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Sat 24 March 2012 meet - London

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Re: Sat 24 March 2012 meet - London 25/03/2012 at 20:51 #30916
1343 posts
The obligatory photo to prove we were really there !

Thanks to those who made it happen, and the cheapest pints of orange juice in the country !


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Re: Sat 24 March 2012 meet - London 25/03/2012 at 21:04 #30917
160 posts
It was definitely an enjoyable meet and nice to put a couple of names to faces (even if they didn't realise I was there ).

Highlight of the day way hearing that (think it was James) was hoping that 3J32 would be late by the end of the meet yet end of the meet there was some frustration that it was the only train that was on-time.

Also nice to see that my face managed to avoid being in the photograph. \o/

Definitely an enjoyable first meet and I hope that it won't be my last. Although not sure of the logistical challenges of attending Newcastle yet.

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Re: Sat 24 March 2012 meet - London 25/03/2012 at 23:13 #30920
989 posts
" said:

Also nice to see that my face managed to avoid being in the photograph. \o/

So did mine.... unlike other parts of my body!

Last edited: 26/03/2012 at 00:48 by Noisynoel
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The following user said thank you: JamesN
Re: Sat 24 March 2012 meet - London 26/03/2012 at 09:02 #30923
1719 posts
And my thanks to all for a good day... not sure yet if I can make Newcastle but certainly hope to be at another meet very soon.
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Re: Sat 24 March 2012 meet - London 26/03/2012 at 14:38 #30928
260 posts
" said:

So did mine.... unlike other parts of my body!

Last edited: 26/03/2012 at 14:38 by andyb0607
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Re: Sat 24 March 2012 meet - London 27/03/2012 at 21:30 #30966
51 posts
As promised the timetables - 15th October 2009 timetables for Kings Cross, Peterborough and Cambridge (with 6M28 having the correct length!) - have now been uploaded. I've created threads where bugs for the TT in each sim can be reported. Enjoy!
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The following user said thank you: Sam Tugwell
Re: July 2012 meet date and venue confirmed 28/03/2012 at 19:23 #30999
148 posts
" said:
My hotel and everything is booked for this one, I just need to sign up and pay whenever thats available.

Fingers crossed we wont be playing existing released sims again.
People really need to get out of the mindset that meet equals new sims. There is no reason why this link should exist, yes a meet is often when a new sim is seen and/or released but this doesnt mean that it has to or will happen every time and that sort of comment is not likely to get more releases done

KX, PB and CB are probably the three most played sims that exist

[This post and subsequent replies moved here to avoid cluttering July 2012 thread - AG]

Last edited: 28/03/2012 at 21:19 by AndyG
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The following user said thank you: Sam Tugwell
Re: July 2012 meet date and venue confirmed 28/03/2012 at 19:45 #31002
258 posts
" said:

People really need to get out of the mindset that meet equals new sims. There is no reason why this link should exist, yes a meet is often when a new sim is seen and/or released but this doesnt mean that it has to or will happen every time and that sort of comment is not likely to get more releases done

KX, PB and CB are probably the three most played sims that exist
Please dont tell me or quote me when you dont actually know what I expect. You dont know me so you have no right to imply otherwise.

My expectation is not something new, but if we are going to play a sim which is played regularly and in your own words "the three most played sims" then I dont expect to have to cough out about £100 for a trip to Newcastle when I could just have the same experience from home.

Perhaps as you know so much you could tell us all what we should expect....... ! so that people are not disappointed when they come.

