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Hover a little more...

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Hover a little more... 11/12/2011 at 06:50 #24848
1637 posts
I didn't realize SimSig already implements the display technique known as hovering, so it came as a surprise and a pleasure to discover that hovering (positioning the mouse cursor) over a train on the Overview window (scrolly sims only) actually brings up a tooltip with a description of the train. (See Wiki > Display > Overview page)

What actually happens is that the description (contents of ID and Description columnns for that train on the Train List) appears immediately, next to the window title (Overview), followed about one second later by a tooltip with the same information appearing next to the mouse cursor. If the mouse is not disturbed, the tooltip persists for a few seconds, then disappears. The same information on the Window title bar persists until the cursor is moved off the train. On several occasions the tooltip did not appear at all.

Why the developers decided to use this space to display the description, rather than something far more useful such as the train's current Status and Location, is a mystery to me. If I need to know the entry and exit points, or what it uses for motive power, I can check its Description field on the Train List any time. When I get really busy, all I need to know about a train can be gleaned from its ID.

So I'd like to propose that the user have at least the choice of displaying ID-Status-Location here.

Why stop there? the View (workstation) window's title bar is wide enough, so why not do the same trick here? Far less fiddly than trying to position the mouse cursor on a tiny red bar on the Overview. In other words, hovering over a red stripe in the main layout panel would display ID-Status-Location on the View window. If that's too much to fit on the bar, then just the ID and Status would do fine; after all, the Location should be evident from the view itself.

Additionally, because of the latency (slowness) of the tooltip to appear, I'd be happy to have the option of turning off this little beast, so that the info just appears on the View title bar next to the name of the sim. Seems faster and a good deal more reliable that way. I wonder whether that might be a way to recover TDs (IDs) from trains that inexplicably seem to lose their berths.

What do others think?

Last edited: 11/12/2011 at 10:30 by maxand
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Re: Hover a little more... 11/12/2011 at 12:28 #24858
3945 posts
" said:
Why stop there? the View (workstation) window's title bar is wide enough, so why not do the same trick here?

I think this is more trouble than it's worth- as you say, location is self-evident from it's position in the view, if you want to know more, it's easier to click and read the TT than fiddle about hovering the cursor over the ID and trying to read the small writing at the top of the window.

" said:
I wonder whether that might be a way to recover TDs (IDs) from trains that inexplicably seem to lose their berths.

No- you bring the information up by hovering over a train ID not an occupied track circuit. And there is always a reason why Train Descriptions are lost, and the answer is very rarely "it's a bug".

This seems more trouble than it's worth- you're essentially duplicating the F2 display, and, in my opinion, making it less readable.

"Don't stress/ relax/ let life roll off your backs./ Except for death and paying taxes/ everything in life.../ is only for now." (Avenue Q)
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Re: Hover a little more... 11/12/2011 at 12:50 #24863
1637 posts
Steamer, thanks for replying but I'm not sure you understand me here.

You said
if you want to know more, it's easier to click and read the TT

It's not TT information I'm after, it's the train's Status (F2). It means I have to refocus on and search the Train List, which on my screen is seldom completely visible. Whereas if the View window is uppermost, so will its title bar be.

You also said
No- you bring the information up by hovering over a train ID not an occupied track circuit

Hovering over any part of a train has no result at present. I wish it did, hence this thread. One needs to actually click the train ID, not hover over it.

As an aside, hovering is the fastest way I know to streamline an interface. For instance, compare Jarte text editor's interface with that of the average, pedestrian app such as MS Word. No comparison.

Last edited: 11/12/2011 at 12:52 by maxand
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Re: Hover a little more... 11/12/2011 at 13:05 #24865
3945 posts
" said:
Hovering over any part of a train has no result at present. I wish it did, hence this thread. One needs to actually click the train ID, not hover over it.

I was referring to how the info is displayed in the current 'overview' feature, which would probably be how it would displayed if this feature was ever included.

" said:
It's not TT information I'm after, it's the train's Status (F2). It means I have to refocus on and search the Train List, which on my screen is seldom completely visible.

You could always pause the sim while you look stuff like that up, since it is only really needed when getting yourself out of problems that tend to be caused by errors in the train's TT or the actual Sim. Also, it doesn't really save time- in order to correct said problem, you would have to go into F2 and use the train control options.

