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Hi All 28/04/2010 at 21:40 #1176
895 posts
Hi Guys
My name is Nathan and i am a first year student at the university of bristol.
Been playing this game since Sunday and I must say that i am very impressed with it.
Been plating Railworks and its former Rail Simulator ever since they came out but playing this game has shown me why the dispatcher on RW and RS can sometimes get stuff wrong :D
Never heard of this gfame until i stumbled across the tutorial which someone had placed on youtube and thought that that is more the simulation game which i want to play.
So i downloaded it and decided to start with bristol as that is my local area and i know the track between bristol and bridgewater very well but upon playing and epically failing (as i hadn't expected it to go almost up to cheltham, over to chippenham, and over to walse) i read though the site a bit more and decided to have a got at the royston route which thankfully was alot simpler than bristol :D
Now having a go at exeter but playing on a 1:1 speed on the beginner scenario. Going well so far. Unfortunately had to delete 2 trains so far because of them both wanting the same platform at exeter st davids but have taken steps to avoid that from happening again.
Anyway i'll rap it up for now as i've got 6S55, 1V29 and 1V35 to attend to :D
Thanks for such a great sim

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Hi All 28/04/2010 at 21:40 #8810
895 posts
Hi Guys
My name is Nathan and i am a first year student at the university of bristol.
Been playing this game since Sunday and I must say that i am very impressed with it.
Been plating Railworks and its former Rail Simulator ever since they came out but playing this game has shown me why the dispatcher on RW and RS can sometimes get stuff wrong :D
Never heard of this gfame until i stumbled across the tutorial which someone had placed on youtube and thought that that is more the simulation game which i want to play.
So i downloaded it and decided to start with bristol as that is my local area and i know the track between bristol and bridgewater very well but upon playing and epically failing (as i hadn't expected it to go almost up to cheltham, over to chippenham, and over to walse) i read though the site a bit more and decided to have a got at the royston route which thankfully was alot simpler than bristol :D
Now having a go at exeter but playing on a 1:1 speed on the beginner scenario. Going well so far. Unfortunately had to delete 2 trains so far because of them both wanting the same platform at exeter st davids but have taken steps to avoid that from happening again.
Anyway i'll rap it up for now as i've got 6S55, 1V29 and 1V35 to attend to :D
Thanks for such a great sim

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Hi All 28/04/2010 at 22:56 #8813
895 posts
Cheers mate.
I've got a little stuck now in which i had to place 6S55 (a northbound freight service) on the down loop at dawlish station because it was booked to stop at dawlish for 10 minutes to allow a HST which was a little distance behind it (about 5 minutes) to pass. Unfortunately i had to place the service on the down loop lines as the train was too long (length of 300m) to go into the up loop and clear the main line for the hst to pass. Now the hst has passed i am trying to set the route for 6S55 to reverse out of the down loop (as he can't go forward) and over the crossover onto the main up line. however it keeps on telling me that there is no route available even though the up main line is bidirectional signaled for when the down main is shut. Can anyone give some help as to how i can get 6S55 back on its trip to exeter riverside yard without going to extreme measures. If he wasn't suppost to go on the down loop i would appreciate being told that i have gone wrong and a pointer of how i can get him to clear the mainline (without having to adjust the train length) would also be appreciated.

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Hi All 29/04/2010 at 12:08 #8823
895 posts
Hi Aaron
Wasn't able to get you solution to work for me unfortunately.
Heres a screenshot of my problem
[img width=800px height=250px]http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f198/y10g9/help-1.jpg[/img]
1S67 is the Voyager which has past 6S55 and so 6S55 no wants to continue it trip on the up maing to Exeter.
Even though 6S55 is parked in the loop, it hasn't cleared the track circuit to the south end of dawlish warren and it also won't shunt forwards in order to clear the track circuit.
Thanks fo any help

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Hi All 29/04/2010 at 12:37 #8824
5239 posts
F2 - right click on 6S55 - signalling options - reverse direction and it should reverse back to the Up Main. When it stops at the first down signal on the Up Main, repeat the procedure to reverse the train again and you should be able to signal it towards Exeter. You may get a message after your first reverse of direction saying that 6S55 is requesting authority to proceed. Give the authority so that the train can make an unsignalled move.


“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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Hi All 29/04/2010 at 12:50 #8825
521 posts
You are "Route Locked" by the route that you set into the loop.

To try and explain in English, Route Locking is the white lines. They set for a particular direction. If you have white lines set for one direction you cannot set a route against it.
Route Locking is maintained by the track circuit being occupied (although you can't see that it's there because the track is showing red and hiding the white indication). To see this for yourself cancel a route immediately after a train has passed a signal. As it clears the track sections you'll see a flash of white prior to the track turning to it's normal grey state.

Now as to how to get out of your situation.
Your best bet is to manually set your points and then reverse 6S55 (using the F2 menu). Once it's on the main line, you can set your points to normal and reverse the train again.

Hope that is understandable

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Hi All 29/04/2010 at 14:10 #8827
521 posts

Just had a look at this and it looks like a timetable error. Either 6S55 shouldn't be made to stop at Dawlish Warren or it's too long. It doesn't really need to stop at Dawlish Warren. It comfortably gets to Riverside Yard before 1S67 even passes Dawlish Warren (and that's with stopping to report a wrong route set).

