access to station sidings

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access to station sidings 28/03/2012 at 20:55 #31028
3715 posts
ive noted (at the risk of stating something blindingly obvious) that its possible to route trains in or out of the station sidings whilst the platform is occupied.

this isnt allowed as far as the box instructions show,nor i beleive is it possible in the real thing as the occupation of the platforms TCs lock the sidings shut.

is this due to the IECC interface of lime street on here preventing such interlocking being possible?


"We don't stop camborne wednesdays"
Last edited: 28/03/2012 at 20:55 by jc92
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Re: access to station sidings 29/03/2012 at 11:45 #31046
707 posts
Think it is programmable in SimSig. If I had a copy of the box instructions...
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