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The final (?) chapter with Pickaweb

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The final (?) chapter with Pickaweb 08/10/2009 at 22:20 #2
6360 posts
After all the hassle with Pickaweb I finally make the bold final step in transferring the domain name. Except Pickaweb strike again:

"Unable to update nameservers: Registry error, domain's nameservers not updated [ Command syntax error ]"

Online chat to tech support was actually quite helpful tonight: sorted within minutes. Well, I guess we'll find out in the next day or so whether the nameservers really did update...

Geoff M.

SimSig Boss
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The final (?) chapter with Pickaweb 08/10/2009 at 22:20 #3408
6360 posts
After all the hassle with Pickaweb I finally make the bold final step in transferring the domain name. Except Pickaweb strike again:

"Unable to update nameservers: Registry error, domain's nameservers not updated [ Command syntax error ]"

Online chat to tech support was actually quite helpful tonight: sorted within minutes. Well, I guess we'll find out in the next day or so whether the nameservers really did update...

Geoff M.

SimSig Boss
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The final (?) chapter with Pickaweb 09/10/2009 at 12:11 #3422
71 posts
Must have worked for me at any rate, as I got here from home last night and from work today....


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The final (?) chapter with Pickaweb 09/10/2009 at 13:08 #3427
130 posts
Working fine for me in France. If you need an extra helper to test the site, I have some free time at the moment.

Best wishes,

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The final (?) chapter with Pickaweb 09/10/2009 at 15:39 #3434
149 posts
Working here as well.
I did have to reg again.
It is looking good Geoff.


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The final (?) chapter with Pickaweb 10/10/2009 at 08:48 #3457
142 posts
Probably too early in the build for this, but if and how do you add a graphic to your profile?

So far it's looking good.

Dave M.

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The final (?) chapter with Pickaweb 10/10/2009 at 09:05 #3459
56 posts
caedave said:
how do you add a graphic to your profile?

If you click on the Agora icon on the left, you will get an error message (or you did yesterday. But follow it through and it will take you to a place where you can ad to your profile, enter location etc. In "Title" I put my handle for MP games.
One of the options is to "upload avatar". You have to play around with it for a while as you are only allowed a small sized image (up to 100 by 100 pixels) and 200KB.
Not yet worked out why my image of a TPE is so small compared to other avatars, but i'm getting there! Good luck.

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The final (?) chapter with Pickaweb 10/10/2009 at 09:33 #3462
5238 posts
Or click on the Users menu at the top of the page then Profile then Personality and you get to the upload option.


“In life, there is always someone out there, who won’t like you, for whatever reason, don’t let the insecurities in their lives affect yours.” – Rashida Rowe
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The final (?) chapter with Pickaweb 10/10/2009 at 11:58 #3472
149 posts
Thanks head up Postal
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The final (?) chapter with Pickaweb 10/10/2009 at 13:24 #3473
254 posts
These last few posts need going in the newcomers section ASAP

Especially until the middle error message gets sorted...


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The final (?) chapter with Pickaweb 10/10/2009 at 14:38 #3474
619 posts

Is the forum appearing a bit narrow on most people's screens? I know it's nice to have a border between the edge of the screen and the viewing area but I feel it could be a bit wider to save on veritcal space. On my screen the distance between the white edge of the forum and the screen is two inches and I had the feeling it would look better if it were half that.

Has the viewable area of the forum been set to a fixed number of pixels or is it just my browser interpreting the HTML in that way?

Feel free to tell me to eff off if you disagree of course, as the above is just my personal opinion!

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The final (?) chapter with Pickaweb 10/10/2009 at 14:46 #3475
Peter Bennet
5393 posts
Have not worked out how to shift a post- can you repost above to the 'site suggestions' topic please and we will see what can be done as and when.



I identify as half man half biscuit - crumbs!
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The final (?) chapter with Pickaweb 10/10/2009 at 15:21 #3476
619 posts
Re-posted in Forum Features (if that's the thread you meant).
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The final (?) chapter with Pickaweb 10/10/2009 at 17:20 #3480
6360 posts
The forum width is tied to the Joomla theme, which is currently a fixed-width theme. There are hundreds of fixed width themes available but only a few dynamic width. As I said somewhere else, I'll have a play over the next few days.

Geoff M.

SimSig Boss
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The final (?) chapter with Pickaweb 10/10/2009 at 18:16 #3484
149 posts
Thanks Geoff, the extra width if availble will be a lot better for me.
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The final (?) chapter with Pickaweb 10/10/2009 at 18:17 #3485
149 posts
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The final (?) chapter with Pickaweb 15/10/2009 at 07:58 #3634
707 posts
Just to say, the width is fine on my screen. But, my screen is only 1024 x 768 pixels :-S
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The final (?) chapter with Pickaweb 17/10/2009 at 17:46 #3668
37 posts
Cheap signalmens screens.......... - how's the training going?
Sent any the wrong way yet?

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