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Simplifier only needs one instance

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Simplifier only needs one instance 13/02/2012 at 06:16 #29343
1637 posts
Each time I press F8 it generates a new instance of the Simplifier.

I can't see any advantage in this; in fact it would be more consistent with the behaviour of other windows such as Train List if pressing F8 simply Restored the window if it is hidden (unless it was closed).

Likewise it would be appreciated if all SimSig windows remembered their previous location and dimensions for the duration of the session (even better, between sessions) after being closed and reopened.


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Re: Simplifier only needs one instance 13/02/2012 at 08:16 #29344
Late Turn
697 posts
I suppose it can be helpful (particularly if you've got plenty of space!) to have more than one instance of the simplifier open at once, each set to a different location, if the sim demands it - saves switching between locations (then selecting platforms or 'all', then clicking 'refresh'...) every time!
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The following users said thank you: Phil-jmw, headshot119
Re: Simplifier only needs one instance 13/02/2012 at 10:51 #29348
3635 posts
i agree with this, as sometimes i will have two or three simplifiers open, for instance, snow hill, water orton and landor st junction on saltley, at the same time to give me a comprehensive heads up on whats due.


"We don't stop camborne wednesdays"
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The following user said thank you: Phil-jmw
Re: Simplifier only needs one instance 13/02/2012 at 10:53 #29349
4869 posts
" said:
Each time I press F8 it generates a new instance of the Simplifier.

I can't see any advantage in this; in fact it would be more consistent with the behaviour of other windows such as Train List if pressing F8 simply Restored the window if it is hidden (unless it was closed).

Likewise it would be appreciated if all SimSig windows remembered their previous location and dimensions for the duration of the session (even better, between sessions) after being closed and reopened.

Hmmm let's see, if I'm working on Exeter Panel 2, I may want to have a simplifier open for St Davids, Central, and Cowley bridge junction. So I would want more than one instance of the simplifier.

I'm sorry but I really do think you are just trying to find things to pick and complain about, and I for one are frankly getting tired of it.

"Passengers for New Lane, should be seated in the rear coach of the train " - Opinions are my own and not those of my employer
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The following users said thank you: Phil-jmw, guidomcc, Sidestick Priority, Meld
Re: Simplifier only needs one instance 13/02/2012 at 10:57 #29350
3635 posts
off topic but a more debatable point. would it be possible to provide a print function for the simplifier, so when i open it and select a location,it willl allow me to print the next two hours of trains there? dont know if anyone else would find this a useful function.


"We don't stop camborne wednesdays"
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The following users said thank you: Phil-jmw, headshot119
Re: Simplifier only needs one instance 13/02/2012 at 12:57 #29356
1637 posts
Headshot119 wrote:
I'm sorry but I really do think you are just trying to find things to pick and complain about, and I for one are frankly getting tired of it.

While I appreciate your feedback here, this last sentence is uncalled for. I don't see anything wrong with complaining about a feature, otherwise the developers might believe we're all entirely satisfied with their design. You don't seem to be able to understand that when I start a thread to point out an issue, it's not just for my own benefit; it's to open up a discussion to see whether others find it an issue too, and what the pros and cons are. That's what this forum is for. Otherwise I might just as well have PM'd the developers about it.

I'm posting whenever I see where change might be beneficial, not just for me but for all you guys, including the great silent majority. And if you want to know, I created a macro to take care of this problem a week ago. It worked so successfully that I thought the whole lot of you might benefit from the change - that's why I decided to post it, not as a Feature Wish List item, but as an Issue, as you'll see below.

The topic of this thread is obviously not an issue for you either, with your four monitors, though you forgot to mention this. I can barely find the screen real estate for one Simplifier, let alone three, on my single monitor. (In fact, I partially hide it behind the Show Timetable window since their functions are so similar.)

But there's more to this than I first mentioned. The behaviour of SimSig's windows is inconsistent, though most of you probably don't realize it and accept it. When we want an extra View window, we click Show > New View. Likewise, the customary way to offer the user a new Simplifier window should be consistent with this, i.e., Show > New Simplifier (or maybe New Simplifier as a Timetable option under Simplifier, with its own hotkey, e.g., Shift+F8). Click a berth and the new timetable overwrites the old one. Press F2 after minimizing the Train List and it springs back to life without opening a new instance of itself. Likewise, the user should expect that pressing F8 will Restore the Simplifier rather than create a new instance. This really is unrelated to your objection that you find multiple instances helpful; it's more about presenting a consistent interface design.

Frankly it didn't occur to me that there might be those who find more than one instance of a Simplifier handy. But that's what this forum is for. Although the developers may correct me here, my impression is that the multiple-instance behaviour of the Simplifier was not really planned, but more of an oversight, since it differs so much from that of others. No problem. It appears to be another undocumented feature, just like the Find Train window I stumbled over the other day when I accidentally began typing a description into the Trains list on the Timetables tab (F8).

These remarks should in no way be regarded as devaluing the hard work put into SimSig by its developers, simply to highlight certain areas that may need attention.

