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Box instructions

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Box instructions 22/05/2010 at 22:05 #1289
212 posts
There's no precident for this, however I've drawn up a simple group of box instructions to facilitate a coherent multiplayer game as well as provide some guidance on a way to work the boxes during single player. With that said, here is a preliminary copy of the instructions (minus Dunblane. I post this for the sake of criticism and revision so as to provide the best product.


In the writing of these instructions it should be recognized that these are not intended to emulate the instructions of the actual signal boxes rather this documents intent is to create a coherent set of instructions for use in multiplayer operations to eliminate confusion.
This document is only intended to cover the boxes on Central Scotland that contain some form of absolute block working, note due to its lack of interaction Fouldubs has been excluded.
In all references to clearing points it should be noted that the track circuits in advance must be clear.

Stirling Middle

Method of Working
Stirling works absolute block with Stirling North and Plean Junction, Stirling works the Alloa line under TCB rules through an NX panel workstation. Stirling may offer on a train received in either direction as soon as it is accepted. Additionally Stirling is authorized to send Train Approaching (1-2-1) to Stirling North upon receiving the Train Entering Section signal from Plean. For times in which Stirling is bisected through platforms 6 and 9 (Pre-Alloa era) trains signaled in to these platforms will be suffixed by -1-1. This may also be used in the post Alloa era but should not be necessary. Trains being shunted in to P9 should be signaled via a block back inside home (2-4) to Stirling North and both signalmen should come to a clear understanding. In real life the platform groups are worked via independent block instruments however this is not possible in SimSig and these suffixes have been input to allow the boxes to be run without peaking.

Clearing Points
For the purpose of acceptance under absolute block Stirling Middle uses the following clearing points (assuming Pre-Alloa era): On the down line to P2 the line must be clear to SM82. On the up line from P3 the line must be clear through the platform to signal SM70 and points 56 just in advance of the signal must be normal. For the P9 line the line must be clear to signal SM38 also points 18 and 42 must be normal, this will block access to P6 and P10

Stirling North

Method of Working

Stirling works absolute block with Stirling Middle and Dunblane. Stirling may offer on a train received in either direction as soon as it is accepted. Additionally Stirling is authorized to send Train Approaching (1-2-1) to Stirling Middle upon receiving the Train Entering Section signal from Dunblane. For times in which Stirling is bisected through platforms 6 and 9 (Pre-Alloa era) trains signaled in to these platforms will be suffixed by -1-1.
Clearing Points
For the purpose of acceptance under absolute block Stirling North uses the following clearing points (assuming Pre-Alloa era): For the up line from P2 the line must be clear to signal SN36 also points 4, 10, 45 must be normal. For the down line to P3 only the overlap in advance of signal must be clear.

Plean Junction

Method of Working
Plean works absolute block to Stirling Middle and Larbert North. Plean Junction is authorized to send Train Approaching (1-2-1) to Larbert North after receiving the Train Entering Section signal from Stirling Middle to allow time for trains to be signaled on through the triangle junction. During the post Alloa era Plean will send 1-3 to Stirling Middle for trains routed via the branch line,

Clearing Points
For the purpose of acceptance under absolute block Plean Junction uses the following clearing points: For the up line the line through signal PJ18 must be clear and points 6, 9 must be normal. For the down line through signal PJ22 and point 9 must be normal.

Larbert North

Method of Working
Larbert North works absolute block to Plean Junction and Larbert Junction. Larbert North is authorized to use Train Approaching (1-2-1) to Larbert Junction after receiving the Train Entering Section signal from Plean Junction. Trains shunting from the up goods loop in to the station are to be signaled by the use of shunt in to forward section (3-3-2).
Clearing Points
For the purpose of acceptance under absolute block Larbert North uses the following clearing points: For the up line the line must be clear through signals LN46, LN45, additionally all points between these signals must be normalized. For trains signaled in to the up goods loop the line clear signal may be given after the driver confirms via telephone that the entire train has arrived. For the down line the line must be clear to signal LN6.