Incidently putting it into the Down Loop and making it reverse is very unrealistic and would never be done in reality.


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Hi All 29/04/2010 at 15:13 #8828
895 posts
I gave those surgestions a shot but was unablr to get them to work so unfortunately to avoid delays to the other services i had to remove it.
is there something that i have to do like press a button or something before i can turn the up main into bidirectional working?

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Hi All 29/04/2010 at 15:18 #8829
895 posts
Firefly said:

Just had a look at this and it looks like a timetable error. Either 6S55 shouldn't be made to stop at Dawlish Warren or it's too long. It doesn't really need to stop at Dawlish Warren. It comfortably gets to Riverside Yard before 1S67 even passes Dawlish Warren (and that's with stopping to report a wrong route set).

Incidently putting it into the Down Loop and making it reverse is very unrealistic and would never be done in reality.


Ahh cheers mate.
Might there also be a timetabling problem of 2 trains being required both to got into exeter platform 1, one from each end, and then magically pass each other on the same line so they can leave at the oposite end to where they came out?
Also i'm told in the timetable that a down train which stops at totnes stops at platform 1 except when i tell it to stop at platform 1 and it does, it then tells me that it has stoped at the incorrect platform?
(sorry for souple posting, thought i had posted my previous post but hadn't)

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Hi All 29/04/2010 at 15:40 #8831
521 posts

In your scenario both sets of Up direction route locking were preventing you setting a route.

You could have cancelled the direction of flow arrows by cancelling the routes from E15, E17 and E19 signals. Doing this allows a Down route to be set over the Up Main line.

However there is absolutely nothing that you can do about the piece of route locking that is hiding underneath the rear end of your train. That route locking will only release once the train has moved.

So you are faced with talking it past the signal and instructing it to change direction.


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Hi All 29/04/2010 at 15:51 #8833
895 posts
Ahh kl cheers mate. I'll give it a go when iu next get that problem.

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Hi All 01/05/2010 at 16:11 #8870
895 posts
Hi Guys. I've got another problem. its to do with routing trains into platforms. heres a pic to help with my explaination.
[img width=360 height=200]http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f198/y10g9/help2.jpg[/img]
Why can i not have 1 train coming from weston milton running into platform 1 and at the same time have a train from uphill junction pulling into platform 2? They do it in real life so why would i have to wait for the trian to stop at platform 2 and be declared stoped before i can allow the train to run into platform 1?
Its not just Weston super mare that i have the problem with. Its all stations which have points at the end of the platform which the signal protecting them is the platform starter signal. had this esp on exeter route at all the main stations.

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Hi All 01/05/2010 at 16:38 #8872
1171 posts
If you lock the points reverse then it'll do a shorter overlap and approach control from red.
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Hi All 01/05/2010 at 17:25 #8873
895 posts
kk. That works for newton abbot and weston, but it doesn't work for exeter st davids like having a train pull into platfom five from the south and a train from platform 6 departing to the north (or what i found in my scenario on exeter that i was playing train going south into 1 and another one going north into 3) should be fine in real life cause of the signal at the end of the platform protecting the junction but doesn't work in sim.

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Hi All 01/05/2010 at 19:42 #8874
Peter Bennet
5393 posts
y10g9 said:

Also i'm told in the timetable that a down train which stops at totnes stops at platform 1 except when i tell it to stop at platform 1 and it does, it then tells me that it has stoped at the incorrect platform?
Just had a look, it appears that the ability to insert platform numbers has been provided but the TCs have not been allocated so when it arrives at Plat 1 it does not know it- hence the report.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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Hi All 01/05/2010 at 20:00 #8875
895 posts
kk cheers peter
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Hi All 01/05/2010 at 21:22 #8876
521 posts
kk. That works for newton abbot and weston, but it doesn't work for exeter st davids like having a train pull into platfom five from the south and a train from platform 6 departing to the north (or what i found in my scenario on exeter that i was playing train going south into 1 and another one going north into 3) should be fine in real life cause of the signal at the end of the platform protecting the junction but doesn't work in sim.
Nath, it's called an overlap. A standard overlap is 200yds or 183m. The overlap distance can be reduced if the line speed is slow or if the signal controlling entry to the section is Approach Controlled (held at red for an amount of time causing the train to slow down).

If you fancy a little light reading full details can be found here. GK/RT 0064

Never the less I would think that Exeter St Davids does not have a Reduced or Restricted overlap facility in real life and therefore it doesn't have one in the sim.


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Hi All 02/05/2010 at 00:54 #8878
1842 posts
Overlap from the WIKI
I can only help one person a day. Today's not your day. Tomorrow doesn't look too good either.
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Hi All 08/05/2010 at 23:27 #9052
2 posts
Hi Aaron,
I have been playing Simsig for quite a few years now but never played as part of a multi-player game. Can you help me with regard to how I can get involved - how to know when they are played and what I have to do to notify my intentions and get connected. Thanks for any help.

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Hi All 09/05/2010 at 00:22 #9054
2 posts
Many thanks Aaron for you help. I will look forward to my first multiplayer experience.
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