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Using SimSig with multiscreens

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Using SimSig with multiscreens 24/03/2014 at 13:51 #57663
11 posts
Hello, I am new! I am now retired but used to build model colour light signals and NX panels controlling model railways. here is one I made.

I am looking to try SimSig.

I have tried searching but cannot find any info on using three or four screens?
Can anyone let me know if it is possible and how to go about it. Please bear in mind I am a switch and relay man, so be gentle with me.

Many thanks

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Using SimSig with multiscreens 24/03/2014 at 13:59 #57664
1461 posts
I seem to recall that you can just stretch the normal window across multiple screens. You can also open new windows (Show -> New View) which you could then position on different screens.

In short, I'm not aware of any problems!

Last edited: 24/03/2014 at 14:00 by Danny252
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Using SimSig with multiscreens 24/03/2014 at 14:05 #57665
4869 posts
As Danny252 says, there are no issues with using SimSig on multiple monitors.

I have four screens connected to my desktop PC, and can stretch Simsig across all of them. (You can just resize the window to fit across all of the screens as if they where one)

If I remember when I get home I'll take a picture to demonstrate it.

"Passengers for New Lane, should be seated in the rear coach of the train " - Opinions are my own and not those of my employer
Last edited: 24/03/2014 at 14:06 by headshot119
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Using SimSig with multiscreens 24/03/2014 at 15:34 #57674
6325 posts
Impressive panel!
SimSig Boss
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Using SimSig with multiscreens 24/03/2014 at 16:26 #57678
902 posts
I am curious now as to how that panel is locked. Is it locked with any kind of standard or a method which you've thought up yourself?


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Using SimSig with multiscreens 24/03/2014 at 17:32 #57681
1719 posts
" said:
Impressive panel!

Seconded. I'd love to hear a little more about what that controls and how you've locked it and how it works. At first sight it looks a little reminiscent of some French panels I've seen... I think there's one at St Gervais-les-Bains in the French Alps, also one at Le Treport on the Normandy coast (same square illuminated buttons). Nice piece of work anyway.

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Using SimSig with multiscreens 24/03/2014 at 18:48 #57685
1277 posts
I am hoping to go dual-screen when I get my new PC soon: I won't be able to fit 3 or 4 in. I am hoping that my employer will let me have a couple of screens from the office that have not been used for a while...

Edit: Perhaps someone could upload some sort of tutorial on the SimSig website as to how to set up multiscreen? I have no idea how to go about expanding the desktop space available in respect of what cables are needed, where to connect them, etc. I can do it with 1 screen but have never tried it with more than that.


Last edited: 24/03/2014 at 18:51 by DaveHarries
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Using SimSig with multiscreens 24/03/2014 at 19:02 #57686
1461 posts
That seems awfully non-specific to Simsig, though - and possibly quite dependent on your exact setup, I would imagine!
Last edited: 24/03/2014 at 19:02 by Danny252
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Using SimSig with multiscreens 24/03/2014 at 19:13 #57688
495 posts
" said:
I am hoping to go dual-screen when I get my new PC soon: I won't be able to fit 3 or 4 in. I am hoping that my employer will let me have a couple of screens from the office that have not been used for a while...

Edit: Perhaps someone could upload some sort of tutorial on the SimSig website as to how to set up multiscreen? I have no idea how to go about expanding the desktop space available in respect of what cables are needed, where to connect them, etc. I can do it with 1 screen but have never tried it with more than that.

Pm me and I'll teach you- just ask.

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Using SimSig with multiscreens 24/03/2014 at 19:24 #57690
771 posts

You'll need to know what outputs your PC supports and what inputs the monitors have. Once you know that, you can work out what cables and/or adapters you may need.

Once you got them correctly connected, Windows should automatically detect the second monitor.

There are several methods to do the screen setup depends on what graphics adapter you have and how its controlled from the OS. I'd first try doing it through Windows desktop settings first which (on Windows 7) you can access by doing a right click on the desktop and selecting the screen resolution option. From there you should be able to see a Multiple Displays combo box and simply select "extend these displays".

