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Two possible bug reports with latest version of KingsX

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Two possible bug reports with latest version of KingsX 28/11/2009 at 00:45 #314
1803 posts
Firstly, why is it when starting up the simulation the Auto-Working button on signal 712 ("Cadwell" Up Fast) is collared with a Reminder? I cannot see any reason why I shouldn't / couldn't use it for auto working upto the next signal (708).

Secondly, should I really be able to signal a route from shunt signal 232 (on the Down Slow outside Hitchin Down Yard) to shunt signal 220 (Hitchin Down Fast) by clicking on signal 690 (Hitchin Up Slow)?

Any views and / or opinions expressed by myself are from me personally and do not represent those of any company I either work for or am a consultant for.
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Two possible bug reports with latest version of KingsX 28/11/2009 at 00:45 #4643
1803 posts
Firstly, why is it when starting up the simulation the Auto-Working button on signal 712 ("Cadwell" Up Fast) is collared with a Reminder? I cannot see any reason why I shouldn't / couldn't use it for auto working upto the next signal (708).

Secondly, should I really be able to signal a route from shunt signal 232 (on the Down Slow outside Hitchin Down Yard) to shunt signal 220 (Hitchin Down Fast) by clicking on signal 690 (Hitchin Up Slow)?

Any views and / or opinions expressed by myself are from me personally and do not represent those of any company I either work for or am a consultant for.
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Two possible bug reports with latest version of KingsX 28/11/2009 at 01:32 #4644
181 posts
The collar is there in real life to. The local rules there say you should only set a route from the signal when you can set a route across the Hitchin Jn.

I think the 2nd problem you have is a genuine problem. Signal 220 also clears to a shunt aspect while no route is reserved. It should be a small fix, I have reported it on the bugboard.

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Two possible bug reports with latest version of KingsX 28/11/2009 at 07:48 #4647
212 posts
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Two possible bug reports with latest version of KingsX 28/11/2009 at 08:56 #4648
23 posts
Broodje S232 is only for platform 2 have never given a shunt to the fast line.

With respect.


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Two possible bug reports with latest version of KingsX 28/11/2009 at 10:39 #4649
181 posts
I know what it is and where, that is why I reported it on the bugboard.
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Two possible bug reports with latest version of KingsX 29/11/2009 at 12:19 #4669
1114 posts
broodje said:
The collar is there in real life to. The local rules there say you should only set a route from the signal when you can set a route across the Hitchin Jn.

It's actually Cambridge Junction, it might be just outside Hitchin but it's called Cambridge Junction as that's where the Cambridge branchline branches off the ECML.

Just thought I point out that out but you are indeed very correct in the reason for the collaring of said signal, it's done because the end result of a HST and a FCC using it at the same time would not be pretty.

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Two possible bug reports with latest version of KingsX 29/11/2009 at 15:24 #4677
181 posts
Ah, oops you are right, Cambridge Jn also has a better 'ring' in it as Hitchin Jn ;).
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Two possible bug reports with latest version of KingsX 29/11/2009 at 22:04 #4688
1114 posts
broodje said:
Ah, oops you are right, Cambridge Jn also has a better 'ring' in it as Hitchin Jn ;).
No problem, I work on the Great Northern anyway so the knowledge does come in useful,

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Two possible bug reports with latest version of KingsX 11/01/2010 at 00:55 #5713
71 posts
One more possible issue I noticed when playing it today - KC360R (on up Moorgate near Drayton Park) seems to be stuck permanently on caution, even when the next signal is clear. Can't recall it doing that on the old versions, so should this be happening?


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Two possible bug reports with latest version of KingsX 11/01/2010 at 10:53 #5718
1728 posts
It occurs to me that double-blocking on the approaches to junctions like Cambridge Junction is a relatively new thing (post Ladbroke Grove perhaps?) I'm pretty certain it wasn't a feature when KX was commissioned, or the locking would surely have enforced it rather than relying on collaring a route. So for earlier timetables (such as Kurt's 1985 jobbie) it would be correct to have 712 uncollared. Yet another feature to be defined by date options when starting the sim perhaps?
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Two possible bug reports with latest version of KingsX 14/01/2010 at 16:18 #5872
181 posts
Possibly, to be fair KX was released long, long before the option to show different layouts. The latest release only had some minor errors fixed, and a conversion to a scrolly layout was done. If KX gets different layouts someday I would love to see a layout with the diesel shed in place at KX, but I've learned not to hold my breath when I make such requests ;).
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