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More in-depth Telephone system

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More in-depth Telephone system 20/04/2010 at 16:52 #8676
275 posts
What you describe sounds like TRUST as P2 is a more graphical system.

I don't see why the names should be confidential anyway - they're desktop applications that (as far as I know) cannot be accessed over the internet.

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More in-depth Telephone system 25/04/2010 at 20:28 #8770
8 posts
When I was working as station staff we had access to TRUST and an up to the minute display showing the location off all the trains on the route. I cant remember what that was called though.

In regards to who would make what call. As station staff we were often calling Colchester PSB asking for platform changes whether it was for fitter attention, unit swap (onto another diagram), or due to late running services so they didn't clash in the station.

In regards to who would phone the box regarding a wrong route being set only the driver can contact the signaller requesting the road be put back on the train or another member of staff but the driver must be present with them at the time. With the road just being put back on the train could easily cause alot of trouble and disruption.



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More in-depth Telephone system 07/02/2011 at 08:54 #13454
3 posts
Emergency calls would be good :)

"This is an Emergency Call, is that the Signaller?"


"Hello this is Mike -------------, im a COSS for Network Rail, a tree has fallen and is blocking the up and down fast at Wigan North Western, i need you to block the up and down fast on the approach to Wisky November two five Signal"

"So a tree has fallen on the up and down fast and you want me to block the up and down the fast at Wigan North Western station on the approach to Wisky November two five signal?"

"that is correct"

"Could you provide me with a contact telephone number?"

"yes my number is 0123456789"

"so the number you have gave me is 0123456789?"


"Signaller Out"

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More in-depth Telephone system 07/02/2011 at 18:48 #13462
1803 posts
I believe that SimSig, as a general rule, do no simulate serious incident or emergencies (including such severe things as derailments and a person / persons hit by a train / trains). That said, I am not sure if something such as an emergency calls for something like that would be simulated. Edinburgh does have the Winchburgh Tunnel Alarm which I understand may go off if there is flooding in the tunnel and you would receive a call from someone on scene about it but that is location specific. Whilst trees falling on the line do happen, I don't believe they're all that common since, in theory, Network Rail (and perhaps their contractors) are constantly checking the lineside areas for any problems with trees that are at risk of falling and hopefully they'd be dealt with before it becomes serious.

Of course in single-player or as the host in a multiplayer session you could simulate something like that but you may want to do some research prior to simulating something such as that since if you randomly choose an area to use it could have no trees nearby anyway (therefore something such as that would of-course not happen).

Any views and / or opinions expressed by myself are from me personally and do not represent those of any company I either work for or am a consultant for.
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More in-depth Telephone system 08/02/2011 at 20:31 #13484
275 posts
I would agree with UKTM. I would prefer not to see any kind of incidents and accidents done in SimSig. Real accidents are not fun!

I'm glad to see my thread has created so much interest though - and it would be great to see things like Control and possessions implemented.

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More in-depth Telephone system 08/03/2011 at 00:08 #13932
259 posts
Not sure what the rules are for running trains in the UK are but in Queensland (Australia), all trains other than timetabled passenger traffic is offerred to the adjacent panel operator or ASC before running it, even if it's running on time. I've found with Simsig (which I love, by the way), late freighters sometimes bell on right in front of an on time pax train (usually a Class 1) and delay the crap out of it, especially when there is nowhere to put the freighter away. In real life this would not happen.

I'd like to see a system in place where all late trains are offered rather than just run without warning.

Not fat ..... fluffy!! (G Iglesias)
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More in-depth Telephone system 08/03/2011 at 10:02 #13934
989 posts
i know a few signallers that do that in real life Matt
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More in-depth Telephone system 13/03/2011 at 15:58 #14042
36 posts
Platform staff do ring up upon request from train crew at cheltenham if they wish to be sent back another way.

They also ring up for an ECS to be sent to the CS from platform 2.
if this does get implemented you could have platform staff especially with the glos sim asking which way are they going especially the later trains.
Ive known the 9pm Terminator to be sent via Awre despite it was booked straight down via BPW>

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More in-depth Telephone system 21/03/2011 at 21:52 #14162
259 posts
Noisynoel said:
i know a few signallers that do that in real life Matt
Yes, unfortunately at my workplace it happens too. Worse still is it's just my luck that I'm the one to get a "bluey" for all the delays on my panel caused by the train being run without my permission.

("Bluey" = QR slang for official reprimand).

Not fat ..... fluffy!! (G Iglesias)
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Re: More in-depth Telephone system 17/09/2011 at 16:52 #21022
77 posts
" said:
Further to this & using my professional hat, you have platform staff phone up for a number of reasons, ie...

1) Re-platforming of a train for operational purposes
2) Requesting a block on the line to retrieve an object dropped by a silly passenger

and many more, that I cannot think of at the moment.
From my memory as a platform supervisor:

3) The driver/guard booked to take a train forward late in off previous working (either with or without PNBs)
4) BTP in attendance to disruptive passengers - I know this happens in SimSig, as it has happened to me several times...
5) Train splitting over crossover (a 170 coupled to a 153) - this probably comes into operational reasons, as does no. 3 above
6) Passengers changing platforms by means of the p-way instead of the overbridge
7) Staff assault meaning train delayed
8) Passengers attempting to gain entry to a MOVING rake of MkIII stock via the window!
9) Adjoining running lines being shut due to a Class 220 engine exploding and blowing a hole in the bodywork, with resultant debris on adjoining lines
10) TPWS activations
11) A train arriving from depot with no sand, dets or TCODs in leading cab on passenger service
12) A non-multi sign being displayed in the cab window of a coupling unit


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Re: More in-depth Telephone system 17/09/2011 at 16:57 #21023
77 posts
" said:
Platform staff do ring up upon request from train crew at cheltenham if they wish to be sent back another way.

They also ring up for an ECS to be sent to the CS from platform 2.
if this does get implemented you could have platform staff especially with the glos sim asking which way are they going especially the later trains.
Ive known the 9pm Terminator to be sent via Awre despite it was booked straight down via BPW>
In regard to train crew route requests, for a period when I was at BHM working for Central Trains, Worcester crews only signed one way into New Street (via University), but on the way back home, they signed via Camp Hill, Stourbridge and Gloucester!

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Re: More in-depth Telephone system 17/09/2011 at 17:00 #21024
77 posts
" said:
Danny252 said:
UKTrainMan said:
ajax103 said:
You could have the station staff ring up to say the wrong route has been set ie the 0912 to Kings Cross from Hertford has a route set to the Up Yard rather then to the Up Main as has been the case.
Isn't the driver meant to be the one ringing up and challenging the route?
Also, how would the station staff know the 0912 is next? It could easily be a freight or ECS working that you're looping/terminating, with the 0912 being behind it.
The station staff do have access to a system which can tell them all sorts of things;

Train Headcode
Full timetable
What time it left a certain station
It's rough location (including what line it's on)
It can even tell them what unit number(s) the train is formed of (i.e: 377501 + 377523) and even the individual carriage numbers!

The only problem with it is that they just need to know how to use it properly.

Although I don't think it can tell them things about any signal failures / signal lamp failures, points failures, track circuit failures - hence station staff should not be calling up the signaller to challenge a route as they don't have enough information about the current status of all the signalling equipment in their area, unless they have been informed.
The problem I have with that system as an ex platform supervisor, is that quite often, the information in it is wrong anyway. I lost count of the number of times trains came into BHM in reverse formation to what TRUST said! Any computer system is only as good as the information you give it. If that's wrong, you've got no chance.

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