Train reads through at GJ28, resulting in ACOA

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Train reads through at GJ28, resulting in ACOA 04/05/2016 at 19:22 #82144
68 posts
Playing Steel, Steam & Stars 6th March timetable with 0L05 and 6C02 at River Siding.

I set route for 0L05 from signal GJ28, and after train had passed and signal reverted to danger, ACOA is reported for 6C02.

Screenshot and save immediately before are attached.

EDIT: Now I also noticed that 6C02 should be waiting for joining 0L08, but in this case the join was ignored.

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Last edited: 04/05/2016 at 19:59 by --miki--
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Train reads through at GJ28, resulting in ACOA 05/05/2016 at 18:59 #82161
4870 posts
I've had a very brief look at this and I have some theories as to why it happens but it needs further investigation and some test cases set up.

LAN-28 applies.

I've mention in another thread that I'm working on updates to my currently released sims in the background while developing some exciting new sims. My uni dissertation is due in tomorrow, and I have an exam later on in May so I doubt an update will appear before then.

"Passengers for New Lane, should be seated in the rear coach of the train " - Opinions are my own and not those of my employer
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