Larbert Junction

Method of Working

Larbert Junction works absolute block to Larbert North, Carmuirs East and Carmuirs West. Trains sent by Carmuirs East are worked via TCB to LJ14. Larbert Junction is authorized to use Train Approaching (1-2-1) in all directions after receiving the Train Entering Section signal from the box in rear.
Clearing Points
For the purpose of acceptance under absolute block Larbert Junction uses the following clearing points: On the up line the line must be clear to signal LJ5 and points 22 must be normal. On the down line the line must be clear to signal LJ25 and points 10, 22 must be normal.

Carmuirs East

Method of Working

Carmuirs East works TCB in all directions with the exception of up trains signaled from Larbert Junction which are worked under Absolute Block.
Clearing Points
For the purpose of acceptance under absolute block Carmuirs East uses the following clearing point: On the up line the line must be clear to signal CEJ9.

Carmuirs West

Method of Working

Carmuirs West works TCB in all directions with the exception of trains to/from Larbert Junction which are worked under Absolute Block. Carmuirs West may offer on a train when it has been described by Greenhill Signal Box. Carmuirs West will also send Train Approaching (1-2-1) as the train reaches the approach track circuit in rear of where signal GJ433 is depicted.
Clearing Points
For the purpose of acceptance under absolute block Carmuirs East uses the following clearing point: On the up line the line must be clear to signal CW20 and points 27 in advance must be normal.

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Box instructions 22/05/2010 at 22:05 #9339
212 posts
There's no precident for this, however I've drawn up a simple group of box instructions to facilitate a coherent multiplayer game as well as provide some guidance on a way to work the boxes during single player. With that said, here is a preliminary copy of the instructions (minus Dunblane. I post this for the sake of criticism and revision so as to provide the best product.


In the writing of these instructions it should be recognized that these are not intended to emulate the instructions of the actual signal boxes rather this documents intent is to create a coherent set of instructions for use in multiplayer operations to eliminate confusion.
This document is only intended to cover the boxes on Central Scotland that contain some form of absolute block working, note due to its lack of interaction Fouldubs has been excluded.
In all references to clearing points it should be noted that the track circuits in advance must be clear.

Stirling Middle

Method of Working
Stirling works absolute block with Stirling North and Plean Junction, Stirling works the Alloa line under TCB rules through an NX panel workstation. Stirling may offer on a train received in either direction as soon as it is accepted. Additionally Stirling is authorized to send Train Approaching (1-2-1) to Stirling North upon receiving the Train Entering Section signal from Plean. For times in which Stirling is bisected through platforms 6 and 9 (Pre-Alloa era) trains signaled in to these platforms will be suffixed by -1-1. This may also be used in the post Alloa era but should not be necessary. Trains being shunted in to P9 should be signaled via a block back inside home (2-4) to Stirling North and both signalmen should come to a clear understanding. In real life the platform groups are worked via independent block instruments however this is not possible in SimSig and these suffixes have been input to allow the boxes to be run without peaking.

Clearing Points
For the purpose of acceptance under absolute block Stirling Middle uses the following clearing points (assuming Pre-Alloa era): On the down line to P2 the line must be clear to SM82. On the up line from P3 the line must be clear through the platform to signal SM70 and points 56 just in advance of the signal must be normal. For the P9 line the line must be clear to signal SM38 also points 18 and 42 must be normal, this will block access to P6 and P10

Stirling North

Method of Working

Stirling works absolute block with Stirling Middle and Dunblane. Stirling may offer on a train received in either direction as soon as it is accepted. Additionally Stirling is authorized to send Train Approaching (1-2-1) to Stirling Middle upon receiving the Train Entering Section signal from Dunblane. For times in which Stirling is bisected through platforms 6 and 9 (Pre-Alloa era) trains signaled in to these platforms will be suffixed by -1-1.
Clearing Points
For the purpose of acceptance under absolute block Stirling North uses the following clearing points (assuming Pre-Alloa era): For the up line from P2 the line must be clear to signal SN36 also points 4, 10, 45 must be normal. For the down line to P3 only the overlap in advance of signal must be clear.