"Don't stress/ relax/ let life roll off your backs./ Except for death and paying taxes/ everything in life.../ is only for now." (Avenue Q)
Last edited: 11/12/2011 at 13:07 by Steamer
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Re: Hover a little more... 11/12/2011 at 13:34 #24869
3635 posts
i dont think ive ever even used overview on a scrolly sim...
"We don't stop camborne wednesdays"
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The following user said thank you: postal
Re: Hover a little more... 11/12/2011 at 14:02 #24872
1637 posts
i dont think ive ever even used overview on a scrolly sim...

If your screen is wide enough (which I seem to recall it is), you probably wouldn't need the Overview feature. But I find it indispensable.

You could always pause the sim while you look stuff like that up, since it is only really needed when getting yourself out of problems that tend to be caused by errors in the train's TT or the actual Sim.

My commonest problem seems to be that a train has stopped either because the train ahead of it has moved on and the route needs to be re-set, or because I missed setting a particular segment of the route along the way and the train is now stalled at that point. Neither of these situations requires me to signal the driver or do anything requiring access to the Train List. All I need to do is regularly re-check a train's status, and if I find it's idling along the route, I jump in and set the missing route.

If I could hover over a train on the Overview and see an instant message displayed that it was waiting at a red signal, I could then dive in and correct the problem without needing the train list.

Last edited: 11/12/2011 at 14:02 by maxand
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Re: Hover a little more... 11/12/2011 at 14:09 #24873
3945 posts
" said:
My commonest problem seems to be that a train has stopped either because the train ahead of it has moved on and the route needs to be re-set, or because I missed setting a particular segment of the route along the way and the train is now stalled at that point. Neither of these situations requires me to signal the driver or do anything requiring access to the Train List. All I need to do is regularly re-check a train's status, and if I find it's idling along the route, I jump in and set the missing route.

The train's speed should be fairly clear from the aspect of the next signal displayed to the driver- if it's red, he'll be slowing down to a stop/has already stopped, if it's yellow he is/will be about to start slowing down, if it's green he is going as fast as he can (depending on other circumstances).

"Don't stress/ relax/ let life roll off your backs./ Except for death and paying taxes/ everything in life.../ is only for now." (Avenue Q)
Last edited: 11/12/2011 at 14:35 by Steamer
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Re: Hover a little more... 11/12/2011 at 14:25 #24876
5208 posts
Are we not again coming back to the schism between games players and sticklers for realism here?

In real life, if the signaller has become distracted and has forgotten that a train is on a route that needs his input, the first he will know is a telephone call from the driver. The sticklers for realism will decree that this is plenty good enough, the real signaller doesn't have an F2 key and the signaller ought to keep his mind on the job while the games players will object that there should be an easy reminder so that they don't fall into that trap.

We have had a lot of threads highlighting this schism recently and I think it actually leads us to a more difficult conundrum. We had a discussion recently about the needs of the many and the tyranny of the mob. However, that misses the question about the "tyranny of the techie". We have all seen instances at work where outside experts have been brought in to improve the job and which have resulted in things that don't work, add needless complexity or bring lots of unforeseen costs. This is quite often driven by someone wanting to use a certain technical capability because it is there and not because it is needed. Let me give you Windows Vista as an example; this totally alienated the business sector of Microsoft's market because it put lots of bells and whistles in (because they could) rather than concentrating on what people actually wanted.

Can we therefore all please accept that it is perfectly valid to identify and suggest potential improvements, but just because someone is a subject matter expert in that area it does not follow that the potential improvement is necessarily a benefit to the software or the users. After all, it is clear from recent threads that we all have different ways of setting up the various screens and have different ways of accessing the information we need. Just because the "expert" would do it one way using his professional knowledge and experience and he may have some clear ideas about how his set up and way of using the sim could be improved, it does not make the way that others do it wrong.

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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The following users said thank you: Peter Bennet, mfloyd, jc92, Meld, agilchrist, AndyG, officer dibble, Class 92, Sam Tugwell, BarryM, MikeW, Prof Jolly, GoochyB, BoxBoyKit, delticfan
Re: Hover a little more... 11/12/2011 at 15:24 #24880
88 posts
" said:
If your screen is wide enough (which I seem to recall it is), you probably wouldn't need the Overview feature. But I find it indispensable.
On medium-sized, busy maps (Bristol, Exeter, Saltley, CScot, KX) my strategy is always to press "1", go through the entire map left-to-right clicking on signals, repeat. The overview map is so cramped and has so little actual data that I never bring it up. Also, I don't have a huge display area.

