1980's/90's timetables

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1980's/90's timetables 10/01/2014 at 16:33 #53752
99 posts
Just out of interest but does anyone have any plans for a Trent 1980's or 90's timetable?
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1980's/90's timetables 10/01/2014 at 16:39 #53753
2661 posts
Yes I started writing a 1980s & 1990s timetable for Trent, but they've been put on hold due to the number of locations missing or not accessible in the current version. Until a 1980s era version of Trent has been released its a non starter trust me on this & judging by the amount of time that has elapsed since the sim was released I suspect you'll be claiming your old age pension before you see a 1980s era released of this sim. I personally would love to see this era done & released more than anything else on SimSig, but the wait goes on.
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