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New 'Blockpost Software' simulations

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New 'Blockpost Software' simulations 30/10/2012 at 15:16 #37045
78 posts
would i be able to right my own time table?

Alistair burgess

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New 'Blockpost Software' simulations 30/10/2012 at 18:49 #37053
Peter Jordan
23 posts
Thanks for your enquiry, Alistair.

I think the answer to your question is - not at the moment.

However, a timetable editor is being prepared and once that is completed and tested you should be able to use it to prepare timetables of your own, perhaps based on old BR working timetables.

So - watch this space!

Peter Jordan

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The following user said thank you: bugali
New 'Blockpost Software' simulations 04/11/2012 at 19:42 #37244
78 posts
how is the web sit cumming on, coz like this web sit it would be cool if u could up lowed are timetables to the web site, because i have a lot of timetables of exeter west


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New 'Blockpost Software' simulations 05/11/2012 at 08:43 #37257
Peter Jordan
23 posts
Be patient, Alistair - as soon as the website is up and running we will let everyone know. It's in no ones interest to keep it a secret!

With regard to timetables, you need to be careful here. From May 1961 significant changes began to be made to the traffic pattern at Exeter St. David's, and these were reflected in changes to the layout. First of these (installed in May 1961) was the ability to terminate trains from Exeter Central in the Up Middle and have them depart again back to Central from the same platform. But the simulation does not make that provision, so it is likely that any timetables after May 1961 will be unworkable on the simulation as it is currently configured.

Peter Jordan

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New 'Blockpost Software' simulations 05/11/2012 at 11:26 #37262
3635 posts
" said:
Be patient, Alistair - as soon as the website is up and running we will let everyone know. It's in no ones interest to keep it a secret!

With regard to timetables, you need to be careful here. From May 1961 significant changes began to be made to the traffic pattern at Exeter St. David's, and these were reflected in changes to the layout. First of these (installed in May 1961) was the ability to terminate trains from Exeter Central in the Up Middle and have them depart again back to Central from the same platform. But the simulation does not make that provision, so it is likely that any timetables after May 1961 will be unworkable on the simulation as it is currently configured.

Peter Jordan
out of interest peter, what period of time does the simulation, and the preserved box recreate, and what the changes made either side of that set up?

"We don't stop camborne wednesdays"
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New 'Blockpost Software' simulations 06/11/2012 at 12:02 #37307
Peter Jordan
23 posts
The simulation, and the preserved box, represent things as they were in the summer of 1960.Previously, in April 1959, the box had received a new lever frame and was given control of additional signals (signals 2 & 3)on the Up Main which replaced the small signal box at Exeter St.Thomas.

Following the 1961 change made to the Up Middle the next major change was the closure of the Goods lines and their conversion into sidings. This meant it was no longer possible to run directly off the Down Main into the Loco.Shed - a backshunt on the Up Main behind discs 12/13/14 was necessary first. The layout in the Loco. Shed was also simplified, with the connections onto the former Down Goods line removed.

Anyone who wants to know the full history of the box may be interested in purchasing a copy of our limited edition A4 hardback book 'Exeter West Box.' Jointly authored by myself and Adrian Vaughan, the book chronicles the history of the box from its construction to its rebuilding at Crewe Heritage Centre. The book is illustrated with 63 photographs, 3 box diagrams and reproductions of many official notices etc. relating to the box.The book also has a full-colour dust jacket.

A few copies are still available, price £27.50 (including post and packing.) Orders should be sent (with cheques payable to 'Exeter West Group'to the Group at 67, Teazel Avenue, Bournville, BIRMINGHAM B30 1LZ

Peter Jordan

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New 'Blockpost Software' simulations 06/11/2012 at 17:20 #37308
6325 posts
I've been asked why this thread is running, promoting somebody else's product. I don't mind as it's the same topic but completely different - SimSig is more modern MAS, whereas this is semaphore signalling in traditional boxes.

However, once their website is going, I hope they will have a forum to discuss their own products!

SimSig Boss
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New 'Blockpost Software' simulations 06/11/2012 at 17:40 #37309
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
" said:
I've been asked why this thread is running, promoting somebody else's product. I don't mind as it's the same topic but completely different - SimSig is more modern MAS, whereas this is semaphore signalling in traditional boxes.

However, once their website is going, I hope they will have a forum to discuss their own products!
Just to add that the topic was briefly suspended after post 1 while we considered the point.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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New 'Blockpost Software' simulations 06/11/2012 at 18:21 #37310
Peter Jordan
23 posts
Perhaps I should also point out that of recent years we have welcomed groups from 'SimSig' to Exeter West when the participants have been able to have a go at operating the box and have, by all accounts. enjoyed their visits very much. We are not under any obligation to provide this facility, but we have been very pleased to do so.

As we have done something for 'SimSig' then it doesn't seem too much to expect a favour in return. It's called 'co-operation.'

Peter Jordan

Chairman, Exeter West Group

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New 'Blockpost Software' simulations 07/11/2012 at 11:34 #37321
72 posts
I'm glad you've had the wisdom to allow this topic to continue. While loyalty to a particular product is warming I'm sure we're all interested in signalling in general beyond SimSig itself. I personally do not have a great deal of spare time to be searching for other simulations that may interest me and am glad that I can be made aware of things via this forum.

After all, I didn't discover SimSig by coming to this forum first of all; I discovered it being discussed in other rail forums. It'd be a shame if small interest groups isolate themselves unnecessarily.

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The following users said thank you: bossman, bugali
New 'Blockpost Software' simulations 11/12/2012 at 10:30 #39079
Peter Jordan
23 posts
Just to keep folk 'up to speed' - if you've been waiting for the 'Blockpost Software' website to appear, it should be with us very soon. I've seen some of the pages that have been prepared and it is looking very good.