Blessed are the true believers, for only they shall walk the Path, and they shall be welcomed unto the realm of the Ori and made as one with Them.
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The following user said thank you: headshot119
Re: July 2012 meet date and venue confirmed 28/03/2012 at 19:54 #31004
3635 posts
i have to agree with alan, i dont want to fork out three figures to come to newcastle for an experience i could have for near enough free at home, ie couple of chained sims, and a chat.

i would say it would be my hope, but not expectation for something exciting or different to be available at the meet. i enjoyed derby becuase i got to try out west hampstead and leicester which is something i cant do any old day. i dont think the hosted sims need to be new, just exclusive. a chance for a sneak peak of a beta (and also a good chance to flog them to death for bugs).

if for example newcastle was to be west hamps/ leicester/trent again, that would make it an exciting worthwhile venture worth the money, nothing new, but something different and exclusive.

in regards to expectations of a meet, i expect it to be a chance to see a bit behind the scenes and on the workbench (within reason), learn new things, socialise and be able to ask questions within a freindly environment.


"We don't stop camborne wednesdays"
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The following user said thank you: headshot119
Re: July 2012 meet date and venue confirmed 28/03/2012 at 19:58 #31005
258 posts
Joe I agree.
The leicester / WH was so difficult to have a go as there were so few screens and so many people I got 10 minutes and that was it, shame really

Not expecting new even just some that are not out where we have played only at a meet would be nice.

Blessed are the true believers, for only they shall walk the Path, and they shall be welcomed unto the realm of the Ori and made as one with Them.
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Re: July 2012 meet date and venue confirmed 28/03/2012 at 19:58 #31006
Sam Tugwell
493 posts
KX, PB and CB chain at the weekend was brilliant, I will admit I felt a little bit disappointed when I found out that they were in use after such a good London Meet last year, but in the end, some nasty (or you could call them interesting) TCFS made for a great session and I forgot about the lack of new sims by the end of the day.

And at least we had the new intensive 2009 TT's to test.

I find that the meets are nothing like an experience from home, but then again, Im only 14, only been to 2 meets and I tend to get my opinions marked down anyway..

I doubt that Me, OnlyDJW, LordMWA (think thats you James) and Sacro could have managed to sort out the issues with the Hertford Loop without some form of physical communication. I know there is Teamspeak and Skype, but not everyone has a mic/headset, and its not quite the same anyway.

"Signalman Exeter"
Last edited: 28/03/2012 at 20:03 by Sam Tugwell
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The following user said thank you: Lordmwa
Re: July 2012 meet date and venue confirmed 28/03/2012 at 20:06 #31009
148 posts
Nobody has to come......

The whole point of moving meets around is so that everybody can have a sort of local one so i would not expect anyone to feel they had to pay large sums of money to be there.

Once a sim is done it will be released to the public so they can play it at home and online with others. The sole purpose of the meet is as a social event where people can gather, play some simisg, talk to people and have fun.

There have been some problems over recent years with unfinished sims that were previewed at a meet being made public by the people who attended and this has led to some developers not wanting to preview sims till they are complete so they remain "exclusive".

On Saturday people who attended were lucky enough to get an exclusive preview of the new timetable that has now been made publicly available. When there is hosting posted on the forum that is not new simulations but often new timetables, a bug was found on saturday and was fixed before release so yes this is a useful feature of the meets but there is no point trying to run something that is not ready. On several occasions sims played at meets have not been properly working and this has led to complaints on the day that people could not play as it did not work.

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Re: July 2012 meet date and venue confirmed 28/03/2012 at 20:14 #31011
258 posts
" said:
Nobody has to come......

So back to the original question......... the point to them if you please.

There are plenty of sims we have played in meets which are not released and only available at meets, they dont have to be still in development.

Managing peoples expectations is something I would expect, and this is not been met, this one key item would make it much more enjoyable.

Blessed are the true believers, for only they shall walk the Path, and they shall be welcomed unto the realm of the Ori and made as one with Them.
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Re: July 2012 meet date and venue confirmed 28/03/2012 at 20:16 #31012
148 posts
" said:
The sole purpose of the meet is as a social event where people can gather, play some simisg, talk to people and have fun.

