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License manager issues v3.247

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License manager issues v3.247 04/07/2013 at 07:59 #46394
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
Couple of issue have arisen which should either be now resolved or for which there is a user fix for the time being.

1. "I've paid for a lisence and it's not appearing in license manager"

"There were issues with the HikaShop module which have since been fixed. This would have prevented the emails too. If you've got email from PayPal then that is your payment confirmation. I receive copies of the PayPal confirmation too as well as the online statement."

2. " I have a license in my machine but the sim will not pick up that fact"

"It should be in a folder :User/public/public documents/SimSig and running License manager places the file there (on Win7 - other O/S paths may differ but there should be a similar location) The file you need is called "common.cfg" which is auto generated by license manager.

However if the "SimSig" folder is missing the file is not created, further tests indicate that the common.cfg file must be retained there and not moved.

Placing it in the public folder allows multiple users accounts on one computer to access the licenses

Another difficulty can arise if you have a previous version of license manager installed. It's advisable to delete that as it's been known for a conflict to occur with the new one.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
Last edited: 14/07/2013 at 21:28 by Peter Bennet
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