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The Night Before Christmas

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The Night Before Christmas 22/12/2014 at 01:13 #66922
1637 posts
The Night Before Christmas

On Christmas Eve one winter,
Before a green main light,
A Class 2 train had broken down;
It was a sorry sight.

So finally its driver,
Named Dan, picked up his phone
And called the signaller, named Sam,
On duty all alone.

"Look here, I've lost me power,"
Said Dan, "there's no dispute;
'Twill take at least an hour -
D'you want to clear the route?"

But Sam replied, "No need to -
You're all I've got right now;
I'll leave the route set for you till
You're under way somehow."

But as Sam put his phone down
A class 1 hove in view;
'Twas Santa's own North Pole Express,
There on his VDU.

'Twould soon catch up the other
And sit there, full of toys,
Thus spoiling Christmas morning
For many girls and boys.

So Sam rang Dan the driver,
Explained what had occurred,
And asked him would he mind if Sam
Went back upon his word.

"I don't mind," said the driver,
"But my Controller might;
I'd have to let him know, and then
You'd both be in a fight."

Just then, our Sam remembered
An old crossover track;
'Twould get him out of trouble if
His route he could take back.

So Sam called up the driver
And said "I've got a plan;
I want you to reverse like hell -
And you can do it, man."

But Dan said "Sam, how can I?
It can't get any worse -
If it won't move at all, how can
I get it to reverse?"

"Don't worry, this is SimSig land -
Strange things can happen here -
Just do exactly as I say -
Above all, have no fear."

Still doubting, Dan got busy,
He put it in reverse,
The motor roared to life; said Dan,
"Gor blimey, but it works."

The train sped off to rearward,
Sam called "Reverse once more,"
But even here in SimSig land
They still have Newton's laws.

The passengers, at thirty miles
An hour, heard a pop;
The Wrong Food Trolley broke its bounds
And showered them with slop.

When Dan pulled up a second time
Where he had come to naught
The signal now glowed steady red;
"No need for a report."

The Santa Claus Express roared by
With Rudolph as its guide
It swung onto the route reset
Its throttle open wide.

Sam made himself a cuppa,
His problems now were over
He'd gotten Santa past Dan's train
Avoiding an ACOA.

Merry Christmas to all

Last edited: 22/12/2014 at 02:03 by maxand
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The following users said thank you: Steamer, Hawk777
The Night Before Christmas 22/12/2014 at 01:22 #66923
718 posts
Lol, nice poem. I've used that trick once or twice - though most often nowadays where drivers accept wrong routes (when I was half-playing Marylebone not really concentrating while trying to trigger a certain bug, I accidentally routed a train wanting the New North Main Line onto the up line, which has no access. I immediately realised the mistake and looked at the train list, and the train had just started moving (but not passed the signal yet) accepting this wrong route, so I reversed him, cancelled the route, then reversed again — come to think of it, that's probably a bug in the sim)

EDIT: Er, I just tested it, and actually, they don't accept that wrong route... maybe I'm going mental.

Last edited: 22/12/2014 at 01:31 by Muzer
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