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Re: July 2012 meet date and venue confirmed 28/03/2012 at 20:20 #31013
258 posts
" said:
" said:
The sole purpose of the meet is as a social event where people can gather, play some simisg, talk to people and have fun.
****** Post as been removed, due to possibilty of being a personal attack. - Hpotter.
I merely asked who was swearing at the meet whilst there were 14yo's in the room. At no time would I condone any swearing at others at a meet. - Edited after HPotter removed my question.
{This is not an unreasonable question to ask is it}

Interesting how this would fit into the word "fun"

Blessed are the true believers, for only they shall walk the Path, and they shall be welcomed unto the realm of the Ori and made as one with Them.
Last edited: 28/03/2012 at 21:01 by agilchrist
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Re: July 2012 meet date and venue confirmed 28/03/2012 at 20:20 #31014
Peter Bennet
5375 posts
For various reasons, based on my previous experience with NESCOT, I'm not intending to ever again preview at a meeting any of my SIms which have not already been made available publicly as a full release.


I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
Last edited: 28/03/2012 at 20:24 by Peter Bennet
Reason: Tautology/Grammar

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Re: July 2012 meet date and venue confirmed 28/03/2012 at 20:23 #31015
258 posts
" said:
For various reasons based on my previous experience with NESCOT I'm not intending to ever again preview any of my SIms at a meeting that have not already been made available publicly beforehand as a full release.

Thats completely understandable, but Edinburgh and CScot are fantastic sims.
One day NEScot will see release I hope.

Blessed are the true believers, for only they shall walk the Path, and they shall be welcomed unto the realm of the Ori and made as one with Them.
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Re: July 2012 meet date and venue confirmed 28/03/2012 at 20:26 #31016
148 posts
I did not realise i had caused offence and if i did i am very sorry, that was meant in light hearted way a i knew that who i was talking to was an experienced simmer!

Everyone who spoke to me or that i spoke to at the meet seemed to have had fun

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Re: July 2012 meet date and venue confirmed 28/03/2012 at 20:27 #31017
Sam Tugwell
493 posts
Alan, I can asure you that he didnt swear at me...

No offence was taken at all. Just a bit of banter
To be fair, I probably was a being a bit of a muppet that day (not reading timetables for switch overs at Potters Bar etc).

Oh, and the comments in the March Meet forum thread suggested that quite a lot of people had a good day at the meet, even though it was a quiet one. Im sure I will enjoy it even more when I hit the magic 18 and Alcahol comes into play

"Signalman Exeter"
Last edited: 28/03/2012 at 20:28 by Sam Tugwell
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Re: July 2012 meet date and venue confirmed 28/03/2012 at 20:33 #31019
5208 posts
I have drawn the short straw of organising the meet. If part of that is to manage expectations, then the starting position is that I don't know what sims will be used on the day. Given the nature of sim production, even if I was aware of any plans to bring new sims to the meet, I wouldn't dare advertise the fact because of the possibility of real life interfering with the work to bring a sim to at least a good beta standard by the time of the meet.

It is unlikely that there will be any firm information about what sims will be used until a week or so before the meet; they may be new sims, they may be revised beta versions that have already had a run out at a previous meet or they may be already released versions. Just because a sim has been seen at a previous meet, it doesn't mean that the developer is sitting on a release version but is unwilling to post it; there may be another version ready to be tried, but it does not mean that it is yet up to the quality standards expected of a release version.

That may not suit the aspirations of a number of people who are thinking about whether to attend the meet, but it is as much information as is currently available and is as detailed as you will see until early July.

“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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The following users said thank you: Lordmwa, Sam Tugwell, welshdragon, mfcooper
Re: July 2012 meet date and venue confirmed 28/03/2012 at 20:35 #31020
6325 posts
Well okay, so what is the point of a meet? Is it to... meet? It's not as if it's false advertising. We don't promise anything new - in fact I don't think we've advertised anything that will be at meets until a few days before, i.e. when we know for sure that they'll be ready to use/test. As it turned out, nothing was ready to release this time so rather than rush out an untested sim, we went for what we knew and what people play.

