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System files not found on new Simulations

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System files not found on new Simulations 01/12/2011 at 21:33 #24214
58 posts
I Have installed the system files yet all of the new releases including Brighton, Oxted, Saltley, Royston, Euston and Lime Street all say that they cant find the system files - all old sims work.

I have a Windows 7 64 bit system with an SSD for system files and a 2Tb drive for everything else Ive tried installing the system files on the SSD - drive C or the Hard Drive - drive D but the sims still refuse to run.

Any ideas as to what might be the problem - as I said earlier all the old simulations work fine.

Sorry should also have said Ie tried all the usual compatability modes or run as administrator - none of these sort the issue out.

Help please


Last edited: 01/12/2011 at 21:35 by simmybear
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Re: System files not found on new Simulations 01/12/2011 at 21:39 #24216
58 posts
Well what a stupid wazzock I am pick up an old copy of the system files didn't I ....doh I feel that small :sick:
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Re: System files not found on new Simulations 01/12/2011 at 22:56 #24258
771 posts
Not to worry...We've all done it (or at least something similar)...
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Re: System files not found on new Simulations 07/03/2015 at 06:11 #69860
3 posts
theres a little button at the top of the window with a mouse on it, depress it then click on the track circuit?
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Re: System files not found on new Simulations 07/03/2015 at 06:12 #69861
3 posts
usual compatability modes or run as administrator - none of these sort the issue out?
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