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Ciao a tutti from a new Italian User!

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Ciao a tutti from a new Italian User! 31/08/2010 at 13:56 #1703
25 posts
Hi everyone! I'm an Italian "Fat Controller" (not so fat really), I work as a conductor on regional train in Italy and I'm obsessed by trains! I'm new on the forum, but i played Simsig i think since 10 years ago, when it first came out. I don't remember the year i first started, but i remember i was about 14-15, i used to play with others train-fans around Italy, i loved the possibility of multi-play! In Italy we don't have such a nice program, and SimSig is similar to what here is called "DCO", we have lines up to 800km controlled from a single DCO! Maybe if you're interested when I'll have more time I can tell you more about DCO!
But about SimSig, I have a problem it's weeks i'm trying to solve, I would like to edit timetables, but I can't manage to insert new trains or manually edit trains timetable, I only manage to duplicate trains! When I open the location list editor, by editing an existing location or adding a new one below, the Trip Editor window will open, but it won't let me insert any location, the only button working is the cancel! An if I edit an entry time of any train, when I press the OK button it will always come out 00.00! I hope someone can help me, I tried to install again the SimSig files, but it still won't work, I also have a notebook with Xp istead of Vista, but it still does the same. Thanks for your help!

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Ciao a tutti from a new Italian User! 31/08/2010 at 13:56 #11197
25 posts
Hi everyone! I'm an Italian "Fat Controller" (not so fat really), I work as a conductor on regional train in Italy and I'm obsessed by trains! I'm new on the forum, but i played Simsig i think since 10 years ago, when it first came out. I don't remember the year i first started, but i remember i was about 14-15, i used to play with others train-fans around Italy, i loved the possibility of multi-play! In Italy we don't have such a nice program, and SimSig is similar to what here is called "DCO", we have lines up to 800km controlled from a single DCO! Maybe if you're interested when I'll have more time I can tell you more about DCO!
But about SimSig, I have a problem it's weeks i'm trying to solve, I would like to edit timetables, but I can't manage to insert new trains or manually edit trains timetable, I only manage to duplicate trains! When I open the location list editor, by editing an existing location or adding a new one below, the Trip Editor window will open, but it won't let me insert any location, the only button working is the cancel! An if I edit an entry time of any train, when I press the OK button it will always come out 00.00! I hope someone can help me, I tried to install again the SimSig files, but it still won't work, I also have a notebook with Xp istead of Vista, but it still does the same. Thanks for your help!

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Ciao a tutti from a new Italian User! 05/09/2010 at 16:17 #11297
24 posts
Sono italiano anche io. Anche io molto appassionato di circolazione ferroviaria e di simulatori. Se hai voglia di fare 4 parole :



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Ciao a tutti from a new Italian User! 06/09/2010 at 11:16 #11300
25 posts
Ciao, ma tu sei intallonabile anche su qualche sito di appassionati italiani? Mi sembra di averti già visto su qualche forum!
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Ciao a tutti from a new Italian User! 06/09/2010 at 12:57 #11302
5208 posts
According to the Forum rules "The normal language of these forums is English and users are requested to ensure that posts contain correct punctuation and spelling. Use of other languages is acceptable when used to assist anyone whose normal language is not English."

Could you include an English translation in case anyone else wants to join in, please.

The Italian version of that produced by Babelfish is:

Secondo la tribuna regola il " La lingua normale di queste tribune è inglese e gli utenti sono invitati a accertarsi che gli alberini contengano la punteggiatura e l'ortografia corrette. L'uso di altre lingue è accettabile una volta usato per aiutare chiunque di cui la lingua normale non sia English."

Potreste comprendere prego una traduzione in inglese nel caso chiunque altrimenti volesse unirsi dentro.

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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Ciao a tutti from a new Italian User! 06/09/2010 at 14:19 #11304
25 posts
Ok sorry! The translation of both posts is about he's an Italian signalling fan too (actually I don't know if he speeks english) and he asked me if I wanted to spend a few words with him about these simulations by email, and I asked if he was an user I know, who as the same nickname, of another Italian forum about railways.
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Ciao a tutti from a new Italian User! 07/09/2010 at 13:15 #11313
2 posts
intallonabile said:
Sono italiano anche io. Anche io molto appassionato di circolazione ferroviaria e di simulatori. Se hai voglia di fare 4 parole
Translation = I am Italian also. Also I much fan of railway circulation and simulators. If you have wish to make 4 words

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Ciao a tutti from a new Italian User! 07/09/2010 at 13:17 #11314
2 posts
Aaron86 said:
Ciao, ma tu sei intallonabile anche su qualche sito di appassionati italiani? Mi sembra di averti già visto su qualche forum!
Translation = Hello, but you are intallonabile also on some site of Italian fans? Me it seems of averti already seen on some forum!

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