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Register/login 19/04/2010 at 20:09 #1147
148 posts
I came to the forums tonight and spent about half an hour trying to work out how to log in.

Obviously i finally found it on the home page but could there be something on the forum page too?

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Register/login 19/04/2010 at 20:09 #8651
148 posts
I came to the forums tonight and spent about half an hour trying to work out how to log in.

Obviously i finally found it on the home page but could there be something on the forum page too?

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Register/login 28/04/2010 at 11:20 #8805
707 posts
I have to admit it did take me some time to realise you had to be on the SimSig home page to login. Especiallye thos with lower resolution screens (I'm on 1024x768) who can't neccessarily see the login section before clicking on the "Forum" link, and then finding out they have missed it!

Is it possible, as Lordmwa has requested, to add a login option to the Forum page, also?

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Register/login 28/04/2010 at 11:41 #8806
5238 posts
All discussed earlier in the year (at http://www.SimSig.co.uk/index.php?option=com_agora&task=topic&id=627&Itemid=54) and it looks like a "ready when it's ready" scenario.
“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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Register/login 28/04/2010 at 23:51 #8816
254 posts
Lordmwa-I just thought I would translate Aaron's remarks for you.

Ready, when it's ready means

(1) Please don't keep asking because stopping to answer slows down the productive process.
(2) Thanks, it will be taken note of.
(3) Some of us are friendly, some unfortunately, are a pain, rude and plain ignorant. Just like anywhere else (ask Gordon Brown tonight!)
(4) Who are you anyway-you are not one of the inner circle - no, but a welcome user of a free product of thousands of hours of many developers time.
(5) We are always right. Yes, sorry about that! Well I am, I can't speak for anyone else....
(6) We don't like change forced on us but, like life, it happens. Hence the little glitches that you have highlighted whilst updating the website with a new skin.

Without this type of feedback we wouldn't be able to keep improving the forum for the benefit of all.

Thank you.


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Register/login 29/04/2010 at 00:20 #8818
254 posts
As the IPcress File wasn't in your league and you obviously didn't get the Scooby-Doo inference, I wonder howell Dr Who be re-incarnated as next?

Da - doo - ron -ron?

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Register/login 29/04/2010 at 03:26 #8819
872 posts
Looks like your having a bad day matey....hope it gets better.
Being a Sim Sig user and not developer or forum site monitor or connected in any capacity I appreciate that some of the answers that you may get on the forum may not necessarily be the one that you wanted. I asked the question about a Sim for Doncaster and got a bit of a short thrift but there you go. Some things just have to be put on the back burner for a while. I have now been to my first meet and have a slight flavour of the hard work that goes on behind the scenes and believe it or not these ogres that you portray are only gentle giants really.
Take the rough with the smooth and remember it is all done for FREE and in their spare time not like some others and I for one would say WELL DONE CHAPS.


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Register/login 29/04/2010 at 05:53 #8820
Peter Bennet
5393 posts
Aaron (and yes we are not stupid we know who you are- Kieren) please don't start all this again.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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Register/login 29/04/2010 at 12:03 #8822
2774 posts
Just in case any new members of the forum think there's any substance to what "Aaron" is saying, I'm going to respond in detail.

Aaron said:
(1) We like to keep you in the dark.
No, we don't like to keep you in the dark. But sometimes there's nothing to be said.

I'm the author of five simulations - three released and two not - and the maintainer of a sixth. I have my own development schedule for those six: it goes "WembleySub, Euston, Peterborough" (there are no plans to do anything to the other three). I have absolutely no timescales assigned to anything. So I can't tell you when they'll be ready, whether I want to or not.

Why don't I have timescales? Let's see. I have a full-time job. I have a wife and six children who want my attention from time to time. I have friends that I go out for drinks and meals with. I have a web site that needs updating. I'm also one of the two people working on the core code, which requires work doing in order to provide new features that other developers want (for example, the "detach loco" feature was one of mine). So I have a fair number of things competing with simulation development for my time. Even if I could plan enough time to do all the work left to do on a simulation, I don't know how many problems testing will throw up. So I am not going to even suggest release dates for any of those.

I'm sure all the other developers have equivalent committments on their time. We write these simulations because we enjoy doing it. (Yes, I get a share of donations, and they're very welcome. But if I had to live on them I'd have starved long ago. The main thing they do is fund my travel to meets.) We have no reason to delay releases, since much of the enjoyment is seeing other people play.

If you announce a release date for something, people get all excited about it. Then something - a last-minute bug, say - causes it to be delayed. Result: lots of complaints about the delay. Better not to raise expectations in the first place. Companies with full-time staff and no other priorities can afford to publish release dates. We can't.

In the case of the suggested change to the web site, Tallington has - as far as I can see - said "I'll do it when I get the time, but it's not trivial to do". What's the problem with that?

Aaron said:
(2) Thanks, but no thanks.
I'm guessing this is a "response" to suggestions of new sims. I'll just reiterate the standard points.