(added) Aurora has pointed out another example of inconsistency here. Let's face it - the Simplifier is fairly new to SimSig and is still maturing into a stable feature, so we should use what works well, be prepared for some rough edges and not be afraid to mention them politely.

Last edited: 13/02/2012 at 13:40 by maxand
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Re: Simplifier only needs one instance 13/02/2012 at 13:47 #29360
1637 posts
off topic but a more debatable point. would it be possible to provide a print function for the simplifier, so when i open it and select a location,it willl allow me to print the next two hours of trains there? dont know if anyone else would find this a useful function.
One solution might be to include an Export Simplifier function, i.e., export it as a CSV (comma-separated-value) text file which could be printed out or fed into a spreadsheet program.

Another solution might be to achieve the same effect through an expanded Timetable editor.

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Re: Simplifier only needs one instance 13/02/2012 at 14:07 #29361
5208 posts
" said:
off topic but a more debatable point. would it be possible to provide a print function for the simplifier, so when i open it and select a location,it willl allow me to print the next two hours of trains there? dont know if anyone else would find this a useful function.

Or even the whole day from one instruction? You can pick the bones out of some of the TT analysis tools but the information is normally buried in a .txt file and then needs to be manipulated into something like a .csv format to make it easily accessible (as Maxand has just noted). Printing from the simplifier would (hopefully) be a quicker and easier way to get a hard copy set of As + Ds for a location.

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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The following user said thank you: Meld
Re: Simplifier only needs one instance 13/02/2012 at 17:20 #29374
1107 posts
This is exactly what I did for Alan's 85 Edinburgh timetable, which wasn't received too well on the grounds of having to open another program to view it.

I decline from making any further comment as I would surely get a ban

Passed the age to be doing 'Spoon Feeding' !!!
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Re: Simplifier only needs one instance 13/02/2012 at 17:27 #29375
3946 posts
" said:
Likewise it would be appreciated if all SimSig windows remembered their previous location and dimensions for the duration of the session (even better, between sessions) after being closed and reopened.
Have you tried using the minimise icon in the top right hand corner? If you restore/minimise using this, the windows will keep their place and shape when restored. For example, if you minimise the show timetable window, then when you click on another TD, the window will restore itself to the last place you had it.

maxand said:
This really is unrelated to your objection that you find multiple instances helpful; it's more about presenting a consistent interface design.

However, I think it's a more helpful design. The Simplifier is different to the other functions, so it stands to reason that it opens differently. I really can't think why anyone would want to open more than one of any of the other Fx windows (Options, TT editor, score, phone etc), however the simplifier is different in that quite a few people like to have more than one window open.

"Don't stress/ relax/ let life roll off your backs./ Except for death and paying taxes/ everything in life.../ is only for now." (Avenue Q)
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Re: Simplifier only needs one instance 13/02/2012 at 19:08 #29391
4869 posts
" said:
Headshot119 wrote:
I'm sorry but I really do think you are just trying to find things to pick and complain about, and I for one are frankly getting tired of it.

While I appreciate your feedback here, this last sentence is uncalled for. I don't see anything wrong with complaining about a feature, otherwise the developers might believe we're all entirely satisfied with their design. You don't seem to be able to understand that when I start a thread to point out an issue, it's not just for my own benefit; it's to open up a discussion to see whether others find it an issue too, and what the pros and cons are. That's what this forum is for. Otherwise I might just as well have PM'd the developers about it.

I'm posting whenever I see where change might be beneficial, not just for me but for all you guys, including the great silent majority. And if you want to know, I created a macro to take care of this problem a week ago. It worked so successfully that I thought the whole lot of you might benefit from the change - that's why I decided to post it, not as a Feature Wish List item, but as an Issue, as you'll see below.

The topic of this thread is obviously not an issue for you either, with your four monitors, though you forgot to mention this. I can barely find the screen real estate for one Simplifier, let alone three, on my single monitor. (In fact, I partially hide it behind the Show Timetable window since their functions are so similar.)

But there's more to this than I first mentioned. The behaviour of SimSig's windows is inconsistent, though most of you probably don't realize it and accept it. When we want an extra View window, we click Show > New View. Likewise, the customary way to offer the user a new Simplifier window should be consistent with this, i.e., Show > New Simplifier (or maybe New Simplifier as a Timetable option under Simplifier, with its own hotkey, e.g., Shift+F8). Click a berth and the new timetable overwrites the old one. Press F2 after minimizing the Train List and it springs back to life without opening a new instance of itself. Likewise, the user should expect that pressing F8 will Restore the Simplifier rather than create a new instance. This really is unrelated to your objection that you find multiple instances helpful; it's more about presenting a consistent interface design.

Frankly it didn't occur to me that there might be those who find more than one instance of a Simplifier handy. But that's what this forum is for. Although the developers may correct me here, my impression is that the multiple-instance behaviour of the Simplifier was not really planned, but more of an oversight, since it differs so much from that of others. No problem. It appears to be another undocumented feature, just like the Find Train window I stumbled over the other day when I accidentally began typing a description into the Trains list on the Timetables tab (F8).

These remarks should in no way be regarded as devaluing the hard work put into SimSig by its developers, simply to highlight certain areas that may need attention.