I like the concept of being able to hover over a TD and get some information as an optional defaults-to-off setting. I'd have it display its next TT entry (if there was some way to intuit "next useful TT entry" that'd be better). The only time I feel like I "need" the F2-screen status display is if a goods train is timetabled to stop somewhere and I need to know whether it's ready to go or not; if it's gotten somewhere early then waiting for the driver to call in is sensible but if it's late and there's some sort of timetable rule causing it to wait further, adding an extra 2 minutes of delay seems like a bad idea.

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Re: Hover a little more... 11/12/2011 at 23:31 #24947
1637 posts
Thanks for your feedback so far.

Postal's comments are interesting. Time and time again we see how highly paid technical experts have failed to assess the real needs of the workers at the "coalface". But there are usually hidden agendas involved, such as the need to sell the next version of software, the need to appear to have the latest gizmos, the need to lock the user company into a particular brand of software, etc. The need for improved usability often falls behind.

However, your conclusion is unwarranted:

Just because the "expert" would do it one way using his professional knowledge and experience and he may have some clear ideas about how his set up and way of using the sim could be improved, it does not make the way that others do it wrong.

Did I imply that the current way you guys do things is actually wrong? Nope. Wrong is an emotive word. Be careful how you use it.

Returning to the "tyranny of the techie", let's not throw out the baby with the bathwater. The outcome of a reassessment by an outside team of experts may or may not be an expensive disaster (just look at our Myki ticketing system), but that does not detract from the original purpose, which if made in good faith, suggests there was a definite need for improvement at the time.

So I'd like to propose that the user have at least the choice of displaying ID-Status-Location here.
I'd be happy to have the option of turning off this little beast

The best software packages I have ever used were written by people not afraid of adding optional innovations, then letting users try them out for a year or so before taking a transparent consensus vote. Like air conditioning, even hardened conservatives like some we know here will eventually wonder how they ever got along without it. The worst software innovations stand out as being written without real user consultation by development teams who knew all along what was good for their users. Admittedly adding options takes extra time, makes software more complex and adds bloat, but happily SimSig isn't graphics-intensive (low fps!) and there are few bottlenecks. Fortunately, this is a small forum and the developers are willing to interact with us, unlike some I've known.

These days when one of the buzzwords is "informatics", I don't know whether this term has crept into railway software but there should be a real need for it here. If we don't look forward to riding the crest of this wave, SimSig might risk becoming another anachronism, best suited to the historical layouts in its collection.

Last edited: 12/12/2011 at 00:14 by maxand
Reason: edited "risks" to "might risk"

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Re: Hover a little more... 11/12/2011 at 23:41 #24949
5208 posts
For heavens sake Maxand, please stop being so confrontational. You have decided that you are being cast in the role of the "expert". If I wanted to pick a fight, I would come back with exactly the same sort of emotive language that you use and get on my high horse about the "experts" getting it wrong again.

I made no such implication and I was very careful to avoid any sort of personal connotation in what I wrote. I have also written previously that I want you to keep on coming with the suggestions and innovations so please let's not be so thin-skinned and stop seeing everything as a personal attack.

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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The following users said thank you: Prof Jolly, BarryM, delticfan
Re: Hover a little more... 12/12/2011 at 00:50 #24951
1637 posts
Ok postal, we seem to have misread each other here. I certainly don't feel like an expert, more like an observer. The bottom line is, do enough readers think they might actually come to use and enjoy either of these features that are the subject of this thread? I suggested them because they seem quite easily do-able, with little additional coding required.

Here they are again (slightly amended):

The first is to display ID+Direction+Status+Location, instead of Description, along the title bar of the Overview window, which on a wide sim would certainly stretch across the screen and should amply accommodate this information.

1) If the Status advises the selected train is waiting at a red signal, it alerts the user to click there to go there and do something about it without waiting for a Telephone message (which he can dismiss later) or needing to consult the Train List. Hovering, unlike clicking, does not change the viewpoint in the View window. (Unfortunately, SimSig does not yet have a memory to recall previous viewpoints - not a bad idea IMO.)

