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1F94, what next?

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1F94, what next? 09/12/2011 at 10:08 #24775
476 posts
Slightly confused with this one. 1F94 arrives 20.46 for P2. Activities are J:BERF, and depart 2212. A 22.12 dep is shown, but it's from P1, 2J24 which is formed from 2F393.
2F69 is already in P2 waiting to join 2F234, dep 24.05.
Suggestions definitely needed on this one I reckon.
Cheers, Mal.

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Re: 1F94, what next? 09/12/2011 at 23:15 #24806
989 posts
BERF means the unit is berthed overnight for the following morning. Ignore the time of 22:12, it's just spurious.
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Re: 1F94, what next? 10/12/2011 at 08:30 #24816
476 posts
" said:
BERF means the unit is berthed overnight for the following morning. Ignore the time of 22:12, it's just spurious.
Cheers Noel. So I can presumably edit out the 22.12 departure time? I'll have to re-platform it though as it may cause problems as there will be two units already in P2 which move later in the evening.

Last edited: 10/12/2011 at 08:33 by delticfan
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Re: 1F94, what next? 10/12/2011 at 09:17 #24817
989 posts
There shouldn't be anything else in 2 when that train arrives. There are some later trains that run in on top of it, but they will all fit
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Re: 1F94, what next? 07/02/2012 at 05:11 #28980
183 posts
" said:
There shouldn't be anything else in 2 when that train arrives. There are some later trains that run in on top of it, but they will all fit

2F694 is scheduled into P2 at 1957 (before 1F942 arrives) and is timetabled to stay there till after it joins with 2F234 which is at 2342. 1F942 comes into P2 at 2046 (before the above mentioned joining move) and then waits for BERF which, from what I've seen, never arrives.

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