Enough route set to a route

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Enough route set to a route 21/12/2013 at 16:05 #53060
1315 posts

Liverpool Street, latest version is showing me "enough route set to a route" in the ARS status when a train has a route set that leads off the sim towards Hackney Downs FL. I understand that routes in the Hackney Downs area aren't numbered in the sim, but I'd rather expect it to say "route set towards end of path", which happens with trains routed towards Bow Jn.

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AJP in games
Last edited: 21/12/2013 at 16:06 by Albert
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Enough route set to a route 21/12/2013 at 16:33 #53062
6391 posts
Hmm, it should give a route ID like R100AM but you're seeing the fallback position of "a route" which is clearly inappropriate for this particular message! I'll try to recreate and fix. Thanks.
SimSig Boss
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