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2006 timetable 2B21 issue

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2006 timetable 2B21 issue 05/11/2012 at 06:17 #37256
386 posts
I found something funny with 2B21 in the 2006 timetable. It looks like a fairly ordinary Exmouth to Barnstaple service, except that its timetable contains Exmouth Junction, Exeter Central platform 3, and Exeter St Davids platform 1. Unfortunately, Exeter Central platform 3 is unidirectional from St Davids towards Exmouth and Honiton! Easy enough to replatform to P2, but the timetable AFAICT is impossible to satisfy so should probably be fixed?

Edit: 2B23 is doing the same. There might be more in the future I guess.

Last edited: 05/11/2012 at 07:26 by Hawk777
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