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Confused about divide and join

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Confused about divide and join 01/04/2010 at 16:28 #1036
12 posts
I'm running the Swindon Sim and have a freight (7B13) with the following in it's timetable:

SWINDON DOWN GOODS 06:12 06:48 DF:0B13 J:0B13

Looking at the wiki, I see:

"DF:1A01 - Divide Front - Part of the train divides off the front of the original train and becomes 1A01."

"J:1B01 Joins with 1B01 - the 2 trains join together.
The united train can assume a new TD eg J:1B01 N:1C01, or retain its TD eg if a light loco joins onto the train."

So that seems to say, the train splits, with the front of the train becoming 0B13. Then, the train joins with 0B13, which is the part that just split off? It seems that you're just splitting and unsplitting and not really accomplishing anything -- am I missing something?

Also, I can't figure out where to route this guy to make that happen. I see Swindow Down Goods on the upper right of the Swindon station page, but do I need to send it to one of the sidings or yard?

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Confused about divide and join 01/04/2010 at 16:28 #8058
12 posts
I'm running the Swindon Sim and have a freight (7B13) with the following in it's timetable:

SWINDON DOWN GOODS 06:12 06:48 DF:0B13 J:0B13

Looking at the wiki, I see:

"DF:1A01 - Divide Front - Part of the train divides off the front of the original train and becomes 1A01."

"J:1B01 Joins with 1B01 - the 2 trains join together.
The united train can assume a new TD eg J:1B01 N:1C01, or retain its TD eg if a light loco joins onto the train."

So that seems to say, the train splits, with the front of the train becoming 0B13. Then, the train joins with 0B13, which is the part that just split off? It seems that you're just splitting and unsplitting and not really accomplishing anything -- am I missing something?

Also, I can't figure out where to route this guy to make that happen. I see Swindow Down Goods on the upper right of the Swindon station page, but do I need to send it to one of the sidings or yard?

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Confused about divide and join 01/04/2010 at 16:38 #8059
160 posts
That is a run around move. The loco moves from the front of the train to the rear of the train, in effect reversing the train. This is rarely seen with passengers (although the 1985 Kings Cross workings are similar where the front of the train splits (at the buffer end) and a new loco attaches to the country end and then pulls the train away with the remaining loco at the buffers available to pull another train away). The loco should have it's own timetable to show you where to send it.
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Confused about divide and join 01/04/2010 at 16:52 #8061
12 posts
Ah, ok -- that makes sense now. That also explains why the timetable reads Swindon Station both before and after the activity -- it's turning around and going back the other way.


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Confused about divide and join 01/04/2010 at 20:25 #8076
12 posts
Ok, now I have a new problem. I've gotten the train split, but now I can't get the train hooked back up again. The original part says "Waiting for joining train 0B13", while the new part (the engine?) is saying "Train in front". I've attached a screen shot -- I'm not sure what to do next.
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Confused about divide and join 01/04/2010 at 20:32 #8080
160 posts
I can't see the screenshot but have you tried telling 0B13 to shunt forwards (F2 train list i believe). If not try reversing 0B13 twice. That might get the join to register.
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Confused about divide and join 01/04/2010 at 20:37 #8082
56 posts
Really, so long as you signal the engine onto the train, and it is booked to join, it should do so automatically. Occasionally joins are problemmatical!
Try using "Shunt Forward" for the engine (F2 for train list, right click on 0B13, signalling options, shunt forward), ensuring that 0B13 is still facing the correct direction.
If that doesnt work, try editing the timetable, F2 for train list, right click 0B13, timetable options, edit timetable. This opens the timetable for 0B13. Now click on the "Location List Tab" so you can see the full timetable, find the line which has the join (probably last in the list) and highlight it. Finally, click the box which says "Set current/next location".
Then hopefully you will make the join. You may also need to edit the other part of the train timetable in a similar way.
Hope this helps.

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Confused about divide and join 01/04/2010 at 22:20 #8089
12 posts
Sorry, I'm not sure why the attachment didn't work. It seemed to upload ok, but I don't see it either.

I don't seem to have a "shunt forward" option on the Trainlist menu. The only options I have under signalling options are:

authorise train to pass signal at danger
reverse direction
tell driver to examine the line
tell driver to examine the line and pass signal at danger

I tried editing the timetable, and moved the 0B13 to the next location, which is Swindon Down Goods. That got him moving for a bit, but now it says "moving at 0 mph" and doesn't appear to be doing anything.

If it matters, I can't even see 0B13, but I can actually see is 7B13 -- it's parked on Swindon Down Goods, stretching on the line above the down yards and the transfer sidings.

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Confused about divide and join 01/04/2010 at 23:08 #8091
56 posts

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Confused about divide and join 01/04/2010 at 23:09 #8092
56 posts

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Confused about divide and join 01/04/2010 at 23:12 #8093
56 posts
Yes, its an older program and doesnt have the Shunt forward option. At least you know that for next time!
Then you dont have a lot of options really. Try reversing 0B13 then reversing back again, or if possible go back to a saved point just before the original uncouple, but if you've tried to force the timetable as described you cant do much more.
In your position (as deleting train is a real cheat) I would send 0B13 off into the yard out of the sim area, then go back into F2 list and right click 7B13. On timetable options you can "Abandon Join" and then 7B13 will act as though the loco has been attached.
Its not a real cheat then, youve done all you can to make the join, but some problem with the program is stopping the join.

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Confused about divide and join 02/04/2010 at 01:44 #8096
12 posts
Ok, and as you say, at least it's good to know I don't have that option. I also didn't think about skipping the join altogether -- at least that will let me keep going and get that train off the map!


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