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Joining two trains at Southampton - newbie's view

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Joining two trains at Southampton - newbie's view 06/11/2011 at 05:40 #22548
1637 posts

1B08 is at platform 1A at Southampton, waiting to be joined by 1W00 which has stopped at signal 746. Nothing happens when I try to set a call-on route from 746 to 736; in fact the totally unhelpful message "Route set from the exit signal - call-on not allowed" is displayed.

So how do I call-on 1W00 to join?

The Southampton manual says:

Call-on routes are allowed into the platforms at Southampton and at a couple of other locations. This is selected by the interlocking at routesetting time when the platform (or last track(s) in the route) track is occupied. Therefore, if a train is on its way to the platform, but hasn't yet entered it, do not overset a call-on route until the train is actually in the platform.

Note that the entrance signal to the route will only clear to a calling-on aspect when the following conditions are true:

That the platform track is occupied;
That the train to be called-on has been timed to, or nearly to, a stand at the entrance signal;
That the measuring track circuit(s) (where used) is/are occupied and the track circuit(s) in rear are clear. This gives you some protection against sending a too-long train into an occupied platform but is not foolproof. It is up to you to make sure that you don't put trains into platforms that would foul the station throat. Look at the Trains List to see how long each train is.
Frankly, much of this is as clear as mud. I reckon I've fulfilled all their requirements: the platform track is occupied by 1B08; 1W00 is standing at the entrance signal (746); and "the track circuit(s) in rear are clear", whatever that means - I suppose it means there's no train waiting behind 1W00.

Yet I still can't join the two trains.

Let's turn to usertrack:ssterms:join:
When the train reaches the location it then waits until the other train arrives and then joins. This will take a couple of minutes to achieve.
How nice. Nothing like this seems to be happening here. (Compare this with a sim like Train Dispatcher, where you can command one train to join another - at least there's a mechanism provided to call-on.)

I do as much elsewhere as I can, but even after many minutes are wasted and my frustration's building up, there's still no sign of the two trains wanting to join, and now other trains are piling up all over the place waiting for me to clear the blockage. Hmm, will a miracle happen if I make both Train Describers the same? Nope.

Well, if I can't call-on 1W00, the next best thing to try might be to authorize 1W00 to Pass Signal at Danger. It works - the trains are now being joined.

Finally, two minutes later, I am told "1B08 has finished joining" and is soon off to Eastleigh, leaving its ghost TD, 1W00, at 746. Again I guess it's my responsibility to remove it by clicking Cancel.

I don't even know if this is the recommended way of joining two trains. There doesn't seem to be a single page in the Wiki devoted to answering this simple question.

Last edited: 06/11/2011 at 05:41 by maxand
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Re: Joining two trains at Southampton - newbie's view 06/11/2011 at 07:04 #22549
Peter Bennet
5396 posts
What is missing from the list of conditions to call-on is that Signal 736 needs to be ON [red] which is what the message "Route set from the exit signal - call-on not allowed" is telling you.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
Last edited: 06/11/2011 at 07:08 by Peter Bennet
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The following user said thank you: maxand
Re: Joining two trains at Southampton - newbie's view 06/11/2011 at 07:10 #22551
275 posts
That's known as Huddersfield control.

The error message you describe as "unhelpful" describes exactly what is happening. You cannot set a call on route from 746 when a route is set from 736.

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Re: Joining two trains at Southampton - newbie's view 06/11/2011 at 07:14 #22552
1637 posts
Thanks Peter and Ralph. I'll try joining again, this time with 736 ON.
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Re: Joining two trains at Southampton - newbie's view 06/11/2011 at 08:53 #22557
688 posts
Just to reiterate, E736 signal needs to be in the ON position AND with NO route called and locked from E736 signal.

Kind Regards


You have to get a red before you can get any other colour
Last edited: 06/11/2011 at 08:53 by DriverCurran
Reason: Missed name (Doh)

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Re: Joining two trains at Southampton - newbie's view 07/11/2011 at 05:55 #22571
1637 posts
Thanks Paul and again to Ralph for the link to Huddersfield. That helped a lot.

Huddersfield Control
Interlocking between a Signal (usually a platform starting Signal) and a Call-On Class Route leading up to the Signal.

from Glossary of Signalling Terms

There's a lot more on this which I plan to add to the Wiki if allowed.

I realize now that the method of joining trains described in my first post in this thread is not only NOT the SimSig way but is also downright dangerous. In fact, it virtually replicates the conditions leading to the 1990 Stafford rail accident, out of which came a recommendation in 1994 by D.S. Harland, HM Deputy Chief Inspecting Officer of Railways which led to the introduction of interlocking controls. Harland stated:

122. I further recommend that a train standing in a through platform is not signalled to move before any second train has come to stand behind it. This would avoid (sic) the driver of a second train approaching a signal with a proceed aspect which does not apply to him (emphasis mine). This would also overcome the dangers from a second train following too closely behind a train which is departing, which was not a factor in this accident, but which has been in others.

Railway Accident at Stafford: A Report on a collision that occurred on 4 August 1990

So here's a revised set of pics showing the correct procedure.

1W00 has been cleared to 746. Note that the overlap extends beyond this signal.

After ensuring signal 736 is set ON (red), the route 746-736 is set. Although 746's danger aspect (red dot) cannot change to green due to the presence of a train (1B08) in the next block, its white shunt signal and stem indicate proceed.

With the route set to 736, 1W00 proceeds past 746 and joins 1B08.

Now 1B08's departure route can be set...

and 1B08 heads out, automatically cancelling the 1W00 TD.

Last edited: 07/11/2011 at 06:17 by maxand
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Re: Joining two trains at Southampton - newbie's view 07/11/2011 at 07:16 #22574
275 posts
Yep, that's exactly it. Glad you've got it sorted!
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