So please be patient a little bit longer - and rest assured I'll let you know as soon as it goes live.

Peter Jordan

Chairman, Exeter West Group

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The following user said thank you: Signalhunter
New 'Blockpost Software' simulations 17/12/2012 at 23:58 #39318
Forest Pines
525 posts
Just a minor point here: reading this thread, I was a bit puzzled in that some posts said these simulations were completely new, but the posted screenshots appeared to show something running on the good old PCRail simulation engine - the screen layout and graphics were identical to a PCRail sim. Are these simulations newly-coded, or were the screenshots of a different sim?

(I know there are certain regulars on here who always insist that life would be much better if SimSig was converted from Delphi to .NET. I wonder if they have an opinion about FoxPro!)

(and, incidentally, I am glad threads like this are allowed because otherwise I would never have heard about a competitor who produces simulations of boxes in other European countries. So, er, there.)

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New 'Blockpost Software' simulations 18/12/2012 at 13:18 #39334
Peter Jordan
23 posts
I did not feel that I was sufficiently qualified to answer some of the points made in the posting above, so I passed it to Howard Bolton, the owner of 'Blockpost Software.' Here is his reply:

'I am not sure which screen shots you were looking at, but I can only
assume you were not making the correct comparison - every one who has
tried the Blockpost simulations has commented that the display and the
functionality is vastly superior to anything previously available.

Let me state categorically that there is absolutely no similarity
between the appearance or operation of Blockpost simulations and the
"good old PCRail Simulation engine" - with the possible exception that
the layout of the information windows is superficially similar.

I would also add that the Blockpost simulations are created in a
different language, use a different display functionality and were
written as ground-up new code.'

So there you have it.

Peter Jordan

Chairman, Exeter West Group

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New 'Blockpost Software' simulations 18/12/2012 at 15:07 #39342
Peter Jordan
23 posts

As of today the website for 'Blockpost Software' is up and running. The facility to download the simulations from the website is not yet available but the pages contain a wealth of information about the range of simulations that will be available in the short to medium term. There are also pages that might help answer some of the questions and queries you may have.

The site can be viewed at : www.blockpostsoftware.co.uk

Peter Jordan

Chairman, Exeter West Group

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The following user said thank you: NCC1701
New 'Blockpost Software' simulations 18/12/2012 at 18:52 #39355
149 posts
This on the bottom of the page looks inviting:-------

All our simulations will shortly be available for
FREE Download

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New 'Blockpost Software' simulations 18/12/2012 at 19:01 #39356
Peter Jordan
23 posts
Don't get over-excited. The free downloads will only be the demonstration versions. If you want to upgrade your demonstration simulation to a full version you will need to purchase an 'unlock key.'

It's all explained in the pages if you read carefully.

Peter Jordan

Chairman, Exeter West Group

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New 'Blockpost Software' simulations 18/12/2012 at 21:23 #39364
177 posts
If the downloads page goes live, in time, I know what I'll be getting for my birthday! :woohoo:
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New 'Blockpost Software' simulations 19/12/2012 at 11:12 #39378
251 posts
A demo of Exeter West is now available.
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New 'Blockpost Software' simulations 19/12/2012 at 11:20 #39379
27 posts
Wouldn't be too worried about this new program/software Geoff. It looks pretty poor and doesn't even put a par on Simsig. Won't be wasting my money on this. Looking to purchase more Simsig's soon
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New 'Blockpost Software' simulations 19/12/2012 at 11:25 #39381
251 posts
" said:
It looks pretty poor and doesn't even put a par on Simsig.

It's not really fair to compare a mechanical box simulator with an IECC simulator.

Last edited: 19/12/2012 at 11:28 by Zoe
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New 'Blockpost Software' simulations 19/12/2012 at 11:33 #39382
27 posts
Listen bottom line is it shouldn't even be posted on this website in my opinion. This forum should be about one thing and one thing only, Simsig and no some cheap made program.

The developers/owners are taking advantage of this site and are dangerously diverting, some minor people away to purchase their programs when they could be buying Simsig products.

And before you get on your high horse, all this is my opinion and take on it all. Agree/Disagree then that's your opinion too


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New 'Blockpost Software' simulations 19/12/2012 at 11:37 #39383
251 posts
" said:
The developers/owners are taking advantage of this site and are dangerously diverting, some minor people away to purchase their programs when they could be buying Simsig products.

SimSig are not selling any mechanical box simulators.

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New 'Blockpost Software' simulations 19/12/2012 at 11:40 #39384
251 posts
" said:
Listen bottom line is it shouldn't even be posted on this website in my opinion. This forum should be about one thing and one thing only, Simsig and no some cheap made program.

It's a representation of a mechanical signal box, this is very different to modern signalling. This does not make it "some cheap made program". If you prefer modern signalling, there are many IECC simulations available here at SimSig.

The developers/owners are taking advantage of this site and are dangerously diverting, some minor people away to purchase their programs when they could be buying Simsig products.

I don't think many people are going to be buying a simulation of a mechanical box if what they really want is an IECC simulation.

Last edited: 19/12/2012 at 11:53 by Zoe
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New 'Blockpost Software' simulations 19/12/2012 at 11:44 #39385
258 posts
IMHO I dont see what difference it really makes.

It only makes a difference if we jump up and down about it, given a few days and these postings will just vanish into the background of SimSig.

Blessed are the true believers, for only they shall walk the Path, and they shall be welcomed unto the realm of the Ori and made as one with Them.
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The following user said thank you: 37223
New 'Blockpost Software' simulations 19/12/2012 at 12:08 #39386
4869 posts
Out of interest how much is the Yapton sim?
"Passengers for New Lane, should be seated in the rear coach of the train " - Opinions are my own and not those of my employer
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