Plean Junction

Method of Working
Plean works absolute block to Stirling Middle and Larbert North. Plean Junction is authorized to send Train Approaching (1-2-1) to Larbert North after receiving the Train Entering Section signal from Stirling Middle to allow time for trains to be signaled on through the triangle junction. During the post Alloa era Plean will send 1-3 to Stirling Middle for trains routed via the branch line,

Clearing Points
For the purpose of acceptance under absolute block Plean Junction uses the following clearing points: For the up line the line through signal PJ18 must be clear and points 6, 9 must be normal. For the down line through signal PJ22 and point 9 must be normal.

Larbert North

Method of Working
Larbert North works absolute block to Plean Junction and Larbert Junction. Larbert North is authorized to use Train Approaching (1-2-1) to Larbert Junction after receiving the Train Entering Section signal from Plean Junction. Trains shunting from the up goods loop in to the station are to be signaled by the use of shunt in to forward section (3-3-2).
Clearing Points
For the purpose of acceptance under absolute block Larbert North uses the following clearing points: For the up line the line must be clear through signals LN46, LN45, additionally all points between these signals must be normalized. For trains signaled in to the up goods loop the line clear signal may be given after the driver confirms via telephone that the entire train has arrived. For the down line the line must be clear to signal LN6.

Larbert Junction

Method of Working

Larbert Junction works absolute block to Larbert North, Carmuirs East and Carmuirs West. Trains sent by Carmuirs East are worked via TCB to LJ14. Larbert Junction is authorized to use Train Approaching (1-2-1) in all directions after receiving the Train Entering Section signal from the box in rear.
Clearing Points
For the purpose of acceptance under absolute block Larbert Junction uses the following clearing points: On the up line the line must be clear to signal LJ5 and points 22 must be normal. On the down line the line must be clear to signal LJ25 and points 10, 22 must be normal.

Carmuirs East

Method of Working

Carmuirs East works TCB in all directions with the exception of up trains signaled from Larbert Junction which are worked under Absolute Block.
Clearing Points
For the purpose of acceptance under absolute block Carmuirs East uses the following clearing point: On the up line the line must be clear to signal CEJ9.

Carmuirs West

Method of Working

Carmuirs West works TCB in all directions with the exception of trains to/from Larbert Junction which are worked under Absolute Block. Carmuirs West may offer on a train when it has been described by Greenhill Signal Box. Carmuirs West will also send Train Approaching (1-2-1) as the train reaches the approach track circuit in rear of where signal GJ433 is depicted.
Clearing Points
For the purpose of acceptance under absolute block Carmuirs East uses the following clearing point: On the up line the line must be clear to signal CW20 and points 27 in advance must be normal.

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Box instructions 23/05/2010 at 19:29 #9350
Late Turn
697 posts
Given the length of many of the sections, I wouldn't have expected Train Approaching to be used as widely as you suggest - why, for example, does Plean Junction need to offer forward to Larbert North before receiving TES from Stirling Middle (thus making Train Approaching redundant). Equally, why does Larbert North need to take any further action before receiving TES from Plean? There's plenty of time to offer forward and pull off after that.

Stirling - I appreciate the difficulty in differentiating bell signals exchanged over different pairs of lines in reality, but suffixing the ILC code with -1-1 won't make it easier to know which line 2-1 or any other bell signal applies to! Perhaps prefixing each and every bell signal between Middle and North with an appropriate letter to differentiate between the two pairs of lines would be more appropriate. Surely anything shunted into P9 would be blocking back outside too?

Having said all that, personally I'm pleased to see a (good) attempt at providing simplified box instructions for Simsig - probably more significant here than anywhere else, if the boxes are to be worked individually under AB Regs.

