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Line Blockages

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Line Blockages 23/03/2013 at 14:46 #42563
62 posts
Just a quick thought. Is it possible to be able to code into the game, line blockages. I just thought that this would make it a bit more interesting and give experienced players more to think about when playing. I have searched the forums and not seen anything like this mentioned. Sorry if it has though.
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Line Blockages 23/03/2013 at 15:07 #42564
480 posts
Incident Control Panel - F11 (wiki link) available on newer sims could be what you are looking for.
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Line Blockages 23/03/2013 at 15:21 #42565
2652 posts
The only thing you may find out to your cost is with some timetables, having lines closed or platforms blocked can mess up the game completely. Unlkess the timetable has been specifically written to take into account platform closures & or line closures you may find you wouldn't be able to play the timetable. I remember one occasion during a multiplayer session playing Sheffield 1983/1984 timetable, the host decided to close platform 5. The game had to be abandoned afyer a couple of hours when 2 parcel trains are booked into platforms 2 & 5 at Sheffield & both trains split & join off each other. Due to platform 5 being closed this completely destroyed the game as the moves required to take place in the timetable couldn't. You may get away with it on modern timetables, but not with hertiage ones unless as I say the timetable has been specifically written to take the closures into account.
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Line Blockages 23/03/2013 at 15:56 #42569
62 posts
Thanks all, but I was thinking like in the real world you get random phone calls from people on the ground wanting a line blockage for 5 minutes to examine point work or to work on signalling equipment and you would have to agree a time or something with the technician on the phone as to when the blockage of 5 mins could be taken to do the work. Something like that instead of a T3 possession of which a platform closure for the entire game would be.
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Line Blockages 23/03/2013 at 17:58 #42577
Stephen Fulcher
2047 posts
You could always just REM a few signals and create a line blockage of your own choosing.

When I host multiplayer I will sometimes "request" a line blockage, but not always as it depends on who is working a particular panel and whether they appear to have the ability to work around the problem.

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Line Blockages 23/03/2013 at 18:00 #42578
5208 posts
A lot of discussion about the same idea in this thread from a while back.
“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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