(a) There are some simulations that can't be written for legal reasons.
(b) There needs to be a developer willing to write the simulation and with the time to do it. Simulation development is a specialized skill and we don't have many people trained in doing it. As for training new people, see the bit about time above.
(c) We have to have sufficiently detailed information. SimSig simulations are as accurate as we can make them. That means having almost as much data about the area as the signal engineers who put it together, and a damned sight more information than the signallers working the panel have.

In particular, if you can't solve (c) then there's not much use in saying "I'd like to see a simulation of ...".

If anyone wants to buy me a pint at any meeting, I'll happily show you what's involved in developing a simulation. In lots of detail.

Aaron said:
(3) We pretend to be friendly.
I don't pretend - life's too short.

I also don't send out harrassing PMs to people who don't want them, or pretend to be someone else. Or complain about service that I haven't paid for.

Aaron said:
(4) Who are you anyway-you are not one of the inner circle.
Well, who are you?

Of course there is a sense in which there's an "inner circle". Only Geoff and I can change the core code. There are only a handful of simulation developers.

But beyond that, there are no privileges and no "inner circle". Everyone has access to the same information as everyone else
  • . Anyone can organize a multi-player game. Anyone can organize a meeting, whether at a pub or elsewhere, whether to play or just to chat. Anyone can post anything to the forum (subject to the forum rules). Anyone can edit the wiki.

  • An admitted exception: beta testers get advanced copies of simulations and are not supposed to tell anyone else about them. Equally, testers are chosen by their willingness or ability to test, not because of who they know.

  • Aaron said:
    (5) We are always right.
    If I was always right I wouldn't spend so much time in debugging.

    However, some of us have more experience or specialized knowledge than others. Our answers are more likely to be correct.

    Aaron said:
    (6) We don't like change.
    Oh, so the hundreds of changes I've made to core code and simulation date must be an illusion?

    Compare the first and second releases of Cambridge. Look at the new features that have appeared in later simulations that weren't in earlier ones. If we didn't like change, do you think we'd bother doing them?

    Aaron said:
    Watch this post disappear.
    It still seems to be here.

    I don't know what's soured your grapes, but I don't think it's anything we did deliberately or knowingly.

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    Register/login 29/04/2010 at 13:33 #8826
    274 posts
    Well said Clive


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    Register/login 29/04/2010 at 15:18 #8830
    148 posts

    I would just like to add my own brief comments to this to clear a few things up:
    1) i only just joined the new forums and my suggestion was merely the observation of a new user - if it isnt liked then fine.
    2) If it had already been suggested you have my sincere appologies for posting again, i know how annoying repeat requests can be
    3) I am not part of the "inner circle" but i am (well was and want to get going again) a bug tester for some of the sims so i help wherever i can
    4) In my experience this has been a very friendly group of people and i hope it remains so

    Just in case any of the longer running members havent seen my other post and have no idea who i am, i used to be tycoonjamie on the old forums :)

    No hard feelings to anybody i hope here

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    Register/login 29/04/2010 at 15:48 #8832
    254 posts
    And there was none assumed from you. Welcome back....

    Unfortunately, (and I will say this diplomatically) a pest from the past has got nothing else to do until the 1st of May because of using all of his bandwidth to curry favour with others and have digs at everyone else behind the scenes.

    I will say now that the Peterborough Meet was almost cancelled several times because of the abuse we received from this one individual but we decided to continue for the benefit of all.

    More importantly, this website WAS going to be closed down (and still might) because of him.

    He has been banned but resurrected himself under another name (against ALL of the rules that he signed up to) and he is likely to try again when Geoff bans him again!

    So, I can only ask him politely to go away and find another forum to annoy OR suffer the wrath of everyone when SimSig disappears.

    Remember this IS Geoff's train set and he can pack it away at any time - especially if a little spoilt brat wants to hog the limelight and dictate what should and shouldn't happen.


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    Register/login 29/04/2010 at 15:57 #8834
    205 posts
    This response might seem a little harsh, but after reading the forum comment's I would like to add my opinion...

    As I first joined the world of SimSig about 3-4yrs ago, I wasn't sure if it was a select group, but I made the decision to involve myself and interact with the other members.
    Being courteous to others and in-return, receiving the same manner. Nothing has changed to this day!

    As for the 'inner group', then yes, I would be a member of this, but then again, it's a bit like being at the bank and having all your details broadcast, would you like to have that done to yourself, as that is what you’re asking for!

    Ready when it's ready... well, let's guess... the majority of the development team do have other jobs as well as spending time on SimSig. There has to be a balance between everything we all do. But if you don't like this, then that’s your choice.

    For everybody else, please keep your opinions coming and enjoy the world of SimSig.

    Thank you.

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    Register/login 29/04/2010 at 20:05 #8844
    148 posts
    Please can this just be locked......
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