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How to create scenarios in pre F11

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How to create scenarios in pre F11 05/06/2013 at 07:36 #45467
25 posts
I'm just wondering how create your own engineer possessions and line blockages without the use of the Incident Control Panel.

I've seen this done in a few KX multiplayer games, and I'm wondering how to replicate this as KX doesn't have a F11 button.



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How to create scenarios in pre F11 05/06/2013 at 08:00 #45468
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
These are pre-programmed into the Sim by the developer. The user's only option is the f11: where provided.

It has also been done as a fudge by running a slow train (1 mph?) through a section thus effectively blocking it.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
Last edited: 05/06/2013 at 08:02 by Peter Bennet
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How to create scenarios in pre F11 05/06/2013 at 08:59 #45469
164 posts
you could collar the signals? then interpose }{}{ into each berth. it wouldnt save but you coould contiue it over again?


Last edited: 05/06/2013 at 08:59 by jwsetford
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How to create scenarios in pre F11 05/06/2013 at 09:02 #45470
884 posts
Of course, there's nothing to stop you from simulating your own line blockages / worksites using reminder appliances on signals and points.

You could even create tampers / rail grinders and such like to work within your worksites to give it an extra element of realism.

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How to create scenarios in pre F11 05/06/2013 at 09:30 #45471
1719 posts
Before IECC-type displays, possessions were created by the simple expedient of 'collaring' signals (the signalman's job), putting down detonators and lamps/flags (done by the 'blocked road man'and making suitable entries in the train register book (the signalman and the Person in Charge (nowadays PICOP) who both signed the entry, more recently the signalman alone when possession was taken by phone, noting who & where the message was received from). There was no specific indication on a diagram/panel (other than the button covers (collars) on a panel).

More recently (after the advent of computer-driven train describers, I think) signalmen discovered that combinations other than number-letter-two numbers could be input; I have seen a VDU display of a neighbouring box's describer setup with 'DETS' in a number of berths in the aftermath of a broken rail being discovered. Again, apart from button covers I wouldn't expect any other indication on the panel (and as the box concerned was Watford Junction, which has a separate indication panel, those 'descriptions' and the button covers wouldn't have been on the same panel in any case).

So if you want to set up a possession, it seems to me there's nothing at all stopping you - all you need to do is implement the rules for a TIII (is it still called that?). You could even have ballast trains and on-track machines in your timetable, arriving and being talked in to the possession in accordance with the rules (then talked out & in during the work and out again before possession is given up). Only thing that's missing is suitable telephone messages...

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The following users said thank you: Temple Meads, Jezalenko
How to create scenarios in pre F11 05/06/2013 at 14:51 #45474
16 posts
As other people have said - by collaring signals and interposing }{}{ to display the big XX in the TD berths. While it doesn't "do" anything as far as the sim itself is concerned (it'll still let you send trains through if you override the reminders), it does provide a suitable representation for your signallers.
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The following user said thank you: Jezalenko
How to create scenarios in pre F11 06/06/2013 at 04:15 #45489
25 posts
Thanks for that - it was obviously the }{}{ interposed code I was seeing.

The help's appreciated!

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