2) For someone who has not yet learned the territory, it would be a good aid to learning where location names are on the map (instead of having to drag through a PDF file), when the View window is showing somewhere else entirely.

This may not be realistic, but heck, neither is a miniature Overview window. It's a convenience for sim players who can't mount a huge board with lights on their bedroom wall. :)


The second is to display ID+Direction+Status in the View window's title bar (maybe temporarily replacing the title) when hovering over a train (in the View window). I would prefer this to seeing a tooltip, which would take longer to load and might prove intrusive with all that information showing. If you inadvertently move your cursor over a train you don't need to know anything about, it's easier to ignore what's on the title bar that's up and to the left, rather than a big yellow tooltip appearing right where your mouse is.

Status informs you if you have set an incorrect route and whether a train has not simply stopped at a station but is waiting at a red signal, etc. Invaluable for less experienced players struggling to cope with a large sim.

None, providing that user has a choice, like the Train List, of turning it off.

There. I've said it.

Last edited: 12/12/2011 at 01:01 by maxand
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The following users said thank you: postal, truckgirl 66
Re: Hover a little more... 12/12/2011 at 01:01 #24952
1803 posts
" said:
The bottom line is, do enough readers think they might actually come to use and enjoy either of these features that are the subject of this thread?
The overview is quite simply what is says on the tin, an overview. It shows the signalboxes' whole area of control (plus fringe(s)). It is the SimSig simulation equivalent of the bank of screens or displays at the back of the operating floor - or basically the big screens(?) as shown beyond the workstation in your current avatar. I do not think the overview needs changing at all.

Any views and / or opinions expressed by myself are from me personally and do not represent those of any company I either work for or am a consultant for.
Last edited: 12/12/2011 at 01:34 by UKTrainMan
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Re: Hover a little more... 12/12/2011 at 18:09 #24986
4869 posts
I tell you what let's make it even more realistic.

Completly remove the ability to see a trains timetable without having to load up a TRUST terminal to find out. I bet everyone would love that :huh: :huh: .

As UKTM has said in a real box the overview is exactly that, the signalers can only see the train and can't interact with the displays at all.

"Passengers for New Lane, should be seated in the rear coach of the train " - Opinions are my own and not those of my employer
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Re: Hover a little more... 12/12/2011 at 18:13 #24989
3635 posts
it seems like youve carried over "bad habits" from other games regarding how you signal trains. you seem to look a lot at its speed, status, drivers birthdate etc, which really isnt nessecary in 99% of cases where all you need to do is set a route as per the timetable.

as a personal opinion, if u need to use the overview to find trains at reds etc, then the sims too big for reasonable single player anyway.

"We don't stop camborne wednesdays"
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Re: Hover a little more... 12/12/2011 at 19:06 #24996
166 posts
Personally, I've never really used the Overview (only discovered this feature existed after reading this thread!). SimSig, as suggested by its title, is a Sim and I like playing it as one.
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Re: Hover a little more... 12/12/2011 at 20:44 #25004
476 posts
" said:
Personally, I've never really used the Overview (only discovered this feature existed after reading this thread!). SimSig, as suggested by its title, is a Sim and I like playing it as one.
Agreed, until I saw this thread I'd never noticed it. I just enjoy working through the t/t and taking things as they come.

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Re: Hover a little more... 13/12/2011 at 00:25 #25037
1637 posts
Headshot 119 said:
Completly remove the ability to see a trains timetable without having to load up a TRUST terminal to find out. I bet everyone would love that

Would someone mind explaining what a TRUST terminal is? Can't seem to find it in Google nor the Wiki.

I find clicking the Overview saves having to wear out the mouse wheel scrolling from one end of a long sim to t'other

jc92 said
as a personal opinion, if u need to use the overview to find trains at reds etc, then the sims too big for reasonable single player anyway.

That's a good point. I'm playing Bristol 2005 right now, not a huge sim compared with others, but close to the current limit of my workload as I still haven't mastered it and keep stuffing things up or running into unnecessary puzzles. Instead of being a form of relaxation after a stressful day, building up confidence in one's ability to control a set environment, it quickly tends to get away from me as trains build up due to one delay after another, turning into a horizontal version of Tetris. This is even without using Difficult settings. Yet I keep telling myself that one day I will know it so well that I will even start to enjoy it.

