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Hosting problems. 05/05/2011 at 23:46 #2987
Stephen Fulcher
2047 posts
I have been trying to set up my new BtHomeHub 3 port forwarding settings to enable me to host games.

I have set up the port forwarding settings to TCP ports 50505-50507 and directed it to the correct computer but it will not allow my other computer to connect as a client, neither when it is connected to the internet by the same router, nor another router.

I have tried to direct the port forward to both computers, and on neither occasion can I get the other to connect to it.

I have also tried disabling the hubs firewall, and the firewalls within the laptops but this does not help either.

What am I doing wrong?

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Hosting problems. 06/05/2011 at 07:39 #15571
148 posts
Have you got a static local IP on the host machine?

And are you using your external Ip as the host ip?

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Hosting problems. 06/05/2011 at 08:22 #15574
6325 posts
You can only port forward each port from the router to one computer at a time (so you could have 50505 sent to laptop A and 50507 to laptop B, but not 50505 to both A and B). Internally connecting the two laptops together you should use the local IP addresses (usually 192.168.xxx.yyy), not the external Internet IP address. When you're connecting two computers on a local network, port forwarding isn't relevant - it's only for those connecting from the Internet. But I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to do or where the problem is!
SimSig Boss
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Hosting problems. 06/05/2011 at 08:32 #15578
Stephen Fulcher
2047 posts
I did only have the ports forwarded to one at a time - As it did not work to one of them I tried it to the other, and it still did not work.

I was using the external IP address yes.

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Hosting problems. 06/05/2011 at 10:45 #15583
6325 posts
Stephen Fulcher said:
I was using the external IP address yes.
Did you try the internal address, as I suggested?

SimSig Boss
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Hosting problems. 06/05/2011 at 22:35 #15618
771 posts

Port forwarding is only useful when the second machine is connected via the WAN port of the router. All the other ports on your router are treated as on your local network so all the computers can see one another and the router part has no effect on them. So here's what you need to do.

1) Test the local network first to make sure you hosting machine works OK.
On machine 'A' open a Sim and select network game, ensure it is acting as a server, it uses the primary port and make sure you note what IP address it is using (given its likely to be a home network a suspect it will be 192.168.x.x or maybe 10.x.x.x). Anyway, select a TT and start the game but leave it paused. Then go to machine 'B' and start the same sim which must be the same version as the the sim used on machine 'A'. Next, open a network game but this time set up as client using the IP address noted from Machine 'A'. If all is good the request to connect box will appear on machine 'A' and once you respond, the client should connect and update. If you don't get a request then the likelihood is either there is a firewall on machine 'A' that is blocking the traffic or the IP addresses of the two machines are not within the same range. If it works then you can move on to Test 2.

2) Test with an external connection - This requires your router is connected to the internet otherwise its a more complicated to test.
First, as before, open a sim and select network game (you can use the same game from step 1 if you leave it open). Otherwise as before, ensure it is acting as a server and it uses the primary port and make sure you note what IP address it is using. Select a TT and start the game and leave it paused.
Now go into your router and set up port forwarding for whatever port you are using to the IP address of machine 'A'. Once that's done, and assuming your router is connected to the internet, the next step is to find the external IP address of your internet connection (that's on the WAN side of the network and the address is given to you by your ISP). There are various ways of locating that. If the number starts 192.168.x.x or 10.x.x.x then you have not got the right one as numbers beginning like that are for local networks only and cannot be used over the internet (they designated for local networks only such as you have in your home). Once you have the address, just ask someone if they mind testing out a connection ask in the Shout Box and then post the sim, IP and port in the hosting section (and add its just a test). All being well it should work.

Note: I assume you only have a single router between you and the internet. If you have a more complicated setup, each device will need to be setup to allow the SimSig traffic to pass through it.

Hope that helps.

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Hosting problems. 08/05/2011 at 15:41 #15648
Stephen Fulcher
2047 posts
Taken ages to get a chance to have a go at this.

Right, I am using the latest version of South Humberside (v2.218.76) on both computers.

Neither the internal or external methods suggested above works, in either direction.

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Hosting problems. 19/06/2011 at 06:41 #16726
21 posts
If method 1 does not work then you have a firewall problem on the server. The firewall is blocking the connection. You need to set a rule to open the necessary port.
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Hosting problems. 19/06/2011 at 18:51 #16741
771 posts

Zerofire is right. Have you got any kind of internet security suite or firewall? Even if you haven't, Windows XP onwards has an in-built firewall. Whatever you have, you'll need to allow data through that as well.

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Hosting problems. 19/06/2011 at 21:14 #16744
Stephen Fulcher
2047 posts
I should have posted earlier in the month really, but Kieran managed to "solve" the problem during another multiplayer game and I have since managed to host a sim.

It was a problem with Norton Internet Security having a poor user interface!

Thanks for all your help.

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Hosting problems. 20/06/2011 at 00:57 #16751
771 posts
OK Stephen....Glad you got it fixed
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Hosting problems. 11/07/2011 at 21:54 #17538
21 posts
You had issues with Norton? Why am I not surprised? Uninstall it in Add and Remove Programs and use the Norton Removal Tool.

Whitelisted Anti-Virus List:
Edited for content

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Hosting problems. 11/07/2011 at 22:45 #17541
4869 posts
This is the trouble with anti virus programs, they are totally subjective.

I work in a retail store that sells Norton, McAfee, Kaspersky and Bit Defender. I meet customers day in day out who swear that XYZ is terrible, XYZ install viruses on your computer, you can never get rid of XYZ, XYZ makes my computer slow, XYZ is crap. When you ask them what the issues where you find out that they either weren't keeping it up to date. Or where attempting to run McAfee and Norton side by side.

Most commercial anti virus programs are fine, just keep them up to date, and don't have more than one.

"Passengers for New Lane, should be seated in the rear coach of the train " - Opinions are my own and not those of my employer
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Hosting problems. 11/07/2011 at 23:07 #17542
21 posts
Removed as possibly libellous


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