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Phone calls

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Phone calls 14/04/2011 at 07:44 #2832
93 posts
I have a slight problem with making phone calls to a location then saving the game. When i restart the saved game and the train has entered the location i get a message saying that it entered without permission, notably 0C81 into Immingham TMD and 0S00 shunting into Immingham Storage Sdgs. I resaved the game and asked permission for 0C81 again to be told that the train already had clearance, then got the "entered without permission" when it entered the depot. Apologies if this has already been brought up. ::
cliff cook
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Phone calls 14/04/2011 at 07:44 #15068
93 posts
I have a slight problem with making phone calls to a location then saving the game. When i restart the saved game and the train has entered the location i get a message saying that it entered without permission, notably 0C81 into Immingham TMD and 0S00 shunting into Immingham Storage Sdgs. I resaved the game and asked permission for 0C81 again to be told that the train already had clearance, then got the "entered without permission" when it entered the depot. Apologies if this has already been brought up. ::
cliff cook
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Phone calls 14/04/2011 at 13:38 #15076
771 posts
There are some issues with the slots and phone calls. I've not seen anything about saving and loading after requesting a slot so your particular set of conditions may not yet have been reported. The updated version of the sim uses a new version of core code that should fix the slot issues and I will run your scenario past it to see what happens.
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