems to overcome. thats the whole point of the sim surely.
"We don't stop camborne wednesdays"
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The following users said thank you: derbybest, Peter Bennet, maxand
Re: I'm having difficulties understanding Lime St 13/02/2012 at 13:18 #29357
1637 posts
all beginner mode means is that some functions of the sim - eg. interposing a description at a entrance siding, is done for the user, rather than having to it yourself.

I had no idea. Is this explicitly stated anywhere?

All the manual says is
Beginner – This option allows the simulation to run in easy mode, and everything should run perfectly.

No comment. :S

Well, I tell you the Neck Siding could certainly do with its own berth at the far end; far more encouraging to the beginner than running out of valid track. But no, this proposal was given the thumbs-down by the sim's developers, as you probably know. If it wasn't for the timetable faults, Lime Street would be a great next step from Royston, since it fits on one screen and offers a lot of practice in dividing trains, something that Royston's standard timetable omits.

I'm a little busy right now trying to rewrite the Royston tutorial and haven't yet written my first TT, but when I get better at it I'd be happy to try taking the old one apart and patching it up so that everything does run perfectly - for beginners.

Last edited: 13/02/2012 at 13:19 by maxand
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