What you more experienced guys, particularly professionals and ex-professionals, may be overlooking is that from a beginner's POV the learning curve can be so steep due to inadequate documentation and difficult sims that this is bound to deter a lot of people from continuing to attempt SimSig once they have tried it out. This is my second attempt at coming to grips with SimSig and I'm sure I'm not the only one out there. This is not a rant or a whinge but simply the way things appear. I hope the documentation is a little easier to follow now.

My screen of 1600 x 900 is about average for a beginner, I think, yet Bristol sprawls so far off to each side that without the Overview I wouldn't have had a clue to where I was when I began playing it. If I set the Overview to Stay On Top, I lose the top part of the View window, which just fits into my screen. If I don't, I have to move focus to the Control window in order to bring up the Overview again, using the mouse. For some reason, scrolling the View window with the mouse is nowhere as smooth as using the cursor (arrow) keys, yet I find it visually distressing to control the amount of scrolling with the keyboard as the screen flashes by so fast. Bristol has three numbered viewpoints, accessed by pressing 1, 2 or 3; it needs at least 5. What it hasn't got and should have are keyboard control such as Ctrl+L and Ctrl+R which jump to the next view along, so the eyes don't have to look down at the number keys. Alternatively, the amount of screen scrolled by each click of the mouse scroll wheel should be increased, i.e., a much coarser scroll, to reduce the amount of flickering. Anyone else notice these things? Mine is a standard Logitech mouse.

I don't recall reading much here about how often drivers ring the signaller when they find themselves waiting at a red, but I should imagine that, given the considerable cost in time and money of bringing a train (particularly a goods train) to a halt at a red and then restarting it, any signaller who allowed this to happen more than very occasionally would quickly be made to undergo retraining or be relieved of duty. So the only way to keep on top of one's panel is to improve one's scanning rate, and to help this along, any aids such as scrolling or Overview should be made as efficient as possible.

Of course, the Status column displays more about the train than signallers know in real life, but without this intermediate incentive relative novices (like me) will find themselves overwhelmed by telephone calls (which, incidentally, I find myself unable to shut off even after setting Train Location Reporting to Never in Options). So turning off the Train List window won't help me much. It's such a nuisance clicking through all the "Waiting at red signal" calls just to find the few other messages that the total effect becomes rather discouraging. Therefore any small, relatively easy to implement crutch as I've suggested here and in other posts should be welcomed by people easing themselves into this somewhat difficult game. Then, once they are ready to move to the next level, they can try turning them off and smile as they look back on their progress. We know that real men don't eat quiche.

PS Many apps and games have a status bar at the bottom of the main window. Because a SimSig scrolly is a multi-window application it makes sense to use the View window title bar that's there, taking up valuable space, for something a bit more productive than simply showing "View - [sim name]" which comes as no surprise. If you don't like this suggestion, then, if the truth be known, View (and other) windows could all be made to have much thinner frames, blocking less of the windows underneath when they overlap. The TT window is the worst culprit here - way wider than the rest with so much wasted space.

As I pointed out elsewhere, the most efficient interfaces are those where the user can keep his/her hands on the keyboard, OR the mouse, for 90% of the time, but not keep having to alternate between them.

Last edited: 13/12/2011 at 00:42 by maxand
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Re: Hover a little more... 13/12/2011 at 00:52 #25042
5208 posts

I suspect that you are asking too much of yourself in terms of mastering a sim. I am a relative beginner compared with some, but I have been running sims since about 2007. Even so, the first time I run any new sim, I run it at the easiest possible settings and never hesitate to use the Pause capability while I get my head round what is going on (and I still drop some horrendous clangers). It is only after I have had at least one full run through a TT that I feel aware enough to start cranking up the settings (and I have often exceeded my capabilities when I do that). This is just a very truncated version of the process that a real-life signaller goes through while he is learning a new box.

