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Perfomance analysis, question

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Perfomance analysis, question 31/10/2013 at 00:35 #50449
268 posts
Are over 01:40 game time. Train 6H09 (International entrance) has over 15 minutes early entrance, waiting just time for next pass point and 6N03 (Lindsey oil) has over 1 hour early entrance, waiting time too.
No trains with delay. But on same moment than both mentioned trains are waiting several minutes or excesive time crossing open for trains, immediately player level passes from 100 to 94%.
Question is, those mentioned details are cause to penalize player? If train has 1 or 2 hours early entrance time and its route is free, the just is for my reason shall be to just time to run to next pass point.

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Perfomance analysis, question 31/10/2013 at 00:52 #50450
88 posts
" said:
excesive time crossing open for trains
This is a scoring penalty. Forcing an early train to wait ("regulating"shouldn't be. The other thing I got hit with a lot the last time I ran through South Humberside is penalties for trains going to, for instance, Cleethorpes CS without permission, even though I definitely called and got the slot before routing the train in.

The level crossings are hard. There are a lot of them on lines that get infrequent trains. And you need to wait three minutes after a train clears Elsham LC before starting to lower Appleby. Earlier, and you get the "excessive delay without a train" penalty; later, and the train hits a red signal.

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Perfomance analysis, question 31/10/2013 at 01:59 #50452
268 posts
Thanks dmaze to clarify it. Over crossing is down much time, I did new load session avoiding it that, only put down crossing when train is near of same.
You put over forzing trains wait by early train entrance, regularly doesn't penalize by that. But on my experience lived does short time. Several loaded session saved, if train is waiting immediately player level is down.
Are 2 trains with early entrance: 6H09 over 20 minutes wait and 6N03, more than 1 hour wait by very early entrance.
I think that than this negative detail is so put it the sim creator. Because other sims I can give them wait time on any point and doesn't receive penalty by that action.

Note. I had personal error putting hour game on start of this threat. Put than was 1:40 game time, when really was 0:40 game time.

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