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Volunteers needed for Twitter feed

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Volunteers needed for Twitter feed 02/07/2013 at 18:24 #46239
315 posts
Hello! I'm now one of the administrators for a volunteer based Twitter feed called RailDisruptions, I'm here because we're looking for more volunteers to help run our Twitter Feed:

We’re recruiting volunteers for daytime and evening slots!
Do you want to boost your literacy, communication and customer service skills?
Do you use Twitter regularly?
Can you work calmly and efficiently under pressure?
Then we’d love to hear from you! We’re looking for people to fill our daytime slots, so if you are available from 07:00 – 00:30 Mondays - Sundays please get in touch with us.
We’d love it if you already have a Twitter account: and we’d love it if you could also send a tweet from your personal account that matches our style (if you need any tips just ask!)
So, drop us an email at admin(at)raildisruptions(dot)co(dot)uk, replacing (at) with an @ and (dot) with a .
We’re always looking for volunteers, so if you can’t help us now but in the future you can we’d love to hear from you also,
**PLEASE NOTE** We are looking specifically for people to do weekdays between 08:30 – 12:30 and 12:30 -16:30 as well as 20:30 – 00:30. We urgently need people to do these slots as we are about to enter a period with very few staff!

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Volunteers needed for Twitter feed 09/07/2013 at 18:33 #46865
129 posts
Hi send me more details by e-mail to mkleggett at hotmail dot com
I look forward to hearing from you my twitter account is @mkleggett2

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