Regarding the cost, the entry fees are simply to cover the buffet and maybe a little in reserve in case people don't turn up - I remember last July when about 40 said they'd come, about 35 turned up, and we would have been £50 short on the buffet had it not been for the contingency and a couple of late attendees. Even worse was Wakefield where people paid on the day for food and yet more people queued up than paid, just minutes later. Hence the stance on the pre-payment for Derby. The London meet just gone had about the right number fortunately, without the pre-payment, though I admit I was a little disappointed at the volume of food supplied by the pub which was previously very good. I don't know the payment ideas for Newcastle yet (Postal is your host for that one and already has plans in progress as you can see from other threads). Anything else you pay really isn't in the control of SimSig; all we can do is advertise as far in advance as possible so people can get cheaper advance train fares and hotels.

Of course, if there's anything we can do to improve the meets then we'd love to hear - criticism or otherwise. Clearly some people expect different things; if we don't know what they're expecting then we can't improve on it. But the primary purpose of meets is for people to get together, to meet up, have a few beers or whatever, and just put names to faces.

SimSig Boss
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The following users said thank you: welshdragon, memorialstingray, Sam Tugwell, UKTrainMan, DriverCurran, crompton, andyb0607, GoochyB, Lordmwa, mfcooper, Class 86, JDC, kbarber, seagulls, Josie
Re: July 2012 meet date and venue confirmed 28/03/2012 at 20:42 #31023
Stephen Fulcher
2047 posts
I have never been to a meet, generally due to being at work on the weekends in question. Had I not been in the middle of moving house and starting a new job I would probably have come down to London.

Personally, I find Kings Cross to be rather boring. I enjoyed it a lot when it was first released, but too many multiplayer sessions took most of the enjoyment out of it for me. I still join the odd session when it is hosted, but tend to watch more than play.

Cambridge and Peterborough, being older sims with the paged layout are not two of the ones that I play very often. The paged layout does not tend to agree with my modern laptop computer all that well, which doesn't help and is a shame because I do actually prefer the paged sim design as it is truer to real-life.

If it were published in advance what was being played at a meet, this particular one would not have have attracted me, but some of the previous ones would. I do however understand why it cannot be totally published in advance what is to be played at any particular meet, but it would be nice to have a "teaser".

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Re: July 2012 meet date and venue confirmed 28/03/2012 at 20:46 #31025
4869 posts
As regards to peoples expectation :

[td]Wakefield 2011[/td]
[td]London 2011[/td]
[td]Derby 2011[/td]
[td]London 2012[/td]
[td]South Humberside[/td]
[td]West Hamsptead[/td]

Don't think I need to add to that.

"Passengers for New Lane, should be seated in the rear coach of the train " - Opinions are my own and not those of my employer
Last edited: 28/03/2012 at 20:46 by headshot119
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Re: July 2012 meet date and venue confirmed 29/03/2012 at 06:55 #31036
989 posts
Can I just remind everyone that Simsig is freeware, developed by devs in their OWN TIME to their own timescales. It is up to each dev as to whether their sims are shown at a meet, depending on how ready it is. What hasn't helped matters is a new sim gets shown at a meet, but requires further work afterwards and the dev then gets bombarded with "When will it be ready" wasting more of his precious time. So most Devs will now not "preview" them at a meet as it causes more agro than it's worth.

The meets themselves are also arranged by people giving up their own time to do so, and, with all the critism about what sims are being played, how much it costs etc etc, then they too are going to turn round and say "why should I bother".

So, I would suggest that we should be thankful for what we get and when we get it!

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The following users said thank you: GoochyB, andyb0607, Josie, kbarber, seagulls, Sam Tugwell, crompton, UKTrainMan, officer dibble, DriverCurran
Re: July 2012 meet date and venue confirmed 29/03/2012 at 09:14 #31040
11 posts
Well said Neol!!!.
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