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Differentiate MP messages and phone calls

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Differentiate MP messages and phone calls 02/04/2010 at 11:19 #1046
6 posts
At the moment, the sound and message settings for phone calls and for messages from other players in multiplayer sims use the same settings. It would be nice if these were separated so a different sound could be used for player messages.
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Differentiate MP messages and phone calls 02/04/2010 at 11:19 #8106
6 posts
At the moment, the sound and message settings for phone calls and for messages from other players in multiplayer sims use the same settings. It would be nice if these were separated so a different sound could be used for player messages.
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Differentiate MP messages and phone calls 06/04/2010 at 17:16 #8228
1803 posts
Nice idea, I like it and I wouldn't object to seeing it implemented however I'm not entirely sure whether or not this would be possible. Either way it would certainly be useful.
Any views and / or opinions expressed by myself are from me personally and do not represent those of any company I either work for or am a consultant for.
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Differentiate MP messages and phone calls 10/04/2010 at 17:03 #8359
166 posts
I agree, this would be quite nice to have. Only played my first multiplayer game last night and got used to my telephone effect ringing for the other players messages that i didn't notice a "driver" was ringing me!
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Differentiate MP messages and phone calls 10/04/2010 at 23:58 #8368
1803 posts
Just wanted to expand on my previous reply a little bit. I definitely support this idea and would like to see it added to the 'Wish List' and then see if it's do-able, etc. However I personally may not get a direct benefit from this as I generally notice the message box automatically scrolling as new messages appear or the telephone flashing as a call comes in and the sound effect basically helps to draw my attention to the screen, particularly if I've looked away to maybe pick up my drink or read/send a text message / answer a call on my mobile phone. Of course this might have something to do with being an advanced computer user but I do know/realise/understand that there are of course many different people out there each with their own level of computer skills. Still, please don't let this post 'knock' this idea, I would still like to see it implemented if possible.


Any views and / or opinions expressed by myself are from me personally and do not represent those of any company I either work for or am a consultant for.
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Differentiate MP messages and phone calls 11/04/2010 at 11:01 #8374
6325 posts
Revan said:
At the moment, the sound and message settings for phone calls and for messages from other players in multiplayer sims use the same settings. It would be nice if these were separated so a different sound could be used for player messages.
Probably be better as a completely separate window, like a chat window.

SimSig Boss
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Differentiate MP messages and phone calls 11/04/2010 at 11:48 #8377
148 posts
i think a chat window is a good idea, depending on how it is implemented, if its just another floating window i wouldent like the idea, i think another window could clutter the scrolly sims up too much specially for those who use a smaller resolution.
however if you could bind a key to said window like tab to show and tab again to hide it would be good. so tha way when hidden sound plays so you know theres a new message, and one key press will quickly show the window. and another to quickly hide it,

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Differentiate MP messages and phone calls 11/04/2010 at 12:13 #8380
1803 posts
Would it be too advanced or even not possible to have two tabs in the Messages box, one being for simulation messages, the other being for player messages.
Any views and / or opinions expressed by myself are from me personally and do not represent those of any company I either work for or am a consultant for.
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Differentiate MP messages and phone calls 11/04/2010 at 14:41 #8389
6325 posts
GoodbyeMrFish said:
however if you could bind a key to said window like tab to show and tab again to hide it would be good. so tha way when hidden sound plays so you know theres a new message, and one key press will quickly show the window. and another to quickly hide it,
I'll see whether/how that could be done.

UKTrainMan said:
Would it be too advanced or even not possible to have two tabs in the Messages box, one being for simulation messages, the other being for player messages.
Adding tabs eats up the real estate somewhat - you'd instantly lose two of the three lines of text shown by default.

Probably the easiest thing for the moment is the original request - to have a different message type (and therefore sound) for multiplayer messages.

SimSig Boss
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