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Hello from a new player 18/02/2011 at 11:24 #2465
2 posts
I would like to say hello along with a thank you to the developer of Simsig and the maintainers of this site. The best games always seem to be be non commercial.

I played this briefly last year and picked it up again recently. After running about 24 hours of Westbury I jumped in on some multiplayer games and found a good welcome. My first go was Bristol on 16th with virgin390053 hosting. I was made welcome and helped out without any fuss. I quickly followed up with Kings cross hosted by JoeT, running the palace panel. A game which was finished off last night while I ran the Hitchin end.

All in all a nice friendly bunch you are, a sharp contrast to a space trading game I once played where after spending hours struggling to make the first few credits by dragging heavy loads across the skies, I was faced with a horribly armoured and beweaponed starcruiser piloted by a spotty teenager with an inferiority complex who sent the message "You f'n' noob, I'm gonna blow you outa the sky!" I had the game cleared from my disk within ten minutes and I feel sure the whole thing eventually died a slow death.

I'm sure that some of you also like train sims. Now wouldn't it be cool if some clever dude manages to hook up MSTS and Simsig so that the trains are copies of MSTS and the MSTS players are working under real signallers instead of the scripted activities. So many improvements have been added to MSTS by keen Fan/developers that I'm sure it will come to pass.

Such things already exist for Flight sims where players can fly in heavily populated multiplayer skies while being directed by air traffic controllers running air traffic control software.

I'm going to take advantage of Welsh Dragons kind offer and learn the basics, it's so much more fun when one knows what to do.

Has anyone ever thought that modern signalling is rather like playing Tetris with 600 ton blocks?

Mark Riley

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Hello from a new player 18/02/2011 at 11:24 #13710
2 posts
I would like to say hello along with a thank you to the developer of Simsig and the maintainers of this site. The best games always seem to be be non commercial.

I played this briefly last year and picked it up again recently. After running about 24 hours of Westbury I jumped in on some multiplayer games and found a good welcome. My first go was Bristol on 16th with virgin390053 hosting. I was made welcome and helped out without any fuss. I quickly followed up with Kings cross hosted by JoeT, running the palace panel. A game which was finished off last night while I ran the Hitchin end.

All in all a nice friendly bunch you are, a sharp contrast to a space trading game I once played where after spending hours struggling to make the first few credits by dragging heavy loads across the skies, I was faced with a horribly armoured and beweaponed starcruiser piloted by a spotty teenager with an inferiority complex who sent the message "You f'n' noob, I'm gonna blow you outa the sky!" I had the game cleared from my disk within ten minutes and I feel sure the whole thing eventually died a slow death.

I'm sure that some of you also like train sims. Now wouldn't it be cool if some clever dude manages to hook up MSTS and Simsig so that the trains are copies of MSTS and the MSTS players are working under real signallers instead of the scripted activities. So many improvements have been added to MSTS by keen Fan/developers that I'm sure it will come to pass.

Such things already exist for Flight sims where players can fly in heavily populated multiplayer skies while being directed by air traffic controllers running air traffic control software.

I'm going to take advantage of Welsh Dragons kind offer and learn the basics, it's so much more fun when one knows what to do.

Has anyone ever thought that modern signalling is rather like playing Tetris with 600 ton blocks?

Mark Riley

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Hello from a new player 18/02/2011 at 11:48 #13711
222 posts
Chaoscollective said:
I'm sure that some of you also like train sims. Now wouldn't it be cool if some clever dude manages to hook up MSTS and Simsig so that the trains are copies of MSTS and the MSTS players are working under real signallers instead of the scripted activities. So many improvements have been added to MSTS by keen Fan/developers that I'm sure it will come to pass.

Such things already exist for Flight sims where players can fly in heavily populated multiplayer skies while being directed by air traffic controllers running air traffic control software.

Hello and welcome to the most realistic signalling simulation available (*my opinion, although I believe shared by many others here )

The above has been touched upon before, and although it sounds great in theory I think that in practice there are a number of issues with it, such as MSTS being 'past its prime', needing the same routes to be modelled (and modelled the same layout/era) in both sims, replacing the internal signalling controls in MSTS with input from SimSig and the train locations/speeds/characteristics in SimSig with input from MSTS, etc. It would involve huge amounts of effort but would the benefit be that great? Would the experience as either signaller or driver be enhanced much by knowing that the AI of the sim in respect of train or signalling (as appropriate) had been replaced by a human?

On a practical level I believe that the current SimSig development team have a full schedule building new and enhancing existing sims for our enjoyment (frustration if Kurt has any involvement ), all in their spare time.

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