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4Q71 in 15-10-09 timetable for Rugby North

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4Q71 in 15-10-09 timetable for Rugby North 11/05/2017 at 21:43 #95047
240 posts
I need some help from the 15-10-09 timetable experts for train 4Q71 as it appears in the Rugby North 15-10-09 timetable.

There are 2 instances of 4Q71 in the timetable: The first one enters at Rugeley North Jn on the Up Slow at 01:06, travels to Lichfield S3521 and then departs at 01:28 to Rugeley North Jn on the Down Fast. The second instance of 4Q71 enters at Rugeley North Jn on the Up Fast at 05:02, crosses to the Up Slow at Lichfield North Jn, arriving at Lichfield T.V. Jn at 05:23. It departs from here at 05:30 and travels back to Rugeley North Jn on the Down Slow. There is also a Rule which says "4Q71/H75846 and 4Q71/H75846 are alternatives" (note same UID used for both trains).

Looking at the 4Q71 entries in the 15-10-09 timetables for Derby, Aston and Stafford, they don't seem to agree 100% with the Rugby North timetable entries, so would it be possible to provide a list of the locations & timings for 4Q71 so I can see what actually happened on that day?

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4Q71 in 15-10-09 timetable for Rugby North 16/05/2017 at 13:36 #95131
240 posts
I'm disappointed that no-one has replied to my post re 4Q71 at Rugby North. Is there anyone out there who is willing to supply me with the information? Perhaps I forgot to say Please in my initial post...
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4Q71 in 15-10-09 timetable for Rugby North 16/05/2017 at 19:54 #95138
1171 posts
Sorry, just noticed this, he's due off Derby RTC at 2141 (Thursday), looks like he's been rewound back by 24 hours as he shouldn't appear until then. He's due through Stafford at 00/48 Friday morning, and then back there between 0202H and 0250H.

It's an issue with some freights that run overnight, but only one night a week.

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4Q71 in 15-10-09 timetable for Rugby North 17/05/2017 at 12:15 #95162
989 posts
I have corrected the TT supplied with the sim and sent it to Geoff for uploading.
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