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Box instructions 23/05/2010 at 23:24 #9354
212 posts
Fair enough, the train approaching probably isn't needed for up Larber north trains, I probably accidentally included it during a copy/paste. Next item to include exempting Dunblane from rule 39 for stopping trains and perhaps a working scheme for Springburn that won't lead to locked trains not surei want to get in to that stuff however.
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Box instructions 11/09/2010 at 10:58 #11383
212 posts
I'd been meaning to complete this for a while but it fell to the bottom of the pile.

Anyway I should be publishing this coming monday unless someone has other suggestions.

Special Signal Box Working Instructions for Central Scotland.


In the writing of these instructions it should be recognized that these are not intended to emulate the instructions of the actual signal boxes rather this documents intent is to create a coherent set of instructions for use in multiplayer operations to eliminate confusion.
This document is only intended to cover the boxes on Central Scotland that contain some form of absolute block working, note due to its lack of interaction Fouldubs has been excluded.
In all references to clearing points it should be noted that the track circuits in advance must be clear.

Stirling Middle

Method of Working
Stirling works absolute block with Stirling North and Plean Junction, Stirling works the Alloa line under TCB rules through an NX panel workstation. Stirling may offer on a train received in either direction as soon as it is accepted. Additionally Stirling is authorized to send Train Approaching (1-2-1) to Stirling North upon receiving the Train Entering Section signal from Plean for express passenger trains and trains not booked to stop at Stirling. For times in which Stirling is bisected through platforms 6 and 9 (Pre-Alloa era) trains signaled in to these platforms will be suffixed by the letters S-D. This may also be used in the post Alloa era but should not be necessary. Trains being shunted in to P9 should be signaled via a block back inside home (2-4) to Stirling North and both signalmen should come to a clear understanding. In the event the signaler wishes to send a train to be sent by the opposite route it was signaled the signaler should respond (5-1-1) line clear, route train via alternate route; should the signaler want the train to be sent via the alternate S-D line they will suffix the (5-1-1) with the letters S-D and the train will be routed via the alternate platform that it was scheduled for. Call-on facilities are provided for certain platforms, when a signal man wishes to signal a train into an occupied platform the move will be signaled (1-1-2) is line clear for permissive working into platform. SM39 is exempt from rule 39 as it is a color light signal with a yellow indication.

Clearing Points
For the purpose of acceptance under absolute block Stirling Middle uses the following clearing points (assuming Pre-Alloa era): On the down line to P2 the line must be clear to SM82. On the up line from P3 the line must be clear through the platform to signal SM70 and points 56 just in advance of the signal must be normal. For the P9 line the line must be clear to signal SM38 also points 18 and 42 must be normal, this will block access to P6 and P10

Stirling North
Method of Working
Stirling works absolute block with Stirling Middle and Dunblane. Stirling may offer on a train received in either direction as soon as it is accepted. Additionally Stirling is authorized to send Train Approaching (1-2-1) to Stirling Middle upon receiving the Train Entering Section signal from Dunblane for express passenger trains and trains not booked to stop at Stirling. For times in which Stirling is bisected through platforms 6 and 9 (Pre-Alloa era) trains signaled in to these platforms will be suffixed by S-D. In the event the signaler wishes to send a train to be sent by the opposite route it was signaled the signaler should respond (5-1-1) line clear, route train via alternate route; should the signaler want the train to be sent via the alternate S-D line they will suffix the (5-1-1) with the letters S-D and the train will be routed via the alternate platform that it was scheduled for. Call-on facilities are provided for certain platforms that are worked by Stirling Middle. When the signaler at SM wishes to signal a train into an occupied platform the move will be signaled via (1-1-2) is line clear for permissive working into platform. The distant signal collocated with SM79 may be cleared without the section signal to Dunblane being off as it reads to an intermediate block signal with a color light repeater.
Clearing Points
For the purpose of acceptance under absolute block Stirling North uses the following clearing points (assuming Pre-Alloa era): For the up line from P2 the line must be clear to signal SN36 also points 4, 10, 45 must be normal. For the down line to P3 only the overlap in advance of signal must be clear.
Plean Junction
Method of Working
Plean works absolute block to Stirling Middle and Larbert North. Plean Junction is authorized to offer on immediately to Larbert North for trains not scheduled to stop there to allow time for trains to be signaled on through the triangle junction. Plean need not offer on immediately for trains intended to be regulated at Larbert north (I.E trains that were followed with a 1-5-5 signal) to allow time for trains to be signaled on through the triangle junction. Plean is authorized to send 1-3 is line clear for branch passenger train to Stirling Middle and 1-2 is line clear for branch freight train for trains routed via the S-D lines. The distant signal PJ24 may be cleared without the section signal to Stirling Middle being off as it reads to a block signal with a color light repeater.

