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View timetable as image 12/04/2014 at 06:54 #58736
1637 posts
This works for me and may work for others.

For this you need to have already installed an image viewer and a screen capture program. I've used FastStone Image Viewer (free) for some years and it does all I need. Likewise Jing screen capture program by TechSmith.

Pause the sim, open the Timetable List window (F4) at the Timetables tab, Select Sort by Departure/Entry Time and check Hide entered trains. Adjust vertical height of the the window to suit, then take a screen capture of the timetable list. Save it somewhere (default format is .png), then open it in your image viewer, reduce the viewer window to crop out any empty space, then keep it handy hidden behind the panel view.

When you want to see what's next to arrive, click the image viewer icon on the toolbar and up it pops. No need to print out the timetable or anything. When you've worked through the list, pause the sim, press F4 and create another popup image.

I haven't bothered to do so in this pic but you can reduce the window size still further by eliminating unnecessary toolbars.

Advantages of this method:
1) This static pic is much smaller than the Timetable List;
2) To hide it, simply click anywhere in black space on the View window to bring it to the front;
3) You can assign a shortcut to display the viewer, if necessary;
4) You can create a series of sequential pics, e.g., each containing a 2-hour stretch, and save them for the next time you play the same timetable.
5) (Added) You can keep the F4 Timetable List window sorted by train ID and pop up the image (sorted by Departure/Entry Time) without having to switch between the two.

Last edited: 12/04/2014 at 08:05 by maxand
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View timetable as image 12/04/2014 at 06:57 #58737
Forest Pines
525 posts
Cunning idea - you could even do the same thing by individual fringe for particularly awkward locations (ie Abbotswood Jn on Gloucester, where you have very little notice of approaching trains)
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View timetable as image 12/04/2014 at 09:52 #58745
5208 posts
Why on earth would you want to do all of that?

Open the TT in F4 and re-size the window as per Max's clip by adjusting the right or left hand gripper. Sort the TT as Max suggests then minimise the TT. You then have a small titlebar (typically) in the bottom left of the screen. Click on the restore button (middle of the three at the right of the titlebar and the TT comes back exactly as you left it. As far as I can see, the same number of clicks and gestures without the need for carrying out additional tasks like creating a file. The downside for some would be a small titlebar in one corner of the screen rather than an additional icon on the taskbar.

Then as time advances, you don't need to create a new .png or .jpg; you just scroll down the TT a little and then minimise it again.

I'm sure most users would find it easier to use the in-built capabilities of the software rather than trying to find ever more-outlandish short-cuts (which are often longer than the available options), macros and the like.

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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View timetable as image 12/04/2014 at 11:09 #58754
495 posts
Or just go to the 'options 2' tab and click create report (or something like that) and open the file called 'arrdep.txt'. It contains all the booked workings at most points.
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View timetable as image 12/04/2014 at 11:22 #58756
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
I guess you can make more than one copy at the same time filtered differently.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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View timetable as image 13/04/2014 at 01:18 #58795
1637 posts
postal wrote:
Why on earth would you want to do all of that?

Open the TT in F4 and re-size the window as per Max's clip by adjusting the right or left hand gripper. Sort the TT as Max suggests then minimise the TT. You then have a small titlebar (typically) in the bottom left of the screen. Click on the restore button (middle of the three at the right of the titlebar and the TT comes back exactly as you left it. As far as I can see, the same number of clicks and gestures without the need for carrying out additional tasks like creating a file. The downside for some would be a small titlebar in one corner of the screen rather than an additional icon on the taskbar.
The main problems I have with the TT List are that:
1) There's no way to hide all the buttons on the RH side and just see a minimal view of the list
2) Scrolling is fiddly with a tendency to overshoot. Unless you "bookmark" a particular train by left-clicking it to highlight that line, you can easily lose your place. And once you change the filter used, you lose that highlight and need to find it all over again.
3) You need to be very careful to minimize, not close, the TT list, otherwise you lose your place when you reopen it. If you're in a hurry, clicking OK, Cancel or the Close button or just pressing Esc are disastrous.
4) To minimize the window you either click the Minimize icon on its window or press Win+Down keys. To restore, press F4. This is hardly intuitive.

DSeaWall, thanks for your suggestion. I tried it out and finally found arrdep.txt buried in the relevant Timetables folder. It does have the information but like the Simplifier categorizes it by location. What I am really after is a list of trains sorted by ARRIVAL TIMES ONLY for all locations, and even the TT list does not provide this. If I need to know a train's departure time I can look it up in the Show Timetable window, or even on the Train List. However, the TT list is the closest I can get to this.

So even though creating one or a set of images might seem more work than necessary (it's actually very quick once you have these apps ready and waiting), you only need to do it once for each timetable that you play often. Also remember that if you keep the set in a specific folder and name the image files sequentially, you can hop between them without closing your image viewer by pressing PgUp or PgDn. The secret is not to have too many trains on each image's list, for ease of scanning.

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View timetable as image 13/04/2014 at 08:53 #58801
5208 posts
Perhaps the secret is doing the hard yards to get on top of a sim rather than trying to find more and more complicated ways to avoid the hard yards.
“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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The following users said thank you: Steamer, TimTamToe, John, DriverCurran, Finger, larsht
View timetable as image 13/04/2014 at 09:02 #58802
1637 posts
I prefer to think outside the cube.
Last edited: 13/04/2014 at 09:03 by maxand
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View timetable as image 13/04/2014 at 09:05 #58803
658 posts
" said:
Generalizations like that aren't very constructive. I prefer to think outside the cube.
They are accurate though!

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The following user said thank you: larsht