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It pays to read the manual...

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It pays to read the manual... 18/03/2010 at 19:56 #890
315 posts
Before posting about "How do I do x?" and "How does y feature work?" take a second to look in the directory you installed Simsig Edinburgh into (or in the Start Menu) for a MS Word Document that Peter must have spent hours on... it's called Central Scotland User Manual and is (drumroll) the manual!

I'd also like to thank Peter for the manual and the sheet about the splash screens, they are very informative!

Also now on the Wiki

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It pays to read the manual... 18/03/2010 at 19:56 #7390
315 posts
Before posting about "How do I do x?" and "How does y feature work?" take a second to look in the directory you installed Simsig Edinburgh into (or in the Start Menu) for a MS Word Document that Peter must have spent hours on... it's called Central Scotland User Manual and is (drumroll) the manual!

I'd also like to thank Peter for the manual and the sheet about the splash screens, they are very informative!

Also now on the Wiki

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