And that's all there is to it.

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Using SimSig with multiscreens 24/03/2014 at 21:02 #57696
belly buster
368 posts
First thing to check is if your graphics card supports two monitors which you can check just by looking at the connectors on the back.
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Using SimSig with multiscreens 24/03/2014 at 21:02 #57697
4869 posts
" said:
First thing to check is if your graphics card supports two monitors which you can check just by looking at the connectors on the back.
Not quite, just because it has two or more connectors does not mean the card supports that number of monitors.

"Passengers for New Lane, should be seated in the rear coach of the train " - Opinions are my own and not those of my employer
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Using SimSig with multiscreens 24/03/2014 at 21:12 #57698
belly buster
368 posts
" said:
" said:
First thing to check is if your graphics card supports two monitors which you can check just by looking at the connectors on the back.
Not quite, just because it has two or more connectors does not mean the card supports that number of monitors.
OK. But if it doesn't have 2 connectors it definitely won't support 2 monitors!

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Using SimSig with multiscreens 24/03/2014 at 21:19 #57699
1171 posts
" said:
" said:
" said:
First thing to check is if your graphics card supports two monitors which you can check just by looking at the connectors on the back.
Not quite, just because it has two or more connectors does not mean the card supports that number of monitors.
OK. But if it doesn't have 2 connectors it definitely won't support 2 monitors!
Not quite, DVI can support dual monitors, and DisplayPort can be daisychained

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Using SimSig with multiscreens 24/03/2014 at 21:25 #57701
77 posts
No need to make it complicated!
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Using SimSig with multiscreens 24/03/2014 at 21:44 #57702
belly buster
368 posts
" said:
" said:
" said:
" said:
First thing to check is if your graphics card supports two monitors which you can check just by looking at the connectors on the back.
Not quite, just because it has two or more connectors does not mean the card supports that number of monitors.
OK. But if it doesn't have 2 connectors it definitely won't support 2 monitors!
Not quite, DVI can support dual monitors, and DisplayPort can be daisychained
I'll get my coat.

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Using SimSig with multiscreens 24/03/2014 at 21:49 #57703
771 posts
Unfortunately, what's been said is completely accurate and like it or not, while it may seem quite straight forward, there is a chance it may not be for the reasons outlined by HEadshot and Sacro.

It really all comes down to the PC in question and knowing what you have or possibly don't have. The age of the PC may alos be a factor as DisplayPort certainly isn't currently as popular or widespread as DVI, HDMI or the venerable VGA connection (though its seems to be gaining popularity of late). Chances are unless it's a fairly up to date PC/laptop, you therefore won't have to be concerned with DisplayPort.

DVI, VGA and HDMI are seen pretty much everywhere in some combination. The Nvidia cards we've used at work have one of each connector (DVI, HDMI and VGA) but the card only supports two out of the three being connected simultaneously. Of course, that may a restriction of the type of graphics card we used so other cards may be different.

Last edited: 24/03/2014 at 21:49 by Lardybiker
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Using SimSig with multiscreens 25/03/2014 at 08:45 #57717
11 posts
" said:
That seems awfully non-specific to Simsig, though - and possibly quite dependent on your exact setup, I would imagine!
I don't know what you are saying? I apologise if I have done something wrong. Please let me know.

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Using SimSig with multiscreens 25/03/2014 at 09:05 #57720
11 posts
" said:
" said:
Impressive panel!

Seconded. I'd love to hear a little more about what that controls and how you've locked it and how it works. At first sight it looks a little reminiscent of some French panels I've seen... I think there's one at St Gervais-les-Bains in the French Alps, also one at Le Treport on the Normandy coast (same square illuminated buttons). Nice piece of work anyway.
Thank you for your kind words.
I am told my post was non specific to SimSig. So I may be in the wrong posting this?
It uses push/push switches as the push/pull were £60 each at the time. Push entry (switch flashes) push exit (switch flashes) if a route, entry switch glows steady and yellow route path lights. A route relay operates signals and points along the route. No conflicting route can be set. Push entry switch again to reset the route.

