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A really busy one panel sim

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A really busy one panel sim 04/08/2010 at 02:50 #1558
149 posts
More of a general idea than a sim in particular... but I'd love a really busy single panel sim. It can be a bit wider then the classic panel, but say sized to fit a 1280x960 lcd or similar. Basically I'd like a "quick snack" sim. Something that's very complex but at the same time lets me not have to navigate a large sim or play multiplayer. Imagine something like KingsX, but only the section from Alexandra Palace into Kings X.
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A really busy one panel sim 04/08/2010 at 02:50 #10457
149 posts
More of a general idea than a sim in particular... but I'd love a really busy single panel sim. It can be a bit wider then the classic panel, but say sized to fit a 1280x960 lcd or similar. Basically I'd like a "quick snack" sim. Something that's very complex but at the same time lets me not have to navigate a large sim or play multiplayer. Imagine something like KingsX, but only the section from Alexandra Palace into Kings X.
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A really busy one panel sim 04/08/2010 at 10:39 #10460
81 posts
I've found that the Waterloo sim works quite well as a "quick snack sim" if you turn all the ARS on, apart from the Waterloo platforms and maybe the station approaches from Vauxhall. But a stand-alone sim like that would also work quite well. Maybe London Bridge, either just the terminating platforms (8-18?) or possibly with the through platforms (1-6) out to the junction for South Bermondsey?
Sam Wainwright
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A really busy one panel sim 04/08/2010 at 13:01 #10462
2756 posts
WembleySub (currently in beta test) might well suit you.
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A really busy one panel sim 04/08/2010 at 17:40 #10468
149 posts
Are either of those available publically? Don't seem them in the downloads.

I'd be happy to beta test if not, e-mail is tylere@gmai.com

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A really busy one panel sim 04/08/2010 at 17:55 #10469
707 posts
Waterloo is available from page 2 of the "Simulations" list in the download area.
WembleySub is only available to certain testers as appointed by its developer (Clive).
London Bridge is a wish list item. It does not exist.

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A really busy one panel sim 04/08/2010 at 18:14 #10470
51 posts
I agree that small, busy sims are definitely the most enjoyable kind for playing on your own, and hopefully one day there'll be more of them. The Croydon sim, also in beta testing, might also be what you're looking for: nominally it's three workstations but it's just about manageable by one person, so long as you don't ever stop to catch your breath! There was a very old paged version available on the old forum (before the website died last summer); I don't know if it's still available, but it has since been converted to scrolly and shown off (time-restricted) at the London meet in 2009. As with everything in Simsig, it'll be ready when it's ready.
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A really busy one panel sim 04/08/2010 at 19:13 #10471
1719 posts
Euston - when it's ready - will also be a nice but busy "small" sim - the real Euston was a 2-man panel (but a 3rd was required because it was decided no-one should do more than 4 hours on Station End).
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A really busy one panel sim 05/08/2010 at 01:19 #10478
1803 posts
Didcot is great for one person. Two views you control trains in and one third view that gives you advance warning of trains from Oxford, Swindon and Reading. You can download it from here if you're tempted. A small note though that there are two similar timetables included - one includes proper loco run-rounds for trains coming out of the power station heading to/beyond Swindon or coming from/beyond Swindon to the power station whilst the other is a simplified version which doesn't include the run round for these trains so it'd be up to you to decide which to use.

Really is a great simulation - especially the 125mph running on the fast lines

Any views and / or opinions expressed by myself are from me personally and do not represent those of any company I either work for or am a consultant for.
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A really busy one panel sim 05/08/2010 at 05:47 #10482
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
At some point one day, once all the fiddling is finished, I intend to extact a stand-alone Cowliars Sim from Central Scotland Sim. This is a two man box but might fit the bill.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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A really busy one panel sim 06/08/2010 at 06:38 #10502
41 posts
Peter,when you say "fiddling" are you including the "unmentionable " sims that we are so patiently
waiting for ?

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A really busy one panel sim 06/08/2010 at 08:26 #10505
5208 posts
I may be excessively pedantic and logical, but if the sims are "unmentionable" then Peter surely can't answer the question - and to be honest, I don't think we should be pressurising any of the developers by putting them on the spot like that.


“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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A really busy one panel sim 06/08/2010 at 09:18 #10508
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
Didcot said:
Peter,when you say "fiddling" are you including the "unmentionable " sims that we are so patiently
waiting for ?
No I mean fiddling with Central Scotland; once extracted I have two sims to maintain in parallel so better to get the fiddling done first. As for the 'unmetionable' sims- they are entirely out of my hands (as I've told you several times before) save that I do maintain and update Exeter, SwinDid and Westbury data to keep them compatible with any changes and updates to core code so when the time comes they should be OK.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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A really busy one panel sim 11/08/2010 at 08:28 #10638
2158 posts
clive said:
WembleySub (currently in beta test) might well suit you.
There are no sims in the Beta Download Section..

Barry, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
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A really busy one panel sim 11/08/2010 at 10:04 #10639
212 posts
It is to my knowledge that sims are no longer released in the Beta stage due to the number of dedicated testers now available and in the interest of keeping product quality high. All Beta sims currently available are pre-facto releases from the old days.
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A really busy one panel sim 11/08/2010 at 10:08 #10640
1841 posts
BarryM said:
clive said:
WembleySub (currently in beta test) might well suit you.
There are no sims in the Beta Download Section..
Note that Clive said in beta test(ing), not in Beta Download.

I can only help one person a day. Today's not your day. Tomorrow doesn't look too good either.
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A really busy one panel sim 11/08/2010 at 21:50 #10660
131 posts
as i was coming back from retford one day, we passed high marnhem power station box. and that seams to fit your bill as a busy pannel?
especialy if the developers also added gainsborough trent junction in with it too, as you have the sheffield line 2 power station lines and the doncaster,lincoln and brigg lines to contend with.



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A really busy one panel sim 11/08/2010 at 21:50 #10661
131 posts
as i was coming back from retford one day, we passed high marnhem power station box. and that seams to fit your bill as a busy pannel?
especialy if the developers also added gainsborough trent junction in with it too, as you have the sheffield line 2 power station lines and the doncaster,lincoln and brigg lines to contend with.



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A really busy one panel sim 11/08/2010 at 22:19 #10662
1171 posts
As it is now, High Marnham Power Station has been shut 7 years (since 2003) and no longer has chimneys nor a boiler house!

I imagine in the 60s-80s though, this whole area would have been full of coal mines, coal trains and coal fired power stations, would be quite the sight!

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A really busy one panel sim 12/08/2010 at 00:22 #10664
2158 posts
AndyG said:
BarryM said:
clive said:
WembleySub (currently in beta test) might well suit you.
There are no sims in the Beta Download Section..
Note that Clive said in beta test(ing), not in Beta Download.
Thanks Andy. I selected the wrong quote. Should have been Tyler's quote.


Barry, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
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A really busy one panel sim 13/08/2010 at 11:14 #10703
Late Turn
697 posts
Suspect Paul's referring to West Burton SB - hourly passenger service and occasional freights for the most part!
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A really busy one panel sim 13/08/2010 at 23:44 #10709
131 posts
yep was west burton i was thnking off
always get them 2 mixed up lol

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