I think we we are getting back to real-life vs game-player mode, but to me the process of getting to grips with a new sim is part of the challenge of SimSig. Certainly many of the enhancements you are seeking would help you with the routine stuff while you are getting your head round things, but I don't think they would short-cut the learning process. Perhaps you would feel a bit easier with the whole thing if you expected to suffer some grief while you used a new sim and turned the "learning" to a positive experience of gaining something out of mastering things.

If I've got that wrong, I'm sure you will let me know but I hope you accept the goodwill in what I am trying to say.

PS TRUST is an internal railway computer system/network to call up train details and running information.

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
Last edited: 13/12/2011 at 00:53 by postal
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The following user said thank you: maxand
Re: Hover a little more... 13/12/2011 at 00:56 #25045
Prof Jolly
61 posts
Perhaps join a multi player game where you are only controlling a relatively small area of a sim and master it a bit of at a time. Also you will have other people around to assist you if you get stuck with anything. I found MP games the best way to learn.
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The following users said thank you: maxand, jc92, headshot119
Re: Hover a little more... 13/12/2011 at 01:06 #25047
1637 posts
Both good suggestions, thanks. I feel I've said all I really want to say about interfaces and efficiency by now. We just have to wait and see whether any are implemented in future releases.
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Re: Hover a little more... 13/12/2011 at 07:07 #25060
Forest Pines
525 posts
" said:

My screen of 1600 x 900 is about average for a beginner, I think, yet Bristol sprawls so far off to each side that without the Overview I wouldn't have had a clue to where I was when I began playing it.
As another data point here, I do most of my sim playing on a laptop with a 1366px wide screen. That's not enough for the overview, even, on a lot of sims, including a quieter sim like Bristol - although, admittedly, Bristol is the simplest sim that this applies to.

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Re: Hover a little more... 13/12/2011 at 10:55 #25074
1637 posts
To Forest Pines: I assume what you mean is that you have become used to playing SimSig without an Overview and don't miss it.

Curious about where you fit the other windows you use during play on this smaller screen.

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Re: Hover a little more... 13/12/2011 at 11:31 #25076
658 posts
" said:

Of course, the Status column displays more about the train than signallers know in real life, but without this intermediate incentive relative novices (like me) will find themselves overwhelmed by telephone calls (which, incidentally, I find myself unable to shut off even after setting Train Location Reporting to Never in Options). So turning off the Train List window won't help me much. It's such a nuisance clicking through all the "Waiting at red signal" calls just to find the few other messages that the total effect becomes rather discouraging.
Hi Max,

you mention about turning off the Train reporting locations to never - this means that you won't get messages in the messgae box saying Train XXXX passed location Y on time etc it doesn't disable the phone calls you receive.

I think it may help you learn sims and also help reduce the phone calls of drivers at red you receive if you play the sim at near the slowest speed (only for a bit) so you can orientate yourself with the area you are covering without the pressure of having to set routes answer phones constantly. I also find it helpful to have the train location reporting messages on "always" when learning a sim as you then can see where about each train is reaching and know when you need to set further routes before having the signals at red in front of it.

As Posatal said once you've gone through a timetable fully once you then have an idea of where the locations are and also an idea of the routing of certain headcodes / train ID's for example in Brighton generally all 1Axx train would follow the same path etc and majority of 1Hxx divide at Haywards Heath. Knowing bits and pieces like this from going through the whole timetable become priceless and help you understand where locations are and when to set routes.

I find the best way of not getting trains waiting at red is to start at the left of the sim area an scroll across, (setting routes for the trains as necessary) then once over to the right start from the left again. This way you will not miss trains and will also help you learn the sim area. In certin sims Hot Keys are very useful too.

I hope this is of some use to you

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The following user said thank you: maxand
Re: Hover a little more... 13/12/2011 at 11:49 #25079
1637 posts
Thanks TimTamToe. I didn't want to flood myself with messages by leaving location messages set to Always, but after reading your post I'll give it a go.

Thanks for describing your scanning method too.

It gave me yet another idea. What if it was possible to scroll not just from area to area but from train to train? A bit like scanning the radio dial - as you hold the button down, it automatically finds each radio station in turn. Naturally you'd have to be able to do this in either direction. So much easier than scrolling using keyboard/mouse and watching trains flash by. In that case you wouldn't really need to rely on the Overview to jump to them. What do the developers think of this idea?

Last edited: 13/12/2011 at 11:52 by maxand
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