Clearing Points
For the purpose of acceptance under absolute block Plean Junction uses the following clearing points: For the up line the line through signal PJ18 must be clear and points 6, 9 must be normal. For the down line through signal PJ22 and point 9 must be normal.
Larbert North
Method of Working
Larbert North works absolute block to Plean Junction and Larbert Junction. Larbert North is authorized to use Train Approaching (1-2-1) to Larbert Junction after receiving the Train Entering Section signal from Plean Junction for trains not scheduled to stop at Labret all other trains shall be signaled normally. Trains shunting from the up goods loop in to the station are to be signaled by the use of shunt in to forward section (3-3-2).
Clearing Points
For the purpose of acceptance under absolute block Larbert North uses the following clearing points: For the up line the line must be clear through signals LN46, LN45, additionally all points between these signals must be normalized. For trains signaled in to the up goods loop the line clear signal may be given after the driver confirms via telephone that the entire train has arrived. For the down line the line must be clear to signal LN6.
Larbert Junction
Method of Working
Larbert Junction works absolute block to Larbert North, Carmuirs East and Carmuirs West. Trains sent by Carmuirs East are worked via TCB to LJ14. Larbert Junction is authorized to use Train Approaching (1-2-1) in all directions after receiving the Train Entering Section signal from the box in rear.
Clearing Points
For the purpose of acceptance under absolute block Larbert Junction uses the following clearing points: On the up line the line must be clear to signal LJ5 and points 22 must be normal. On the down line the line must be clear to signal LJ25 and points 10, 22 must be normal.
Carmuirs East
Method of Working
Carmuirs East works TCB in all directions with the exception of up trains signaled from Larbert Junction which are worked under Absolute Block.
Clearing Points
For the purpose of acceptance under absolute block Carmuirs East uses the following clearing point: On the up line the line must be clear to signal CEJ9.
Carmuirs West
Method of Working
Carmuirs West works TCB in all directions with the exception of trains to/from Larbert Junction which are worked under Absolute Block. Carmuirs West may offer on a train when it has been described by Greenhill Signal Box. Carmuirs West will also send Train Approaching (1-2-1) as the train reaches the approach track circuit in rear of where signal GJ433 is depicted.
Clearing Points
For the purpose of acceptance under absolute block Carmuirs East uses the following clearing point: On the up line the line must be clear to signal CW20 and points 27 in advance must be normal.
Method of Working
Dunblane works under absolute block in all directions. No special instructions regarding the workings between Dunblane and other boxes is currently implemented. Signalers at Dunblane are exempt from rule 39 when the train is scheduled to stop at Dunblane and no train is signaled to cross in front of it. Distant signal DB5 may be cleared without the section signal to Stirling being off as it reads to an intermediate block signal with a color light repeater.

Clearing Points
For the purpose of acceptance under absolute block Dunblane uses the following clearing points: On the up line the line must be clear to DB6, points 25 must be normal and platform 1 must be clear. Care should be taken when slotting is requested by Greenloaning although the signaler is able to accept the slot the signal in rear (GL27) is electrically locked by track circuit occupancy. For the down line the line must be clear to DB54.

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