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Rules triggered across chained sims

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Rules triggered across chained sims 02/12/2013 at 23:28 #52312
Forest Pines
525 posts
This might seem a bit of an obscure feature request, so I'll explain the reason I'd like it. I fully expect that it's obscure and difficult enough to implement that it will get a straightforward "we're not doing that" response.

Given hypothetical sims A, B and C where A chains to B and B chains to C, but A and C do not chain to each other, would it be possible to include the following features:

Be able to set up a rule in a Sim A timetable that says "train may only enter X minutes after train Y has left Sim B"

Be able to set up a rule in a Sim A timetable that says "train may only enter X minutes after train Y has left Sim C"

The reason for this is that I'm currently working on an October 2013 timetable for South Humberside and once it's finished I'm planning to produce chainable timetables for Worksop and Sheffield to go with it. Northern Rail's timetable for these areas at present includes some fairly complex asymmetrical service patterns; in particular, the main up passenger service through Worksop consists of Scunthorpe-Lincoln trains. In the fully chained scenario these trains will start on South Humberside, pass through the unsimulated Doncaster area, reappear on Sheffield then pass through Worksop and back through South Humberside to get to Lincoln.

With the initial S. H. timetable it's straightforward to put a rule in to say 'train 2P67-2 cannot appear until 100 minutes after train 2P67-1 has left the area". However if the sims are chained it can't be done - unless there is some sort of cross-chain rule functionality as described. Is it a plausible future feature?

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Rules triggered across chained sims 03/12/2013 at 00:00 #52323
6325 posts
It's certainly a complicated scenario. I don't foresee this happening I'm afraid. One question though, is this solely because of a gap in simulations (ie Doncaster in your case) or do you see this need in fully simulated continuous chains?
SimSig Boss
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Rules triggered across chained sims 03/12/2013 at 12:58 #52350
456 posts
There may be other areas where services run like this - the West Yorkshire area could be one depending on if/how it is simulated.

In the specific case mentioned, if the train ran very late, chances are it would be re-started as a 2Gxx Sheffield-Lincoln (the xx would be the same numbers as the 2Pxx it replaces), and the original from Scunthorpe would terminate at Sheffield. That may negate the need for this cross-chaining rule.

The question now becomes can anyone think of any examples of this A to C chaining where the train does not pass through a service hub (ie Sheffield or Leeds for Northern, Nottingham for East Midlands Trains) etc where the train would not likely be re-formed/terminated short/re-started?

God bless, Daniel Wilson
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Rules triggered across chained sims 03/12/2013 at 15:02 #52352
4869 posts
" said:
There may be other areas where services run like this - the West Yorkshire area could be one depending on if/how it is simulated.

In the specific case mentioned, if the train ran very late, chances are it would be re-started as a 2Gxx Sheffield-Lincoln (the xx would be the same numbers as the 2Pxx it replaces), and the original from Scunthorpe would terminate at Sheffield. That may negate the need for this cross-chaining rule.

The question now becomes can anyone think of any examples of this A to C chaining where the train does not pass through a service hub (ie Sheffield or Leeds for Northern, Nottingham for East Midlands Trains) etc where the train would not likely be re-formed/terminated short/re-started?
Taking an obscure example, WSMR didn't tend to reform anywhere along the route unless things had gotten particularly bad.

Your looking at seven sims or more for a train to traverse on a chain.

"Passengers for New Lane, should be seated in the rear coach of the train " - Opinions are my own and not those of my employer
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Rules triggered across chained sims 03/12/2013 at 15:15 #52353
Forest Pines
525 posts
" said:
It's certainly a complicated scenario. I don't foresee this happening I'm afraid. One question though, is this solely because of a gap in simulations (ie Doncaster in your case) or do you see this need in fully simulated continuous chains?
The main generic case I can think of is when you might have a relief loco for a special - a charter say - which wouldn't set off unless it knew the special was on time. But I admit it's a very rare case if you can simulate *everything*. The counter to that is that we know we are never likely to be able to simulate everything.

In my example if there was a Doncaster sim the whole route would work properly if there was a full four-sim chain; but a 2 or 3 sim chain that included SH and Worksop would still have the issue. However the number of rules a timetable developer would have to include to cope with different chain combinations would quickly be hard to manage.

Mr Wilson: with all 3 sims chained the gap would be at Doncaster, where I would say Northern are probably much less likely to reform a service largely because there don't tend to be spare DMUs hanging about there.

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Rules triggered across chained sims 03/12/2013 at 15:29 #52354
Forest Pines
525 posts
A slightly contrived example: if Gloucester became a Loader sim before Bristol you could have a Gloucester-Swindon-Westbury chain which would have the same issue with Gloucester-Bristol-Swindon and Gloucester-Weymouth trains.
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