(added) Aurora has pointed out another example of inconsistency here. Let's face it - the Simplifier is fairly new to SimSig and is still maturing into a stable feature, so we should use what works well, be prepared for some rough edges and not be afraid to mention them politely.
The amount of monitors I have really doesn't come into the equation, whether I am using four, three or one monitor I would still be using more than one instance of the simplifier depending on the simulation.

I decline to comment any further as I fear anything I say may not be polite, it's been a long day.

In fact I am going to comment, I'm sick of coming onto the forum every day and having to wade through threads full of critical responses to the software and timetables which people put there time into, to give them to us for free. I understand you are trying to suggest improvements but most of your posts are derogatory towards the work people are putting into Simsig to being it to us for free.

"Passengers for New Lane, should be seated in the rear coach of the train " - Opinions are my own and not those of my employer
Last edited: 13/02/2012 at 19:55 by headshot119
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Re: Simplifier only needs one instance 13/02/2012 at 19:15 #29392
5208 posts
" said:
Likewise it would be appreciated if all SimSig windows remembered their previous location and dimensions for the duration of the session (even better, between sessions) after being closed and reopened.
Suggested on the Developers' and Testers' Bug Board on 02/04/2011 for further consideration. No action at present.

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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Re: Simplifier only needs one instance 13/02/2012 at 20:07 #29394
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
Per previous notice I have deleted 3 postings in total as they were (in part) unacceptable

They are not completely removed and can be restored if the author wishes to resubmit. I (or another mod) can copy the post content for rephrasing.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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Re: Simplifier only needs one instance 13/02/2012 at 20:11 #29395
4869 posts
You may as well delete them, I stand by every word I said and only said what every other member of the forum thinks.
"Passengers for New Lane, should be seated in the rear coach of the train " - Opinions are my own and not those of my employer
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The following user said thank you: Phil-jmw
Re: Simplifier only needs one instance 13/02/2012 at 20:13 #29397
258 posts
I for one think F8 opening multiple windows makes sense and I would not like to see this removed.

Is it truly necessary to belittle every aspect of SimSig.

Blessed are the true believers, for only they shall walk the Path, and they shall be welcomed unto the realm of the Ori and made as one with Them.
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The following user said thank you: Phil-jmw
Re: Simplifier only needs one instance 14/02/2012 at 00:00 #29404
1637 posts
Seems that one of my posts was deleted too. Never mind, what it basically said was:

1) When F8 is pressed while the Simplifier is displayed, a further instance of it is displayed. This behaviour is undocumented and inconsistent with the behaviour of other SimSig windows such as the Train List and View Window.
2) Those using multiple screens to play SimSig may well have enough room to display multiple instances of the Simplifier and find this more useful than ticking the boxes for multiple platforms in one Simplifier window.
3) However, this is a bonus based on its multiple-instance property, which appears to me to be accidental rather than deliberate. If it was deliberate, it would certainly have been advertised in the forum and Wiki when the Simplifier was first introduced, as well as mentioned somewhere in the Control window menu.
4) Rather than leaving it to the user to stumble upon this property himself, a more appropriate way to advertise this feature is to include it as a separate menu option, such as Show > New Simplifier, or Timetable > New Simplfier, with a dedicated hotkey similar to the original F8, such as Ctrl+F8 or Shift+F8, or even just a menu mnemonic.

I for one think F8 opening multiple windows makes sense and I would not like to see this removed.

If anyone proposed having it removed, it wasn't me.

Last edited: 14/02/2012 at 00:02 by maxand
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Re: Simplifier only needs one instance 14/02/2012 at 08:35 #29415
6325 posts
" said:
1) When F8 is pressed while the Simplifier is displayed, a further instance of it is displayed. This behaviour is undocumented and inconsistent with the behaviour of other SimSig windows such as the Train List and View Window.
You don't need multiple Train List windows. You say it's inconsistent, well it has to be. You say it's different from the VIew window. It's not.

" said:
3) However, this is a bonus based on its multiple-instance property, which appears to me to be accidental rather than deliberate. If it was deliberate, it would certainly have been advertised in the forum and Wiki when the Simplifier was first introduced, as well as mentioned somewhere in the Control window menu.
I assume you've never done any Windows programming to make a statement like this. It requires different code to set up a new window than to re-use the existing one so I can assure you it was most definitely deliberate and by design, for the reasons everybody else has already realised and pointed out.

" said:
4) Rather than leaving it to the user to stumble upon this property himself, a more appropriate way to advertise this feature is to include it as a separate menu option, such as Show > New Simplifier, or Timetable > New Simplfier, with a dedicated hotkey similar to the original F8, such as Ctrl+F8 or Shift+F8, or even just a menu mnemonic.
I don't see the point of complicating a simple function, nor see what these additional, confusing keys are supposed to do anyway.

SimSig Boss
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The following users said thank you: andyb0607, Stephen Fulcher
Re: Simplifier only needs one instance 14/02/2012 at 11:06 #29425
1637 posts
OK, that settles the matter.

Unlike the Train List window, When the Simplifier is minimized, just think twice before pressing F8 again to restore it.

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