I have tried to mimic the prototype as simply as possible. Route lights change to red when track circuit is occupied. Two digit train describers can be set and will follow the train. All done with relays!
Three position manual point switches at the top of the panel. A working cctv crossing. Panel marking is prototypical.

A brief explanation, if you would like more details it may be better to PM me?
As I said I have retired now, I have Two part built panels and loads of switches and relays up for grabs. Arthritis prevents me from completing them but I can use a mouse, hence SimSig!

All the best

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The following user said thank you: Hawk777
Using SimSig with multiscreens 25/03/2014 at 14:23 #57758
771 posts
" said:
" said:
That seems awfully non-specific to Simsig, though - and possibly quite dependent on your exact setup, I would imagine!
I don't know what you are saying? I apologise if I have done something wrong. Please let me know.

Don't worry, you have nothing to apologize for. The quote in question was referring to the previous posts request to post a tutorial on how to setup multiple monitors.

I'd also like to add my admiration for that panel. For a model railway, that is an amazing piece of work. It looks very lifelike. If it's relay logic that's going to be a pretty large set or relays and some epic wiring I imagine!! I'd like to ask you some more questions about it but rather than clutter up the forum I'll send you a PM (personal message) with my e-mail address so we chat offline.

Last edited: 25/03/2014 at 14:27 by Lardybiker
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Using SimSig with multiscreens 25/03/2014 at 14:44 #57760
11 posts
Many thanks for explaining my misunderstanding. Yes a lot of relays. Around 100 if my memory serves me. I am ex GPO/BT so large quantities of wires don't bother me!

Thanks again

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Using SimSig with multiscreens 25/03/2014 at 15:00 #57763
11 posts
That panel was door size around 6 feet x 2 feet. This one is 2 feet 6 inches x 12 inches. Only the train describer PCB's are internal all other controls are external. Just a box of switches and LED's really! Built in 2000 that's 14 years ago! Doesn't time fly!

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The following user said thank you: Stephen Fulcher
Using SimSig with multiscreens 25/03/2014 at 21:01 #57789
Stephen Fulcher
2047 posts
I was thinking of using my old model railway stuff again and building a full relay interlocking for it - then more-or-less ruled it out due to the 100+ relays needed to control a relatively simple layout. There is no way my panel would have looked as good as you have managed there however.

Is it based upon any particular form of interlocking (850, E10k etc.) or did you design your own from scratch?

Regarding the non-SimSig specific comment Danny made, I suspect it was to do with how to set up multiple monitors rather than the model railway. There are many people on here who will find the panels you have built interesting. I personally think it might be a good idea for someone to write a basic set of instructions for multiple monitors. Even though there are many ways to achieve it, it would be of some interest to some users to see one way of doing it.

Last edited: 25/03/2014 at 21:03 by Stephen Fulcher
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Using SimSig with multiscreens 25/03/2014 at 22:39 #57802
1277 posts
Just a thought so that I know how big I can have each of the two screens I plan to use: if a monitor is referred to as being a "19-inch screen" (for example) does that refer to the viewing area only or to the width of the screen as a whole? I currently have a Belinea 1730S which is 14.5in wide and 12.5in high including the surround.

I guess when I get my new PC I will have to get a mate to set it up for me. But it sounds like I should be OK if I have a DVI socket?


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Using SimSig with multiscreens 25/03/2014 at 23:21 #57808
315 posts
The thing to look for is resolution, the bigger the better (although that can be interpreted incorrectly!), and as such a single monitor with a resolution of 1920x1080 can handle sims like Birmingham New Street with no vertical scrolling but the usual horizontal scrolling. Smaller sims you'd get away with haviong the whole area plus the 52 list plus the Incident Control Panel and an enlarged message window!
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