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Hello all! 25/05/2011 at 00:07 #3090
19 posts
Hi everybody,
I'm brand new to SigSim. Discovered it with a google search for train simulations. It occurred to me while casually observing aircraft departing from Heathrow whilst waiting for a train at Datchet station, that while I understand (in some detail) Air Traffic Control, I had not the faintest idea how the railways worked.

My first few hours with SigSim have opened up a hitherto unknown area to me and thanks immediately for all the hard work put in by the developers and testers.


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Hello all! 25/05/2011 at 00:07 #16056
19 posts
Hi everybody,
I'm brand new to SigSim. Discovered it with a google search for train simulations. It occurred to me while casually observing aircraft departing from Heathrow whilst waiting for a train at Datchet station, that while I understand (in some detail) Air Traffic Control, I had not the faintest idea how the railways worked.

My first few hours with SigSim have opened up a hitherto unknown area to me and thanks immediately for all the hard work put in by the developers and testers.


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Hello all! 25/05/2011 at 00:38 #16058
1803 posts
Welcome to SigSim SimSig!

If you have any questions (I see you've asked one already, which I've done my best to answer for you) then don't be afraid to ask away on the forum, but also don't forget it sometimes helps to do a search first. The Wiki tends to be very informative, but if you find it isn't on there then do ask and I'm sure someone will answer your question(s) for you and if you mention you didn't find it on the Wiki then someone will probably check that and if they also cannot find it then perhaps they'll add that somewhere appropriate.

Of note is that you may find that there are a few around here who have or have had some involvement with the aviation industry in some way or other. And I'm sure there are a few 'planespotters' / 'aviation enthusiasts' around here too.

Hopefully see you around the forum every now and then, and who knows maybe you'll join a multiplayer at some point in the near future.


Any views and / or opinions expressed by myself are from me personally and do not represent those of any company I either work for or am a consultant for.
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Hello all! 25/05/2011 at 06:47 #16061
151 posts
Hello Peterj, you will find we are all a good bunch on here, any problems dont be afraid to ask we were all in the same boat as you at one time so we know how you feel
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Hello all! 25/05/2011 at 08:13 #16063
19 posts
Thanks for your replies.. Ah SimSig indeed. I did post rather late!

I did have a scout around the Wiki for my level crossing query but didn't really know what search terms to use. Thanks for your answer.

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Hello all! 25/05/2011 at 08:59 #16065
476 posts
Hi Peterj, welcome to the wonderful (and frustrating!) world of Simsig. I had a stab at it about a year ago and initially couldn't get into it but came back recently and stuck at it and now I'm hooked. I'm in my 60s and some things take a while to absorb but the guys on here are very patient with newbie questions. My favourite sim at the moment is North London. I've got the layout in my head and enjoy figuring out new probs. The whole Simsig concept has been built by people with real expertise and hard work and it's very true to life and absorbing. Enjoy!
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Hello all! 25/05/2011 at 19:27 #16079
384 posts
Evening Peter

What Sim were you looking at

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Hello all! 04/06/2011 at 16:34 #16311
19 posts
I've been using Royston up to now.
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