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Sending early freights off sim

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Sending early freights off sim 20/08/2013 at 12:51 #48635
884 posts
I like the idea of more sim/fringe box interaction.

I'm a particular fan of the the SwinDid feature where neighbouring boxes call to request permission to send early freights.

I think it would be a really good enhancement to be able to return the courtesy and have the facility to request permission to send any early freights that the player might have on their patch.

Perhaps the player might even incur a small penalty for sending an excessively early train off sim without first seeking permission.

It would teach the SimSigger to regulate smarter and avoid letting freight run away.

Does this sort of arrangement happen in real life?

Would the neighbouring signaller/train running controller phone up and have a whinge about a freight running excessively early?

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Sending early freights off sim 20/08/2013 at 13:17 #48640
Late Turn
697 posts
Yes, it's a real-life requirement to seek authority to run a train early onto the next box or beyond. In theory, this should be done via Control, but in reality it's often more sensible to arrange it directly with the box who'll have to deal with it. Running it early without asking will, at best, result in an irritated signalman phoning to tell you what he thinks of you, and at worst an OB-coded delay (to the signalman who ran it early) if the early-runner can't be dealt with at the next regulating point without getting in the way of something else.

Common sense does (or should) of course apply if a train is early but is the next train in that direction anyway - personally I don't bother asking in that case.

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